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***Russian Spies, WC Soccer Qualifiers, AF Lists, it's all happening in November LC/NC NSFW*** ***Russian Spies, WC Soccer Qualifiers, AF Lists, it's all happening in November LC/NC NSFW***

11-27-2017 , 03:24 PM
Colin is applying for a new job in a city. If Colin gets the job it means he will have to do more work and spend less time on BBV
11-27-2017 , 03:25 PM
Tuesday work in T minus 5 minutes. #19 more days!!!
11-27-2017 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by Whiskeyneat
Turns out I will be drinking all the water and cranberry juice today. Got a drug test for the new gig on Wednesday
Weekend snowskis should be melted by then. Pot though: its problem.
11-27-2017 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by Colin_Piddle
Colin is applying for a new job in a city. If Colin gets the job it means he will have to do more work and spend less time on BBV
Use pronouns and you can type faster.
11-27-2017 , 03:53 PM
PSVR give's me head spins.

I'm old.
11-27-2017 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by suitedjustice
Weekend snowskis should be melted by then. Pot though: its problem.
Haven't smoked in a few months, my only concern is the amount of skiing lol.
11-27-2017 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by Whiskeyneat
Haven't smoked in a few months, my only concern is the amount of skiing lol.
I think you're good. If you've been skiing a lot, it might be cutting it close tho.
11-27-2017 , 05:37 PM
You should always wear a helmet and the proper safety gear when skiing imo.
11-27-2017 , 06:12 PM
Also when VR'ing
11-27-2017 , 06:17 PM
Also when posting in BBV
11-27-2017 , 06:23 PM
aaaa a aa aa a a aa a a a aa aa. aa a
11-27-2017 , 06:24 PM
Also when riding a motorcycle and masturbating at the same time.

Last edited by Sheep86; 11-27-2017 at 06:24 PM. Reason: Frank broke the combo. :(
11-27-2017 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by FranFran
aaaa a aa aa a a aa a a a aa aa. aa a
calm down
11-27-2017 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by suitedjustice
I think you're good. If you've been skiing a lot, it might be cutting it close tho.
I haven't in about 8-9 days but before that it was kind of a lot-ish ***Russian Spies, WC Soccer Qualifiers, AF Lists, it's all happening in November LC/NC NSFW*** got some at home tests to make sure I'm good before I go on Wednesday
11-27-2017 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by fidstar-poker
PSVR give's me head spins.

I'm old.
I got a headspin from a smokin brunette on PSVR
11-27-2017 , 06:39 PM
Where is Sammy?
11-27-2017 , 06:57 PM
rip Sammy
11-27-2017 , 06:58 PM
RIP Sammy
11-27-2017 , 07:03 PM
I've drank more plain water today than probably the past 6 months combined
11-27-2017 , 07:04 PM
Ain't no septum like a deviated septum cause a deviated septum don't stop

Skiing is a hell of a sport
11-27-2017 , 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by cumicon
I am quitting poker and want to share my graph now that I don't need to worry about killing any potential action I might get. I always enjoyed seeing inspiring graphs posted on 2p2, so I'm happy to contribute mine. These are my results over the past 5 years. I did this without ever really working on my game away from the tables, so its still possible to be a lazy poker player and make money in today's games. In the graph, I removed 100/200 and 200/400 because they distort the graph too much and aren't very indicative of my real results since I sell a large % when I play there. Also, please don't send me any coaching requests, I am not interested.

11-28-2017 , 12:45 AM
****ing sick
11-28-2017 , 03:12 AM
sick ass heater?
11-28-2017 , 03:12 AM
so, not only is he good, he runs above EV.

That's not fair.
11-28-2017 , 03:12 AM
Originally Posted by Morphismus
Where is Sammy?
Preparing his body for Spain.
