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Potential Brag or Beat? Prop Bet: Marry a woman from Ukraine within 1 week for 50K. Potential Brag or Beat? Prop Bet: Marry a woman from Ukraine within 1 week for 50K.

10-19-2009 , 11:06 AM
Hope this is not her father

Potential Brag or Beat? Prop Bet: Marry a woman from Ukraine within 1 week for 50K. Quote
10-19-2009 , 11:14 AM
sounds pretty stupid.
Potential Brag or Beat? Prop Bet: Marry a woman from Ukraine within 1 week for 50K. Quote
10-19-2009 , 11:15 AM
lol even money?

Last edited by taaffey; 10-19-2009 at 11:16 AM. Reason: go for it
Potential Brag or Beat? Prop Bet: Marry a woman from Ukraine within 1 week for 50K. Quote
10-19-2009 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by awkwardepiphany
should not **** with the lives of other imo.

if you think you can find a way to do it without totally screwing up someone's life, then go for it. otherwise, maybe arrange a different prop bet, one that just ****s up your own a little bit.
I have to agree with this. It is a funny idea, but you should do something that doesn't involve hurting someone else.
Potential Brag or Beat? Prop Bet: Marry a woman from Ukraine within 1 week for 50K. Quote
10-19-2009 , 11:45 AM
I will make a prop bet for 50k you get killed during your stay in Ukraine .

PS : gimme your address where you are gonna stay and we got a deal

PS : [X] serious
Potential Brag or Beat? Prop Bet: Marry a woman from Ukraine within 1 week for 50K. Quote
10-19-2009 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by lcscanada
And I hear Ukrainian women are super hot.
Should I take this bet? Why or why not? Thanks for the responses.
A few things....

1. I can say that all of the Ukraine women I have met are so unbelievably beautiful its not funny! However, that does not mean all of them are!

2. I personally think that it is a little rude to mess with somebody's heart like that! I personally hope you find a beautiful Ukrainian woman and you guys fall madly in love (yeah yeah its soppy). Then you'll have a brag, you'll be 50k richer and in love.

Good luck and post pictures if you succeed!
Potential Brag or Beat? Prop Bet: Marry a woman from Ukraine within 1 week for 50K. Quote
10-19-2009 , 11:53 AM
She doesn't even need to fall in love with you, in fact I would imagine the love angle would yield weaker results.

Just tell them you're from Canada and you'll probably find a woman who wants to gtfo of Ukraine.

Probably dress nice and go into a poorer area of town, but then you have some other variables that come into play. Interesting bet, but I highly doubt you'll be breaking anybody's heart on this bet, more like breaking their fantasy of living somewhere other than Ukraine.
Potential Brag or Beat? Prop Bet: Marry a woman from Ukraine within 1 week for 50K. Quote
10-19-2009 , 11:55 AM
10-19-2009 , 12:06 PM
To the 'only ukrainian hookers speak english' comment, my gf is from Ukraine and all of her family i have spoken to have at least a basic understanding, if not, very good english language skills.

Sounds tough tbf i don't think it can be done, or atleast not without getting hurt... particularly not after hearing some of the stories my mother-in-law has said about the mafia etc over there.

Potential Brag or Beat? Prop Bet: Marry a woman from Ukraine within 1 week for 50K. Quote
10-19-2009 , 01:50 PM
1.Pull woman
2.Plane to vegas your paying she can't refuse
3.Excessive booze and drugs
4.Get married by elvis
5.Plane back to ukraine

And you isnta lose the bet if your best man refuses to go to the wedding.
Potential Brag or Beat? Prop Bet: Marry a woman from Ukraine within 1 week for 50K. Quote
10-19-2009 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by awkwardepiphany
should not **** with the lives of other imo.

if you think you can find a way to do it without totally screwing up someone's life, then go for it. otherwise, maybe arrange a different prop bet, one that just ****s up your own a little bit.
+1 and now that you have created this post and read the feedback of others you will have a SERIOUS legal hangup if it comes to that after a divorce. Now that you have put this idea in writing I feel like it would be ******ed to do as if there is legal intervention after and or in a divorce, this post = good game to your 50k in legal fees plus a LOT more
Potential Brag or Beat? Prop Bet: Marry a woman from Ukraine within 1 week for 50K. Quote
10-19-2009 , 01:58 PM
Hello... My name is Maryska, I'm from Kyiv and will accept marrying you for a piece of the action... You and your friend are free to bang my brains out... me leik american horse.
Potential Brag or Beat? Prop Bet: Marry a woman from Ukraine within 1 week for 50K. Quote
10-19-2009 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by aliku
Hello... My name is Maryska, I'm from Kyiv and will accept marrying you for a piece of the action... You and your friend are free to bang my brains out... me leik american horse.
Potential Brag or Beat? Prop Bet: Marry a woman from Ukraine within 1 week for 50K. Quote
10-19-2009 , 02:20 PM
get one of those virgins saving it for marriage then boom shaka laka.
Potential Brag or Beat? Prop Bet: Marry a woman from Ukraine within 1 week for 50K. Quote
10-19-2009 , 02:34 PM
This is definitely as easy as you make it sound, if not easier. I don't see any possible problems occur.

Go for it!
Potential Brag or Beat? Prop Bet: Marry a woman from Ukraine within 1 week for 50K. Quote
10-19-2009 , 02:44 PM
I think it's not that hard to get married there in one week...

I don't understand the divorce issue: why would you have to divorce and not just gtfo and tell her "I'll be back in a week and never come back?"
Potential Brag or Beat? Prop Bet: Marry a woman from Ukraine within 1 week for 50K. Quote
10-19-2009 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by HappyGuy
wheres the trip report?
Potential Brag or Beat? Prop Bet: Marry a woman from Ukraine within 1 week for 50K. Quote
10-19-2009 , 02:48 PM

Potential Brag or Beat? Prop Bet: Marry a woman from Ukraine within 1 week for 50K. Quote
10-19-2009 , 02:48 PM way you'll be "legally" married in that amount of time. This has trouble written all over it dude, they do some old school shizz out there. Be afraid, be very afraid.

go for it
Potential Brag or Beat? Prop Bet: Marry a woman from Ukraine within 1 week for 50K. Quote
10-19-2009 , 02:48 PM
I'm torn between loving and hating this. Leaning towards love for now, but you'll be running a karma deficit for a while
Potential Brag or Beat? Prop Bet: Marry a woman from Ukraine within 1 week for 50K. Quote
10-19-2009 , 03:04 PM
I don't see how you can do this with the language limitations..

With that said, go for it!
Potential Brag or Beat? Prop Bet: Marry a woman from Ukraine within 1 week for 50K. Quote
10-19-2009 , 03:07 PM
Doomed for failure... my vote is do it obv.
Potential Brag or Beat? Prop Bet: Marry a woman from Ukraine within 1 week for 50K. Quote
10-19-2009 , 03:18 PM
Well there are three potential outcomes here. Dead, up 50k, down 50k.

1/3 ain't bad.

Go for it.
Potential Brag or Beat? Prop Bet: Marry a woman from Ukraine within 1 week for 50K. Quote
10-19-2009 , 03:19 PM
def a piece of **** to connive a plan like this for anything but a movie script. honestly, f u
Potential Brag or Beat? Prop Bet: Marry a woman from Ukraine within 1 week for 50K. Quote
10-19-2009 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by Transa
wheres the trip report?
OP is a huge fraud and attention whore if you ask me judging by his previous threads
Potential Brag or Beat? Prop Bet: Marry a woman from Ukraine within 1 week for 50K. Quote
