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Propbet: 5k profits in 30days playing /180's - interest thread Propbet: 5k profits in 30days playing /180's - interest thread

09-16-2010 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by GutPunch
Don't short yourself OP, 2:1 does not seem like a good bet for you. No way you can do it if your planning on playing other games on the side that don't even count.

This guy almost did 4k, and he put in some MASSIVE volume.
Yea I kind of feel like 2:1 is too generous. *edit screw it a deal is a deal 2:1 it is.

Last edited by timfbmx; 09-16-2010 at 06:14 PM.
Propbet: 5k profits in 30days playing /180's - interest thread Quote
09-16-2010 , 06:04 PM
IDK man, once youve laid odds and people have shipped, isnt it kinda booked?
Propbet: 5k profits in 30days playing /180's - interest thread Quote
09-16-2010 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by timfbmx
Yea I kind of feel like 2:1 is too generous. If someone wants to bet 3k to my 1k I will do that. Otherwise if I can only get 2:1 odds and not 3:1 than the bet will stand as is.
lol ur not real. u reduce to 2:1 ppl transfer in a timely fashion then u say "if i get 3:1 im out from 2:1???
Propbet: 5k profits in 30days playing /180's - interest thread Quote
09-16-2010 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by MuiMuiBueno
lol ur not real. u reduce to 2:1 ppl transfer in a timely fashion then u say "if i get 3:1 im out from 2:1???
I just feel like I rushed it and could of gotten 3-1 if I waited for more people to see the thread. But whatever a deal is a deal so it's booked at 2:1

Just waiting for the last 200 from the other guy and it's on. I will be risking $650 total to win $1300

Last edited by timfbmx; 09-16-2010 at 06:23 PM.
Propbet: 5k profits in 30days playing /180's - interest thread Quote
09-16-2010 , 06:38 PM
Yeah I think you did prob rush it and could have gotten 3 to 1 if you held out. And if you'd just been gauging interest and people had wanted to book and reserved it ITT it would have been cool to back out. But once you set up an escrow and people have shipped, thats a different story. You seem cool with it and I get the sense this bet is more for motivation than just prop bet profit so whatever.

So figure out what conditions bet can be voided. Death in family (specific members) serious injuries?, poker being made illegal in your country. Have time added on if stars goes down for a certain amount of hours. Make sure to say profit from games minus rake not including fpps, bonuses etc. Make sure to say exact date and time games must start after and end before.

It seems kind of anal, but its best to foresee any circumstance and nip it in the bud.
Propbet: 5k profits in 30days playing /180's - interest thread Quote
09-16-2010 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by Rusemandingo
Yeah I think you did prob rush it and could have gotten 3 to 1 if you held out. And if you'd just been gauging interest and people had wanted to book and reserved it ITT it would have been cool to back out. But once you set up an escrow and people have shipped, thats a different story. You seem cool with it and I get the sense this bet is more for motivation than just prop bet profit so whatever.

So figure out what conditions bet can be voided. Death in family (specific members) serious injuries?, poker being made illegal in your country. Have time added on if stars goes down for a certain amount of hours. Make sure to say profit from games minus rake not including fpps, bonuses etc. Make sure to say exact date and time games must start after and end before.

It seems kind of anal, but its best to foresee any circumstance and nip it in the bud.
Yea I will add all that stuff onto the rules when I make the official thread tonight. I am just waiting on the other $200 from the last guy. If he doesn't send it by midnight tonight then I will just call it good to go and risk $450 total instead of $650 and start the bet.
Propbet: 5k profits in 30days playing /180's - interest thread Quote
09-16-2010 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by timfbmx
Yea I will add all that stuff onto the rules when I make the official thread tonight. I am just waiting on the other $200 from the last guy. If he doesn't send it by midnight tonight then I will just call it good to go and risk $450 total instead of $650 and start the bet.
Will take his at 2.5-1???
Propbet: 5k profits in 30days playing /180's - interest thread Quote
09-16-2010 , 06:57 PM
is it only me that thinks its weird to only be willing to bet 650$ on a propbet that requires you to profit 5k (more actual profit with bonuses/rakeback)?
Propbet: 5k profits in 30days playing /180's - interest thread Quote
09-16-2010 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by 54-
is it only me that thinks its weird to only be willing to bet 650$ on a propbet that requires you to profit 5k (more actual profit with bonuses/rakeback)?

Not really, you can do this on a BR of $500 and most guys that grind $2 180s don't have more than $1k in there account ,so this makes sense.
Propbet: 5k profits in 30days playing /180's - interest thread Quote
09-16-2010 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by demetri1978
Will take his at 2.5-1???
ok fine. So $200 from you at 2.5-1 and thats all the action I'm taking. The other guys will still get 2-1. Sorry to the other guy who wanted to bet but you took to long!

I'll be risking $650 total gl to all the betters I will make an official thread later.
Propbet: 5k profits in 30days playing /180's - interest thread Quote
09-16-2010 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by 54-
is it only me that thinks its weird to only be willing to bet 650$ on a propbet that requires you to profit 5k (more actual profit with bonuses/rakeback)?
I know it is weird but like I said previously, It's more about the extra motivation I get to put in the volume then making a lot of money in the bet.
Propbet: 5k profits in 30days playing /180's - interest thread Quote
09-16-2010 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by timfbmx
ok fine. So $200 from you at 2.5-1 and thats all the action I'm taking. The other guys will still get 2-1. Sorry to the other guy who wanted to bet but you took to long!

I'll be risking $650 total gl to all the betters I will make an official thread later.
You want me to ship now?If so any chance of getting any more?
Propbet: 5k profits in 30days playing /180's - interest thread Quote
09-16-2010 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by demetri1978
You want me to ship now?If so any chance of getting any more?
I only want to do $200 more. So if you want in, ship $200 to fly44 and all the money will be then escrowed ready to go.
Propbet: 5k profits in 30days playing /180's - interest thread Quote
09-16-2010 , 07:09 PM
$200 shipped
Propbet: 5k profits in 30days playing /180's - interest thread Quote
09-16-2010 , 07:14 PM
lol 2:1 def isnt fair for OP, but you seem to be doing this bet for other reasons GL. keep grind on the mind bra
Propbet: 5k profits in 30days playing /180's - interest thread Quote
09-16-2010 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by demetri1978
$200 shipped
Ok all the bettors have escrowed the money now I just have to get a webcam and I'm ready to rock. I will keep you guys posted. The bet will most likely start tomorrow.


MuiMuiBueno = $600 to win $300
ItsOnlyChips = $500 to win $250
iNs0mN1a = $200 to win $100

I'm risking $650 to win $1300

Betting is official closed.
Propbet: 5k profits in 30days playing /180's - interest thread Quote
09-16-2010 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by --UCLA Deity--
lol 2:1 def isnt fair for OP, but you seem to be doing this bet for other reasons GL. keep grind on the mind bra
Yea I kind of jew'd myself for taking 2-1 so quickly but oh well I only wanted to risk something small regardless so I don't mind too much. If I can complete this bet I would be ecstatic just from the accomplishment in itself.
Propbet: 5k profits in 30days playing /180's - interest thread Quote
09-16-2010 , 07:22 PM
isnt demetri betting instead of insomnia? And isnt he betting 200 at 2.5-1?
Propbet: 5k profits in 30days playing /180's - interest thread Quote
09-16-2010 , 07:23 PM
gl with this, would have liked some action but too late apparently. this seems very hard.
Propbet: 5k profits in 30days playing /180's - interest thread Quote
09-16-2010 , 07:32 PM
Received 200 from demitri1978, 600 from muimuibueno, 500 from itsonlychips, and 650 from timfbmx. Glgl everyone.
Propbet: 5k profits in 30days playing /180's - interest thread Quote
09-16-2010 , 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by Rusemandingo
isnt demetri betting instead of insomnia? And isnt he betting 200 at 2.5-1?
Yea he sent already. I'm just giving him 2:1 like everyone else to keep it from getting to confusing. He's only betting 200 anyways so screw it.
Propbet: 5k profits in 30days playing /180's - interest thread Quote
09-16-2010 , 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by timfbmx
Yea he sent already. I'm just giving him 2:1 like everyone else to keep it from getting to confusing. He's only betting 200 anyways so screw it.
Thank you buddy and good luck and I really mean that, if you win this ,then im happy to hand over $200 to you.
Propbet: 5k profits in 30days playing /180's - interest thread Quote
09-16-2010 , 07:38 PM
Ok was just reading post 66.

Lol, this is the nicest prop ever with OP giving better odds than he's offered and betters genuinely wish gl
Propbet: 5k profits in 30days playing /180's - interest thread Quote
09-16-2010 , 07:39 PM
btw I have only made about 2k lifetime in the $2 180s lol
Propbet: 5k profits in 30days playing /180's - interest thread Quote
09-16-2010 , 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by timfbmx
btw I have only made about 2k lifetime in the $2 180s lol
Its simple dude,make $4999 and we will all be happy and drinks are on you.
Propbet: 5k profits in 30days playing /180's - interest thread Quote
