Originally Posted by madlex
This is not a strategy forum. I WANT MIRRION does not apply here.
As soon as you see a hand at showdown that you thought a player could not have, you should start thinking about what other hands he might have in this spot instead of continuing to rule those hands out. Next time, BB shows QQ and you say that KK and KQ are out because he didn't raise.
It's a limped pot at 1/2, players can show up with everything. That said, I think you played it fine. Just stop thinking that it's always almost good when there's heavy action 3 handed. If you are good "only" 40% of the time, that's still perfectly fine.
I feel as though I should never put someone on KK, AQ, QQ, or KQ if its SB BB and button AND they dont raise pre. Especially when I have a Q blocker to every single one of those hands except kings. With the action ahead I feel like I should be good like 80% of the time seeing as the button and BB should have random cards.
Also, you're saying that next time BB shows up with the last 2 queens in the deck with no raise pre.. Yes I've seen it happen, but that is way too unlikely to use as an argument. Especially with no raise pre.
Heavy action 3 handed should signal something, and I could have gotten a good read off of that alone. I will consider that next time. It was one hour until close though.
Last edited by hereto; 03-05-2017 at 06:17 PM.