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pokertstars is driving me crazy pokertstars is driving me crazy

12-21-2013 , 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by 0.10$ warrior
i'm a little younger than you and i managed to clean my apartment yesterday, it was so dirty i was worried about coming down with some disease

had my worst "downswing" recently, pure runbad followed by tilt followed by degening, think i lost more money than you but i'm not as far below EV in terms of buyins... anyway

don't feel too bad and stop playing poker, you can't win when you are in this state of mind, you have to just do something else till you can snap out of it and you feel like playing again and you want to play again

how much have you played anyway? if you have played enough hands to know that you CAN beat the stakes you play at then you just have to wait a little till you're out of this state and go back to playing when you feel you're ready

i've seen some graphs on 2+2 with people that were 300 buyins below EV and they were playing some serious stakes too, losing hundreds of thousands of dollars, i think about that and realize the stuff that happens to me is nothing...
I do not tilt, I am just annoyed and worried. But sincerily I play very ok, or at least to the best of my ability. I know waht you mean about people losing much more money but I am losing my bankroll and even if it's smallish compared with other people''s all i got, you know?
pokertstars is driving me crazy Quote
12-21-2013 , 10:28 PM
pokerstars is rigged... ask anyone
pokertstars is driving me crazy Quote
12-21-2013 , 11:38 PM
1. Clean your room
2. Take a shower jesus christ
3. Take a break for a week

wake the **** up
pokertstars is driving me crazy Quote
12-22-2013 , 12:33 AM
Originally Posted by sick
thanks. what throws me off is not the swing per se. is that at this limits people don't play poker, I can't even begin to think of my shoving ranges, blinds play or anything because all this doesn't matter. they just get it in with worse and win. If i were to play against good player, yes, i would say the same : normal swing what can ya do?

But as it is...

If they are playing like complete button-clickers then assign them complete button-clicker ranges and shove hands that are profitable vs those ranges..
pokertstars is driving me crazy Quote
12-22-2013 , 12:56 AM
quit poker get a job be happy =)
pokertstars is driving me crazy Quote
12-22-2013 , 01:05 AM
What Eskimo said. Poker is trying to tell you something. Do you realize what a life-fail your OP looks like?

Dirty living space. Dirty body. Pressure packed life. Depressed about a stupid online card game. Most girls would run a mile before dating you. Get a job. Get a proper life. Poker isn't all that dude
pokertstars is driving me crazy Quote
12-22-2013 , 01:05 AM
Originally Posted by 0.10$ warrior
i'm a little younger than you and i managed to clean my apartment yesterday, it was so dirty i was worried about coming down with some disease

had my worst "downswing" recently, pure runbad followed by tilt followed by degening, think i lost more money than you but i'm not as far below EV in terms of buyins... anyway

don't feel too bad and stop playing poker, you can't win when you are in this state of mind, you have to just do something else till you can snap out of it and you feel like playing again and you want to play again

how much have you played anyway? if you have played enough hands to know that you CAN beat the stakes you play at then you just have to wait a little till you're out of this state and go back to playing when you feel you're ready

i've seen some graphs on 2+2 with people that were 300 buyins below EV and they were playing some serious stakes too, losing hundreds of thousands of dollars, i think about that and realize the stuff that happens to me is nothing...
heres a post to which you can relate to

also to other people itt, trolling op wont help at all.. what if this person actually decided to turn his dark thoughts into action?

heres my advice to you, forget the run bad and work on your game. you play low stakes and anyone who is willing to put effort into getting better should be able to crush these stakes. also maybe try something else like cash game, sngs are high variance
pokertstars is driving me crazy Quote
12-22-2013 , 01:06 AM
You need to just shut her down for a little while. The first 2 days will be really hard--you'll just be thinking "I gotta get it back, I gotta get in some hours," but just ****ing don't. Book a vacation, spend Christmas somewhere else without a computer.

It seems drastic, maybe, but ****, you're saying your whole life is over, so what's it matter if you're not home for Christmas?

Shower. Clean up. Produce something (cook some real good meals, build a nightstand). Just add some ****ing non-poker value to your life.

A vaca always helps.
pokertstars is driving me crazy Quote
12-22-2013 , 01:08 AM
that gif needs more love...
pokertstars is driving me crazy Quote
12-22-2013 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by erocplayer
You need to just shut her down for a little while. The first 2 days will be really hard--you'll just be thinking "I gotta get it back, I gotta get in some hours," but just ****ing don't. Book a vacation, spend Christmas somewhere else without a computer.

It seems drastic, maybe, but ****, you're saying your whole life is over, so what's it matter if you're not home for Christmas?

Shower. Clean up. Produce something (cook some real good meals, build a nightstand). Just add some ****ing non-poker value to your life.

A vaca always helps.
Thanks for the advice, which i am going to follow.

Had a shower, feeling better, still running like crap

I am not going to put any dark thoughts into action, i do realize we're talking about an online game..also a way to make a living.

What jobs do you guys recommend that poker skills translate well into?
pokertstars is driving me crazy Quote
12-22-2013 , 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by sick
Thanks for the advice, which i am going to follow.

Had a shower, feeling better, still running like crap

I am not going to put any dark thoughts into action, i do realize we're talking about an online game..also a way to make a living.

What jobs do you guys recommend that poker skills translate well into?
First and foremost; I am a total newb to the world of Poker, so my words may or may not hold much value to you. That being said...

There's this cat named Jason Somerville (Jcarver), a fairly renowned US Poker player out of Vegas who I'm sure you're probably familiar with. He said "Poker players are typically smart enough to do other things [besides playing Poker]."

If you look at a lot of the successful greats, a majority of them either came from higher educational backgrounds, or have roots in successful business or athletic ventures. Poker players by nature are very analytic, highly competitive and typically very intelligent. Given that, I'm sure that if you choose to start doing something else with your life, you'll undoubtedly be successful at it.
pokertstars is driving me crazy Quote
12-22-2013 , 08:39 PM
Who the **** showers in the middle of a downswing?

Don't even wash your hands until even.
pokertstars is driving me crazy Quote
12-22-2013 , 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by bumpnrun
What Eskimo said. Poker is trying to tell you something. Do you realize what a life-fail your OP looks like?

Dirty living space. Dirty body. Pressure packed life. Depressed about a stupid online card game. Most girls would run a mile before dating you. Get a job. Get a proper life. Poker isn't all that dude
+1 to this OP. You have to prioritise the things that matter. If losing at poker makes you not wash properly, not eat properly, stresses you out, that is going to put people off wanting to be around you and form friendships/relationships with you. Do you really want that? If losing at a card game affects you this badly, it's time to quit and find something else in life.
pokertstars is driving me crazy Quote
12-22-2013 , 09:13 PM
lol @ asking for job recommendations

you know that for most jobs you need some diplomas and know how to... do stuff...

i guess you could look for work in some casino :P
pokertstars is driving me crazy Quote
12-23-2013 , 09:05 AM
First things first.

take a shower.

Baby steps people.
pokertstars is driving me crazy Quote
12-23-2013 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by 0.10$ warrior
lol @ asking for job recommendations

you know that for most jobs you need some diplomas and know how to... do stuff...

i guess you could look for work in some casino :P
Meh. While I generally agree with you...I find that what you learn in college doesn't apply that much in real life.

As said, I do have a diploma in economy with a minor in programming.

And being intelligent and willing to learn and do stuff can be a good asset too. I am not saying I want a million dollar sign up bonus, just ideas from people who work/and play poker and they feel that the poker training helped.

I feel that people get the impression that I am a fish or smth, but I don't think I am, I know what I'm doing, I just can't win a hand. But of course, that's what fish always say, so

UPDATE: I did shower, got out during weekend, had fun with friends, bought some presents, getting ready for christmas.
pokertstars is driving me crazy Quote
12-23-2013 , 12:46 PM
Maybe your ROI is 0.01% and you're just slowly getting there. Didn't you know that slow and steady wins? Surely, but slowly.
pokertstars is driving me crazy Quote
12-23-2013 , 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by Bladesman87
Who the **** showers in the middle of a downswing?

Don't even wash your hands until even.
haha. I loled hard )

great one.
pokertstars is driving me crazy Quote
12-23-2013 , 06:37 PM
I noticed you still havent cleaned your apartment.....

You play 3.5/7s for a living? Seriously dude, what a waste of time. Its basically impossible to have a win rate in those to have a worthwhile lifestyle (without grinding your brain to the point where you do it some serious damage) You're wasting your life. Get a job. They're a f n breeze compared to trying to be a low stakes pro. You might even meet some fun people or even get a gf

Or...just stay wallowing indoors your ****ty filthy apartment stressing about your downswing and forgetting to shower while life passes you by. Up to you
pokertstars is driving me crazy Quote
12-23-2013 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by bumpnrun
I noticed you still havent cleaned your apartment.....

You play 3.5/7s for a living? Seriously dude, what a waste of time. Its basically impossible to have a win rate in those to have a worthwhile lifestyle (without grinding your brain to the point where you do it some serious damage) You're wasting your life. Get a job. They're a f n breeze compared to trying to be a low stakes pro. You might even meet some fun people or even get a gf

Or...just stay wallowing indoors your ****ty filthy apartment stressing about your downswing and forgetting to shower while life passes you by. Up to you
Well, I live in romania where 400e is the average paycheck so 7s are actually a good way to make obviously nothing compared to your NZ lifestyle thogh.

HEY! Crazy idea, i'm moving to NZ! how's the job market around there? Can a romanian guy integrate? How are the chicks?! - i know you think i'm trolling but actually this is a dream of mine for some time now.

2014 goal: make a doable plan to live in NZ by the time you are 30!!!

also an update for the last 4 days when I only played a bit [ 140 tourneys ]. Running like I do i'm not even + on EV but still.

Hope you fellas have a nice Christmas!!
pokertstars is driving me crazy Quote
12-23-2013 , 07:11 PM
sympathetic to your situation. Lots of good advice ITT, and some funny **** as well.

If you haven't already, start exercising on any kind of schedule. You'd be surprised how a little sweat followed by a hot shower can clear your head, especially if it's two or three times a week.

good luck man, I'm feeling your pain.
pokertstars is driving me crazy Quote
12-23-2013 , 07:12 PM
Theres loads of jobs if you want to work. NZ girls aren't the best or very friendly, but Auckland has 20% azn population so no problem gl
pokertstars is driving me crazy Quote
12-23-2013 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by Winning Races
sympathetic to your situation. Lots of good advice ITT, and some funny **** as well.

If you haven't already, start exercising on any kind of schedule. You'd be surprised how a little sweat followed by a hot shower can clear your head, especially if it's two or three times a week.

good luck man, I'm feeling your pain.

going to gym 3 times per week.

boxing 2 times per week.

GREAT indeed!
pokertstars is driving me crazy Quote
12-23-2013 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by bumpnrun
Theres loads of jobs if you want to work. NZ girls aren't the best or very friendly, but Auckland has 20% azn population so no problem gl
Cool, I'll look how I can get my visa then in one-two years max

pokertstars is driving me crazy Quote
12-23-2013 , 07:24 PM
Fair point on you coming from a different economic situation than mine too. Im only tryingt o help. 2-3 years ago i was trying to make it as an unbacked $20 abi 50% ROI MTT grinder when it finally dawned on me what i was trying to achieve was impossible int he current online market

I feared getting a job but its turned out sweet, what 10c Warrior said is all bs, despite a 5 year resume gap i got a job and quickly discovered 90% of my colleagues are think as planks and by applying simple concepts like analyzing data and reverse perception i rose the ranks quickly. Now life is sweet im surrounded by hot young things that answer to me. My job is easy and the best thingg is .....i really REALLY look forward to playing poker again!!! ( i picked off one of those hot young things who is now my gf and she hardly lets me play, but w/e) :P

Life after poker, first 2-3 as a pro were sweet but i rue the 18 months after that it took me to come to my senses, dont waste your life on this game. Its a twap
pokertstars is driving me crazy Quote
