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03-23-2008 , 09:14 PM
I remember your run from like half a SB to avg stack in the Sunday Lotto about a month back. If I run ok in the next little while I might be interested in some steakaments.
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03-23-2008 , 09:16 PM
i just "played" 30ish hands of the deuce and lost 23 bucks. are you happy now op?
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03-23-2008 , 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by skillgambler
i just "played" 30ish hands of the deuce and lost 23 bucks. are you happy now op?
I <3 you, unfortunately I lost most of that profit to some slowplayed trips
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03-23-2008 , 09:29 PM
[x] Op played more NL2 today, than I have since starting at Stars in August with $10 Bankroll.

My NL2 career since Aug on Stars ....

Originally Posted by skillgambler
i just "played" 30ish hands of the deuce and lost 23 bucks. are you happy now op?
I got you beat, afaik.

...Flips anyone?
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03-23-2008 , 10:57 PM
background of how I found him:
Originally Posted by mugatu668
Looking for a $50 stake over the next few weeks. If it's any proof of my trustworthiness, I have actually given out money/stakes in bbv before. Furthermore, I shipped back snort like $80 immediately when he gave me the sunday hundred grand steak.

I do not make any mistakes that people who have just begun to play poker but think they know how to play make (slowplaying preflop, slowplay on inappropriate flops, limping etc etc) and I am pretty aggressive, but I often get careless preflop (easy to fix, I will just play proper PF); however I definitely don't think I know everything about poker and have a lot of room for improvement.

However, I have never really put my mind to building a roll (sometimes I will just get money online, run it up and lose it like a giant dildo) but would not be a dumbass with someone else's money.

^those stats are probably kinda embarassing :P but I really feel confident playing against NL2 - NL10 players and basically feel like I own their souls and know when they are weak/strong the majority of the time. Pokertracker has me down as semi-loose aggressive.

My plan is to take the $50, grind out NL2 until $100, grind out NL 5 until $150, and then take shots at NL 10. If I fall behind $100, back to NL5, etc etc. I am not sure how I feel about NL 25 yet, because I don't have much experience with it (I know I am a winner up to NL10 for sure), but I probably won't take a shot at that till $400, and by then any potential staker and I will have talked about it. If the staker is willing, I could also just start at NL 10 and grind that out.

Overall, I would say that I am a pretty solid investment! Please PM me if you are interested in making a few hundred dollars over however long this process takes. I promise to continue to play until the BR $450, at which point further staking can be negotiated. This guarantees the staker and I $200 profit at 50/50 + stake back.

Please PM me if you are interested.
He seemed like an honest person that needed a break so I decided I would ship the cash with the provisions that he can play whatever stakes he wishes and I will not have any negative comments on any decisions he makes while on the stake.

As you all have seen, he ran hot right out of the gate and was 6-9 tabling and every update he sent was all good and I continued to tell him that he was driving the ship and whatever he wants to do is fine with me.

He turned $50 into a little over $100 in the first day or so if I remember correctly and when I logged onto stars to play a little myself I pulled him up and he only had one table up which was strange for him. It was a .25/.50 PLO game which he had about half the roll in play. That was the only time I entered the chat log and said "Hi" to him. He left after a few more hands and said since he was "up" he was taking a shot (or something like that...doesnt really matter) and I again told him to do whatever he wants to do.

Later that evening I received an email stating the $100 or so is now $22 because he got bored and played some more PLO.

As you can imagine, my thoughts were:
  • Really?
  • PLO didnt turn out well, huh?
  • Really?
  • Who wouldathunk that?

LOL, no big deal. I originally was going to ship him $50 more to show him that I meant what I said about he can play whatever stakes and games he wishes and to show that I am not a nit because of a few bad decisions but decided on $25 instead to give him a little motivation to stick to the micro limits for awhile.

Do I think this venture will be profitable? meh.
Do I think he is honest? yes
Do I think he can beat the micros? yes
Do I think he will make future bad bankroll decisions? yes
How long will I ship funds to him? until he or I wants out of the deal

Overall, I feel he has a sweet deal with me and if he turns a profit he will be rewarded. If it doesnt turn out well, it is at least giving me something to sweat and there will not be any hard feelings.
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03-23-2008 , 11:13 PM
postcount waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay> br op?
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03-23-2008 , 11:20 PM
Originally Posted by cabbagehead7
background of how I found him:
Jeez, I'm not a stray dog!

Do I think this venture will be profitable? meh.
Do I think he is honest? yes
Do I think he can beat the micros? yes
Do I think he will make future bad bankroll decisions? yes
How long will I ship funds to him? until he or I wants out of the deal
I hope it will be profitable! I really mean what I said, I think I have really learned something about not taking the "easy" way out during my last 15k hands. If I wanted to chase losses during the 5k breakeven session I had today, I would have. But instead, I stuck it out, and I actually just played a good 700 hand session that put me up to around $46. And it was much more gratifying than sucking out while shortstacking $50 PL Omaha .
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03-23-2008 , 11:34 PM
Originally Posted by mugatu668
hmm this is pretty embarassing, no i have never used a hud. are there any free ones?

o, i c there is one in PT3?
nice to meet you ive never used it either. also got pt2 but never been bothereed to work out how to use it
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03-23-2008 , 11:58 PM
(stray dog) .... I was telling all that I have never met you before and how I got in contact with you originally. No offense intended.

Good luck at the tables!
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03-24-2008 , 12:04 AM
haha don't worry, there were no hard feelings there.

btw, downswongs do end. BR is up to $59.22 now

does anyone know any HUDs taht work with PT3? i am really interested in seeing how these things work
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03-24-2008 , 12:18 AM
AHKHUD - is on the PT3 forums. Poker Observer HUD - is in beta, and free right now. I think later this week release PT3 beta 7 with the first version of the integrated HUD.
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04-08-2008 , 08:09 PM
Update: Failed on first stake by playing like a LAG dumbass getting tilted then losing at omaha.

my backer goes on vacation and gives me permission to run a stake with somebody else.

i continue the stupid lag 30/24 game successfully till the inevitable downswing where i tilt away rest of winnings at NL50 and NL25 and start from square 1. my new staker helps me learn to play tighter.

i proceed to have the hottest 1000 hands of my life at NL5. furthermore, new staker teaches me tilting strategies (play video games for 30 minutes when I am down 3 buyins) so i don't do any stupid ****.

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04-08-2008 , 08:24 PM
nicely done sir, gl in moving up
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04-08-2008 , 08:30 PM
Yep tilting is easy at the deuce because when you lose hand s sometimes its against fools who dont know what they are doing. Just be patient and grind it out. Also I find nl5 to be the devil usually. Im even grinding out 1 dollar sngs and 2nl until 250 where ill move up to nl10 just to skip nl5 because its the devil.
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04-08-2008 , 08:45 PM
[x] staker likes video games

[x] staker rocks IMO
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04-08-2008 , 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by Tony Skaloni
[x] staker likes video games

[x] staker rocks IMO
[x] staker
[?] staker means stakee?
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