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*** Surviving the floods and each other/ BBV Rescue Operation September LC/NC NSFW *** *** Surviving the floods and each other/ BBV Rescue Operation September LC/NC NSFW ***

09-14-2017 , 09:02 AM
09-14-2017 , 09:08 AM
Originally Posted by Sammy2bullets
The blue guy is Fiddles secret lover. Fiddle moved to Europe to live with him. They both lured you into a threesome, and now you are gay. Is that what happened?
Mr.mmmKay is quantum gendered. Try to keep up.
09-14-2017 , 09:16 AM
Though that's probably not true.
09-14-2017 , 09:19 AM
0. Gif-t accepted, and we're getting back on track
1. **** Thursday but definitely happy about Mr. Samuel coming back on a crappy day rather than a good day
2. Mr. tbh report for duty and tell Mr. Horus he is stuck here for life
3. Honestly the same goes for the rest of you
4. I never lose!
5. Mr. Colin_Piddle excellent list and well done squishing the squash to bits you squish-squasher
6. lol what is class
7. lol baby don't teach me
8. lol don't teach me
9. lol no more
10. lol what is class?
09-14-2017 , 09:25 AM
09-14-2017 , 09:31 AM
11. we've got questionable situations going down out the ass
12. Some day we'll be cool like his Benevolence and live in a Miata in the middle of Spain
13. jk sorry you had to sell your car Fid
14. How are the doggo adjusting to the new locality?
15. Mr. Samuel how has the life been?
16. Mr. Samuel where is Handsomeman?
09-14-2017 , 09:55 AM
Originally Posted by AlwaysFolding
11. we've got questionable situations going down out the ass
12. Some day we'll be cool like his Benevolence and live in a Miata in the middle of Spain
13. jk sorry you had to sell your car Fid
14. How are the doggo adjusting to the new locality?
15. Mr. Samuel how has the life been?
16. Mr. Samuel where is Handsomeman?
Sammy's life is always great. Beer, pork, sex, money
09-14-2017 , 09:57 AM
PLO? World saving? Marrying? Inviting BBV friends to wedding?
09-14-2017 , 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by AlwaysFolding
PLO? World saving? Marrying? Inviting BBV friends to wedding?
Not much, yes, next year, no
09-14-2017 , 10:07 AM
Sad, what about irma, wedding is still on! that last part is just mean
09-14-2017 , 10:07 AM
Sports betting going well? I'd assume that it is. I hope you put all your rubles on the Mayweather fight.
09-14-2017 , 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by AlwaysFolding
11. we've got questionable situations going down out the ass
12. Some day we'll be cool like his Benevolence and live in a Miata in the middle of Spain
13. jk sorry you had to sell your car Fid
14. How are the doggo adjusting to the new locality?
15. Mr. Samuel how has the life been?
16. Mr. Samuel where is Handsomeman?
Perro is doing fine. 8 hours under the plane. 5 hotels in 6 nights. Swimming at topless beaches without making eye to boob contact. A+
09-14-2017 , 10:10 AM
Sammy gonna teach me some Spanish.

Last edited by fidstar-poker; 09-14-2017 at 10:10 AM. Reason: And maybe some English
09-14-2017 , 10:10 AM
Your dog is living better than I am
09-14-2017 , 10:11 AM
Su perro tiene una vida mejor que yo
09-14-2017 , 10:11 AM
pero todo bien porque perro es pedro con padrino
09-14-2017 , 10:12 AM
no se que lo dije
09-14-2017 , 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by AlwaysFolding
Sports betting going well? I'd assume that it is. I hope you put all your rubles on the Mayweather fight.
Mayweather made that money for Sammy. NFL season started, money will be made. NBA in 1 month, money will be made.
09-14-2017 , 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by fidstar-poker
Sammy gonna teach me some Spanish.
You're too old to learn new stuff.
09-14-2017 , 10:15 AM
fidstar's Spanish is at 50ish words
09-14-2017 , 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by Sammy2bullets
You're too old to learn new stuff.
I missed you when the Australian bar wouldn't let the Danish prince in because they were afraid after two beers he would pass out.
09-14-2017 , 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by fidstar-poker
fidstar's Spanish is at 50ish words
What words besides cerdo and cerveza do you need?
09-14-2017 , 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by fidstar-poker
I missed you when the Australian bar wouldn't let the Danish prince in because they were afraid after two beers he would pass out.
That's not what happened, punk
09-14-2017 , 10:18 AM
Google translate tells me that AF needs a refresher course in Spanish...
09-14-2017 , 10:19 AM
only one statement that I made was in jest, how DARE YOU
