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Sol Reader: Contacting Participants of 30k Hands/Day Prop Bet Scandal Sol Reader: Contacting Participants of 30k Hands/Day Prop Bet Scandal

09-24-2010 , 04:45 AM
Originally Posted by meow_meow
Man, there's just a metric buttload of cognitive dissonance in OP

See, when your greed involves trying to cheat people out of their money, you cannot be unaware that you are trying to cause them harm.
Sol Reader: Contacting Participants of 30k Hands/Day Prop Bet Scandal Quote
09-24-2010 , 05:00 AM
Originally Posted by Sol Reader
No....? I am his friend... I helped chip dump to give him an edge. I got my stars account banned and requested a perma ban on my old 2+2 account. He still has his account.
that is just not ok. never would have believed that.

i mean, he used exactly that account to scam people, how can he be allowed to keep it? should be a mandatory instapermaban imo.

Sol Reader: Contacting Participants of 30k Hands/Day Prop Bet Scandal Quote
09-24-2010 , 06:30 AM
Can someone explain to me why Roseeker is being bashed way more than Gary_Neville ?

After all Gary is the one that would of benefited from the dumping while roseeker was helping a friend ?
Sol Reader: Contacting Participants of 30k Hands/Day Prop Bet Scandal Quote
09-24-2010 , 08:27 AM
that guy is sorry. no matter that his action is more egoistic than not (which as already stated is perfectly fine) and he's obviously still shaken from the consequences (depression n such), give him a **** break. even the ones still arguing with him and insulting him can't do it with rational and logical statements, just a wall of "fk u scammer" type of ****.. wake up, nothing **** happend, and really it's just **** money.

I, myself haven't been personally involved with all of this (followed the story afterwards) and I don't even know the guy, but ur all being pathetic.. just leave him do what he has to to be OK with himself.
Sol Reader: Contacting Participants of 30k Hands/Day Prop Bet Scandal Quote
09-24-2010 , 09:23 AM
send any $ to charity yet?
Sol Reader: Contacting Participants of 30k Hands/Day Prop Bet Scandal Quote
09-24-2010 , 10:10 AM
Your posts were epicly tilting in the first thread and I think it's got worse tbh.

Attentionwhore>>>>Spampost>>>>>Charity?>>>>>Tittie s
Sol Reader: Contacting Participants of 30k Hands/Day Prop Bet Scandal Quote
09-24-2010 , 10:23 AM
if any thread needs cliffs in the world, its this one
Sol Reader: Contacting Participants of 30k Hands/Day Prop Bet Scandal Quote
09-24-2010 , 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by Destiniunbound
if any thread needs cliffs in the world, its this one
read the link in the op
Sol Reader: Contacting Participants of 30k Hands/Day Prop Bet Scandal Quote
09-24-2010 , 10:31 AM
just did, jeez. is this roseeker, as is the guy who always helped out in the beginner forum when I was learning? weirdness.
Sol Reader: Contacting Participants of 30k Hands/Day Prop Bet Scandal Quote
09-24-2010 , 11:51 AM
so what happened exactly?
Sol Reader: Contacting Participants of 30k Hands/Day Prop Bet Scandal Quote
09-24-2010 , 02:14 PM
I believe that everyone deserves a second chance, a person should not be judged on a mistake.

I like what you are doing and want you to ship the money, and maybe come back
Sol Reader: Contacting Participants of 30k Hands/Day Prop Bet Scandal Quote
09-25-2010 , 02:08 AM
Originally Posted by Acesfullofgarbage
Well it's good to know that money is no problem for you now, I was worried

****ing scumbag

p.s. you are a terrible person

Also I think it is ****ing hilarious that a guy who tried to rip off a forum of people comes back complaining about being ripped off. If you want sympathy you can find it in the dictionary, right between sh*t and syphillis

Cheating scumbag cares only about rehabilitating his reputation, then thinks we're stupid enough to believe him that he doesn't care. Astonishing narcissism and psychopathy in this thread.

If you were truly rehabilitated, you wouldn't be returning to the SCENE OF YOUR CRIME you thieving lying cheater! You'd just move on with your life, abandon your compulsive gambling, and volunteer at a soup kitchen or donate the thousand bucks anonymously and quietly. You crave acceptance, and the ones who followed your prop bet thread from the very beginning to the bitter end know better than to give it to you.

I nominate that you donate $1,000 to gamblers anonymous and then ban yourself from here and start going to meetings.
Sol Reader: Contacting Participants of 30k Hands/Day Prop Bet Scandal Quote
09-25-2010 , 02:12 AM
Originally Posted by Sol Reader
This is just what the world needs: more people who think the world is black and white and moreover that they can know what sort of person a person is just by what they say on the internet.

"People like me"? Sir do I even know you? Have you ever dealt with me? You think you can tell a person's worth and personality simply by a few things they have done regardless of circumstance and the rest of their life? Is a person defined merely by one or two events?

It's funny that people like you accuse others of naivety.

Who cares?? You think people who donate quietly aren't trying to win applause from their conscience also anyway? At least I admit that I am selfish, and while I'm not repeating the entire greed-is-good shtick, at least I know this is doing some people good.

Besides I am doing this because this is demanded of me, which is why I posted here.

Which part of "and be gone" don't any of you get? I'm not asking anyone to have "financial dealings" with me here. It's so ridiculous that people think I am some scammer who goes around making money from scamming when I'd lost a lot of money, EV, FPPs, and whatever from this scandal, and yeah, I deserve it, I'm not asking for sympathy, I'm trying to say that I've been punished for it and have learnt from it.

I've lost like 4.6k in staking people before, which makes it sort of funny to me that people think I'm trying to make a living with "financial dealings", moreover that people think I shouldn't have any money simply because of this incident?

That's laughable. I worked hard grinded hard for years to become a winning player after long long break even stretches, how did I not earn the money I have? In fact maybe part of me felt like I needed to extract revenge on the "2+2 mass" that cheated my money and get back what I'd lost. Yeah that's ridiculous, irresponsible, and stupid, but I'm young and sometimes young people do stupid things, but people who think I base my entire person on cheating people is so ridiculous, especially considering that I've been cheated way more than I've cheated people (cheated FOR my friend since I had practically no financial incentive in the event to begin with). So yeah, I have a cynical outlook on life because of it, and I have non standard outlooks on morality, I'm a nihilist, whatever, I don't even think that's shameful, so what?

But you really think you know my personality or what kind of person I am? You KNOW that I plan on stabbing someone's back "the next minute"? Why don't you go and become a psychic if you're clairvoyant? I haven't stabbed anyone's back exactly anyway, do you know what stabbing people's back means? If you're going to repeat some sentiment that everyone's said a thousand times already you might as well use the proper phrase for it.

I mean, this is the exact sort of ******ation, terrible reading comprehension, and lynch mob attitude I was talking about. I'm not asking anyone to trust me, I'm asking someone to be appointed to take my money, how complicated can that be? Who the hell cares why I am doing this as long as I am giving out MY money that I grinded out the past few months, giving it to people who was cheated, to use or donate as they please? If I am such a nobody scumbag, then you shouldn't care should you?

I like how when I said "it's just money" someone quoted and posted out of context. You know what? That applies to you. ALL of you probably have more money than you need, why don't YOU donate money? I bet a lot of you have more money than I have in fact, how come you're not all donating it? Don't say "oh we do donate it, we just don't talk about it", I highly doubt all of you are doing it, if any at all, and even if you are, you still probably have way more money than you actually need. Fancy hearing all these people judge me when I'm just a college kid who a while back used to skip meals to save up money. Yeah, so playing poker's made me a lot richer than I'd ever been before, but I worked hard for that, and now I'm trying to pay for what I'd done.

The fact is, any and all of the people who currently have access to 2+2 and the internet are privileged, as the majority of the world is in poverty, and that little extra money we have to buy an iphone or some travel case for a 30 inch monitor, is not money we need.

If you truly believe in morality and equality... WHICH I DON'T... but if you do, then you'd have the moral obligation do as much as humanly possible to establish that equality which would begin with you stripping yourselves of everything you don't need, and basically wear bare cloths and eat lentils every meal.

Good luck seeing that happen, but I look forward to having more people judge me on my lack of morality while being hypocrites themselves. I'm cool with it though, since I don't believe in morality as anything more than a social construct, so yeah, I "do the right thing" for the sole purpose of being accepted in society and making myself feel good...

Guess what, that's how our entire society works, it's what checks and balances each person's conduct. If you thought there was anything more than this, then, wise up. I just couldn't be bothered to lie and pretend that I feel really remorseful. Actually I do feel remorseful, but to be completely honest, any remorse I have is just irrational emotion that has been socially conditioned by my upbringing, which unfortunately I have not been able to weed out of my system yet.

In other words, I'm pretty much hollow and dead inside, there's no hope for me, so take my money and leave me alone, k?
Sol Reader: Contacting Participants of 30k Hands/Day Prop Bet Scandal Quote
09-25-2010 , 02:18 AM
I swear to God if I read one more stupid ****ing post about how he made a "MISTAKE" I am going to go insane. He intentionally attempted to steal the money of trusting members of this community. A mistake is when I am sitting in seat 5 and you are sitting in seat 6 and I accidentally knock your soda over on the side table as I get up to go to the bathroom.
Sol Reader: Contacting Participants of 30k Hands/Day Prop Bet Scandal Quote
09-25-2010 , 02:25 AM
Yea he def had intent when he decided to try and scam you guys, I don't think I'd be willing to forgive him atleast at this moment in time.

Last edited by IamPro; 09-25-2010 at 02:26 AM. Reason: his attitude isn't helping either def when u ask for help/forgiveness
Sol Reader: Contacting Participants of 30k Hands/Day Prop Bet Scandal Quote
09-25-2010 , 02:27 AM
Originally Posted by starrazz
+1. op is obv sociopathic.

pigs get slaughtered bro.
Sol Reader: Contacting Participants of 30k Hands/Day Prop Bet Scandal Quote
09-25-2010 , 12:10 PM
do i need to warm up my choking hand for this piece of work ?? tk
Sol Reader: Contacting Participants of 30k Hands/Day Prop Bet Scandal Quote
09-25-2010 , 12:22 PM


what is your screename and Gary's?
Sol Reader: Contacting Participants of 30k Hands/Day Prop Bet Scandal Quote
09-25-2010 , 12:48 PM
How bad would you feel if you never got caught?
Sol Reader: Contacting Participants of 30k Hands/Day Prop Bet Scandal Quote
09-25-2010 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by bigtonyk1234
do i need to warm up my choking hand for this piece of work ?? tk
Does Tony K have to choke a bitch?!?!?
Sol Reader: Contacting Participants of 30k Hands/Day Prop Bet Scandal Quote
09-25-2010 , 12:58 PM
[ ] is asking for forgiveness
[X] made this all clear in the OP
[ ] cares about what the ignorant posters in this thread thinks
[x] will ship money directly to Oxfam if no agreement by relevant individuals is made soon

[x] has already taken out an extra $100 for the cancer fund as planned

No more posts from now on unless clarification is needed.

Everyone: live well, and have a nice day.
Sol Reader: Contacting Participants of 30k Hands/Day Prop Bet Scandal Quote
09-25-2010 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by Sol Reader
[ ] is asking for forgiveness
[X] made this all clear in the OP
[ ] cares about what the ignorant posters in this thread thinks
[x] will ship money directly to Oxfam if no agreement by relevant individuals is made soon

[x] has already taken out an extra $100 for the cancer fund as planned

No more posts from now on unless clarification is needed.

Everyone: live well, and have a nice day.
[x] no one ****ing cares
Sol Reader: Contacting Participants of 30k Hands/Day Prop Bet Scandal Quote
09-25-2010 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by Sol Reader
[ ] is asking for forgiveness
[X] made this all clear in the OP
[ ] cares about what the ignorant posters in this thread thinks
[x] will ship money directly to Oxfam if no agreement by relevant individuals is made soon

[x] has already taken out an extra $100 for the cancer fund as planned

No more posts from now on unless clarification is needed.

Everyone: live well, and have a nice day.
i need clarification. do you mean no posts in this thread or do you mean FOREVER?
Sol Reader: Contacting Participants of 30k Hands/Day Prop Bet Scandal Quote
09-25-2010 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by truejeff
i need clarification. do you mean no posts in this thread or do you mean FOREVER?

keep poking your stick at the snake with the pretty red-touching-yellow markings on it
Sol Reader: Contacting Participants of 30k Hands/Day Prop Bet Scandal Quote
09-25-2010 , 02:21 PM
Can I have the $1K bettors? 4NL'er here needs charity for 25NL roll.
Sol Reader: Contacting Participants of 30k Hands/Day Prop Bet Scandal Quote
