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09-26-2009 , 02:17 AM

just yesterday

idk how u clowns deal with losing days, any losing day i have i contemplate suicide (do it! do it! etc.)

its ok though, i took three xanax and was knocked out, otherwise id cry going to sleep
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09-26-2009 , 02:19 AM
The best way to deal with losing days is to not look at your results. That way you dont know if you had one

seriously, you should try it.
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09-26-2009 , 02:21 AM
Originally Posted by Alobar
The best way to deal with losing days is to not look at your results. That way you dont know if you had one

seriously, you should try it.
who does that though, really. how could you? unless you mean dont look until session is over.
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09-26-2009 , 02:23 AM
There are like 4-5 other spots on that graph alone with similar downward trends for similar amounts. It's not a rare occurrence, you really ought to accept it.
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09-26-2009 , 02:24 AM
Originally Posted by DRybes
There are like 5 other spots on that graph alone with similar downward trends for similar amounts. It's not a rare occurrence, you really ought to accept it.
you see those were probably some 200nl though. this is 25nl through 100nl.
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09-26-2009 , 02:24 AM
Originally Posted by pujolsnet
who does that though, really. how could you? unless you mean dont look until session is over.
I do it all the time. I've gone an entire month without ever looking at my results before. Had no idea how much I had won or lost, never had a clue when I had a winning or losing day. Its pretty freeing actually.
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09-26-2009 , 02:27 AM
Originally Posted by Alobar
I do it all the time. I've gone an entire month without ever looking at my results before. Had no idea how much I had won or lost, never had a clue when I had a winning or losing day. Its pretty freeing actually.
I agree I actually started this today. Even if you think you had a losing day, not looking just makes you feel freer as you say. I'll prob look after a longer period of time, i.e. a few weeks. Being results oriented isn't the best anyways. Kinda tempting to look though, but FU temptation guy!
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09-26-2009 , 02:35 AM
I dont think i couldnt stand not looking. Hoping to reach some poker nirvana where I can not care no matter the swing. Thatd be so good not just for my game and general life too

But xanax, suicidal thoughts and the like, while seemingly in OP's character...probably not a good long-term process
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09-26-2009 , 02:40 AM
Originally Posted by Alobar
I do it all the time. I've gone an entire month without ever looking at my results before. Had no idea how much I had won or lost, never had a clue when I had a winning or losing day. Its pretty freeing actually.
That's a pretty awesome idea. I'm going to start doing that.
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09-26-2009 , 02:50 AM
Originally Posted by MadDogFerg
I dont think i couldnt stand not looking. Hoping to reach some poker nirvana where I can not care no matter the swing. Thatd be so good not just for my game and general life too

But xanax, suicidal thoughts and the like, while seemingly in OP's character...probably not a good long-term process

one of two things will happen with my life, i will be a millionaire within a few years or dead by 33. the end.
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09-26-2009 , 02:55 AM
Originally Posted by pujolsnet
you see those were probably some 200nl though. this is 25nl through 100nl.
Ah, alright. I wasn't sure because the BB/100 made it seem like mostly 100nl with some 200 mixed in.

It seems like since your ban you've really made some efforts to improve your attitude. Basically it seems like you still tilt when you runbad, or keep playing when you're not on your A game, or something like that, so maybe not looking isn't a good idea. Resign yourself to accepting a small loss and doing something else for a while.
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09-26-2009 , 02:58 AM
Originally Posted by Alobar
I do it all the time. I've gone an entire month without ever looking at my results before. Had no idea how much I had won or lost, never had a clue when I had a winning or losing day. Its pretty freeing actually.
Atleast on stars, whenever you try to sit down you can see how much you have in your BR, wouldnt it be kind of hard to not see that for a month? I am sure it can be done but still would be to easy 12 days in to just let your eye slip and look at your BR D:
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09-26-2009 , 07:36 AM
Originally Posted by MadDogFerg
I dont think i couldnt stand not looking.
Awesome sentence.
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09-26-2009 , 07:51 AM
I don't look at my cashier either, and my HEM is broken so I just don't know anymore. It really is great though. Not for everybody by any means - if you don't have self control and stuff like that, I wouldn't recommend it.
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09-26-2009 , 08:00 AM
Originally Posted by da_fume
Awesome sentence.
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09-26-2009 , 08:14 AM
Originally Posted by pujolsnet
idk how u clowns deal with losing days, any losing day i have i contemplate suicide (do it! do it! etc.)
If you're being serious you should really take some time off from poker.
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09-26-2009 , 08:17 AM
dude you seem to have serious issues. im not even joking.
you might want to go see a therapist about this..
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09-26-2009 , 08:27 AM
Learn to think properly, and you will win poker and life.

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09-26-2009 , 08:43 AM
Pujolsnet, I think your name reminds me something. Not sure though. Have we ever met?
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09-26-2009 , 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by earl
Atleast on stars, whenever you try to sit down you can see how much you have in your BR, wouldnt it be kind of hard to not see that for a month? I am sure it can be done but still would be to easy 12 days in to just let your eye slip and look at your BR D:
naw, its pretty easy to not look at that screen, since you dont gotta click anything to get the buyin amount due to the remember feature. It has happened before where ill accidentally see it, but its very very rare.

As for HEM, before I start my session I just open it up the hands tab and check "only show marked", and as I play I mark hands I want to go over, then afterwards when I use HEM, since its already on that tab and it only shows marked hands, I still dont know my results, but I can still go over the hands that I had questions about.

I tilt waaaay less I think than the average player (I think its the years of limit, cuz NL is a joke in terms of beats compared to that game). Ive never broken or thrown anything playing NL. But still a bad losing day or session is hard for me not to carry over into the rest of my life. And conversely I dont like the feeling of when I have a super big day, the way I carry that into my life either. Even after playing for 6 years I still have a hard time with this. But when I dont look, I dont have those effects at all. Even when I know the day was a bad, was brutal beat and cooler one after the other, and I know 100% that I got crushed that day, just the fact that I dont actually know the results makes it soooooooooooo much better. 15 minutes after the session is over, ive forgotten completely about it.

Even if you cant do that, I think its a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge leak to constantly check in HEM or the cashier how much you are up or down during the session while you are playing. I know some people are checking every 5 minutes. I think thats soooooo bad for your game.

Also, since we are all pretty negative memory wise, we all think we run bad, we all think we get coolered more than normal, etc etc. Mentally where you think you are likely at results wise (at least for me), when you look, its 95% of the time waaaaaaaay better than you expected, and that is such an awesome feeling. Ive gone back and on days where I was positive I had to have been down a couple buyins I was actually up a couple. Or days where I figure I was up a couple I actually was up over 10.
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09-26-2009 , 12:12 PM
I so wish I could not look but I cant stop myself. I've finally gotten to where it has to be really extreme for it to make a difference though. Redic beats still get to me sometimes but the standard daily swings dont bother me and it has taken years just for that to be true.
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09-26-2009 , 12:21 PM
i don't know, i think i start playing worse when i don't look and get a few beats. when now how much i'm down i can rationalize it easier and keep my cool. kool.
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09-26-2009 , 01:57 PM
i now have to decide if i rather play $10 and $20 sngs, or just play like 25nl.
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09-26-2009 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by pujolsnet
i now have to decide if i rather play $10 and $20 sngs, or just play like 25nl.
and then
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09-26-2009 , 02:40 PM
I wish I didn't look so often. Sometimes mid session I'll see how well I'm up then I'll hit a rough patch, be down 25% of the winnings and have heaps of trouble breaking back through my top for the session.

Of course most of the things you notice by looking at the graphs prematurely are in your mind.

Looking at the end of a month or a given period is a great approach in my opinion. Of course, it can also help if you look at the end of a session for identifying any trends that CAUSE a bad session (i.e. tired, it's a Thursday, drinking a diet coke, etc).
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