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10-09-2019 , 12:09 PM
What ever happened to bigdogpocket5s? I assume he got the twitch boot long ago over the pron thing. Good times.
10-09-2019 , 12:17 PM
quien es eso?
10-09-2019 , 12:25 PM
Sheep had a weird dream last night.

Trump had come to Poland and would be staying here for two years.
10-09-2019 , 12:28 PM
Luckily he will not be doing so, although he is a strange little polish sausage man.
10-09-2019 , 12:34 PM
BBV is getting unwieldy. I propose splitting into 4 separate forums:

1) Beats - moderated by Sheep
2) Brags - moderated by Fid
3) Variance - moderated by Alobar
4) Beats and Variance with Occasional Bragging - Unmoderated, but with extra strict rules

As Supreme Mod, I will continue to do nothing.
10-09-2019 , 12:37 PM
^^^ posted at 12:34 #NumberNerd
10-09-2019 , 12:38 PM
Posted up in the cut

Bust it in her butt
10-09-2019 , 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by Sheep86
Sheep had a weird dream last night.

Trump had come to Poland and would be staying here for two years.
My ex-wife was Polish, but she was neither a Sheep nor an Orange Moron.
10-09-2019 , 12:46 PM
Like actually Polish?

Polish my polish pole.
10-09-2019 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by AlwaysFolding

Queen Victoria* to you
I was thinking Victoria "Suited" Justice myself
10-09-2019 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by King Fish
BBV is getting unwieldy. I propose splitting into 4 separate forums:

1) Beats - moderated by Sheep
2) Brags - moderated by Fid
3) Variance - moderated by Alobar
4) Beats and Variance with Occasional Bragging - Unmoderated, but with extra strict rules

As Supreme Mod, I will continue to do nothing.
RIP Morph. RIP BBV. Thanks Obama.
10-09-2019 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by Sheep86
Sheep had a weird dream last night.

Trump had come to Poland and would be staying here for two years.
shhhhhhh If he reads 2+2, he may buy a hotel out of spite.
10-09-2019 , 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by thabighurt35
irl question for the bbvlcncdegens, how many people that know you know your 2+2 username?
i try to keep this number at 0
10-09-2019 , 03:19 PM
10-09-2019 , 03:21 PM
Thanks broski
10-09-2019 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by King Fish
He left me to foot a 5k donation to FSL. I guess I got Sammied.
Bad Sammy!
10-09-2019 , 04:52 PM
Playing poker for first time in about 4 years. Only running 1/3. I’m crushing it. Up $45 in under 10 minutes. If I stay 3 hours I’ll be able to afford a good quality hooker.
10-09-2019 , 05:02 PM
I am now up 250. Have not yet seen a showdown. Have not yet had any cards. At a 1/3 table.

Poker has changed. Or this table is special.

Next time I prob should have something.
10-09-2019 , 05:43 PM
+550. Called pot size river bet (125) with bottom pair.

Don’t they know you can’t bluff a fish? First hand I had to show down.
10-09-2019 , 06:54 PM
Top set VS pair and flush draw he hits I don’t redraw poker is stupid. Back to starting stack. May have to settle for a goat.
10-09-2019 , 08:35 PM
Good Luck Mr Fish
10-09-2019 , 09:53 PM
Good luck Goat ****er! Mr. Sheep will not approve.
10-09-2019 , 10:33 PM
4 sounds exhausting AF, i prefer the professionals

Majik, have you ever gotten any good poker advice on here tho? I jang in the bbv fred, and dun worry, i dont have any male friends in my land right now, its all good
10-09-2019 , 11:46 PM
I used to post and follow the hand threads years ago so ya. You have no choice but to nit it up in online donkaments now. Work sched is ****ed currently. During the week I'd be limited to small field sngs. Weekends are free but if given the option to do something else, I would.

Never played or will play live since my poker face is non existent. lol
10-10-2019 , 01:11 AM
Only one person other then myself knows my online name and real name.
