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*** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished) *** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished)

09-13-2010 , 03:40 PM
fwiw it is not a perma ban!

keep on trucking 8-)

jay b
*** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished) Quote
09-13-2010 , 03:42 PM
Geez jay, at least give a convincing speech

Btw, posting your ****stain sig doesnt help.
*** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished) Quote
09-13-2010 , 03:42 PM
This is a great idea for a pissing contest, btw. I'd love to see more of these in the future - perhaps a bracket structure next time?
*** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished) Quote
09-13-2010 , 03:46 PM
Well this wasn't my idea, but any chance of him being banned is worth taking.

*** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished) Quote
09-13-2010 , 03:47 PM
cmon people we need to start getting votes in for kgb. He is much worse than me, sure people may not like me but at least i tell it how it is. I dont brown nose nor do i trolll like kgb does.

this would mean the world for me to not get banned. I dont particulary want the custom title either as it'l be hard to gain respect if im most hated!

So to all the truckers out their get off your rigs and onto the net and get saving me!
I have faith for my fans to start coming out of the woodwork and get voteing!

edit- can mods remove that pic of me please as i didnt post it someone found it off me and i don't want my ugly mug plastered all over this forum

keep on trucking 8-)

jay b
*** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished) Quote
09-13-2010 , 03:50 PM
Jon Bradshaw
*** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished) Quote
09-13-2010 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by Jon Bradshaw

So to all the truckers out their get off your rigs and onto the net and get saving me!
I have faith for my fans to start coming out of the woodwork and get voteing!

*** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished) Quote
09-13-2010 , 03:53 PM
Jon Bradshaw
*** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished) Quote
09-13-2010 , 03:53 PM
hahah whatever the sad thing is your so desperate for that custom undertitle so i don't care i win either way cos itl piss you off not haveing it and if you get more votes you get banned so i can't lose!

keep on trucking 8-)

jay b
*** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished) Quote
09-13-2010 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by JimmyLegs
This is a great idea for a pissing contest, btw. I'd love to see more of these in the future - perhaps a bracket structure next time?
I like that idea! I think I have a decent shot at making finals or at least final 4. But could also get upset depending on seed and matchup.

BG1 heavy favorite to take it all...don't think I'd be able to match up but with enough last minute trolling who knows? Lost of room for upsets...

With Mikeal_DH maybe back in mix he could be a dark horse candidate. What abotu Mods? I'm sure enough Alobar has pissed off enough people to maybe make it out of round 1 against a creampuff (say someone like DPRED or Ballbag). I could easily see lnternet winning the whole damn thing or losing in round 1.

We should set brackets up by location/continent/hemisphere/post count/ many possibilities.

Moderator seem to have an obscene amount of wisdom (probably because you age 7 times faster than the rest of us)...make it happen!

I'd be willing to bet that those who made it to final 8 of a most hated list would also likely be favored to make it to a final 8 of a most loved list...
*** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished) Quote
09-13-2010 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by King Fish
I like that idea! I think I have a decent shot at making finals or at least final 4. But could also get upset depending on seed and matchup.

BG1 heavy favorite to take it all...don't think I'd be able to match up but with enough last minute trolling who knows? Lost of room for upsets...

With Mikeal_DH maybe back in mix he could be a dark horse candidate. What abotu Mods? I'm sure enough Alobar has pissed off enough people to maybe make it out of round 1 against a creampuff (say someone like DPRED or Ballbag). I could easily see lnternet winning the whole damn thing or losing in round 1.

We should set brackets up by location/continent/hemisphere/post count/ many possibilities.

Moderator seem to have an obscene amount of wisdom (probably because you age 7 times faster than the rest of us)...make it happen!

I'd be willing to bet that those who made it to final 8 of a most hated list would also likely be favored to make it to a final 8 of a most loved list...
sick idea sir.

*** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished) Quote
09-13-2010 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by Jon Bradshaw
cmon people we need to start getting votes in for kgb. He is much worse than me, sure people may not like me but at least i tell it how it is. I dont brown nose nor do i trolll like kgb does.

this would mean the world for me to not get banned. I dont particulary want the custom title either as it'l be hard to gain respect if im most hated!

So to all the truckers out their get off your rigs and onto the net and get saving me!
I have faith for my fans to start coming out of the woodwork and get voteing!

edit- can mods remove that pic of me please as i didnt post it someone found it off me and i don't want my ugly mug plastered all over this forum

keep on trucking 8-)

jay b
i was going to say i hate you both equally, but...jon bradshaw gets my vote now
*** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished) Quote
09-13-2010 , 04:08 PM
Jon Bradshaw ainec

and add Led Zeppelin as well to the ip ban GREASE FIRE to both
*** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished) Quote
09-13-2010 , 04:11 PM
i think if JB or KGB is banned then people who are associated with them should be banned as well. for instance, if JB is banned for a month then every idiot who wants to duplicate that sig and gimmick like that swan dude who started the anteater thread should be banned too. what's the point in banning JB if 20 people pop up to take his place

i mean, i'm kinda amused by JB's gimmick just because it's actually pretty funny to me, but people duplicating it...sigh, gtfo
*** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished) Quote
09-13-2010 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by shug_bomb
i was going to say i hate you both equally, but...jon bradshaw gets my vote now
Originally Posted by Moderator Puppy
Who do you hate more, TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw?

Terms and conditions:

- Posters must have at least 250 posts for their vote to count.

Also, this idea was partially brought up by both participants, and both have consented to participating.
Vote should be refused.
*** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished) Quote
09-13-2010 , 04:14 PM
Jon Bradshaw

teddy is funny and not really annoying... however the ****** who posts keep on truckin' deserves a bullet in the head.

anyone else think theres some kind of cool stigma attached the being the most hated in bbv, kinda like a public enemy, more notorious than just no-one liking them...
*** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished) Quote
09-13-2010 , 04:17 PM
Jon Bradshaw

*** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished) Quote
09-13-2010 , 04:18 PM
I vote for Jon Bradshaw.

keep on truckin 8-)

*** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished) Quote
09-13-2010 , 04:23 PM
Jon Bradshaw


Last edited by MadDogFerg; 09-13-2010 at 04:24 PM. Reason: Keep on trucking 8-)
*** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished) Quote
09-13-2010 , 04:33 PM
jon bradshaw
*** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished) Quote
09-13-2010 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by Transa
and add Led Zeppelin as well to the ip ban

Come on, mayn. Just cus i got tilted by your avatar?
*** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished) Quote
09-13-2010 , 04:36 PM
I vote Jon Bradshaw because he can keep on ****in himself 8-)
*** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished) Quote
09-13-2010 , 04:40 PM
Because my vote obv doesn't amount to much at this point, and because i think this one trolls way more than the other...


Also, since when do mods encourage hate/anger/mobs??

for the OP:

*** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished) Quote
09-13-2010 , 04:56 PM
JB inspires me in times of trouble, his truck is also cute therefore...

I vote for TEDDYKBG - sorry sir

Keep on trucking J.B
*** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished) Quote
09-13-2010 , 04:56 PM
*** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished) Quote
