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*** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished) *** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished)

09-14-2010 , 11:28 PM
I wish I could be made a mod who's sole purpose and only power was to wait for you to make a new account and then snap ban you. I would be willing to lose sleep just to make sure you couldn't make more than 1 post.
*** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished) Quote
09-14-2010 , 11:29 PM
Originally Posted by TeddyKGB45
I wish I could be made a mod who's sole purpose and only power was to wait for you to make a new account and then snap ban you. I would be willing to lose sleep just to make sure you couldn't make more than 1 post.
Wow, that makes you nearly as sad as me!

Keep on trucking

Tom Swan

*** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished) Quote
09-14-2010 , 11:29 PM
Originally Posted by Tom Swan 3
Ps, I honestly am not the same account as John, he is a totally a different person.

If you IP ban me,you'll see john wont be banned when he's back ina month or whatever.

Plus Tom Swan is like my 10th account, and in my previous account me and John never got on lol

Also, in my account 'Tom Swan' If any of the mods wanna go through my pm's, you can seeme and John regularly PM'D Each other.

You don't have to believe it I don't care, but this is a genuine love story.

It just appears your tiny skulls can't comprehend true comedy.

You're seriously the biggest bunch of f*cking idiots I've ever came accross.

Long live bradshaw, f*ck you 2+2 :P

Keep on trucking for life

Tom Swan

[x] confirmed I am a jealous idiot
*** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished) Quote
09-14-2010 , 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by litlebullet
[x] confirmed I am a jealous idiot
Haters gonna hate bro

Keep on trucking

Tom Swan

*** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished) Quote
09-14-2010 , 11:40 PM
heavy troll forest ahead!
*** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished) Quote
09-14-2010 , 11:43 PM
did anyone else actually listen to this song?

if it is JB, i vote to let him back because this is now officially a HILARIOUS gimmick

if it isn'
*** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished) Quote
09-14-2010 , 11:46 PM
i didnt listen to the song, and now i'm posting in the thread.

*** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished) Quote
09-14-2010 , 11:48 PM
OP is a moran but the song made me lol.

Guy is either super creepy and bradshaw should maybe fear for his safety a bit, or damn funny and putting on a better than it appears level.

Given his posting history, I unfortunately think it is a bit of the former. His avatar is also A+ work.
*** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished) Quote
09-14-2010 , 11:59 PM
Originally Posted by Rusemandingo
Yeah I was wondering about what kind of weird pms went on between them. Still on the fence about whether they are same person. Release the pms mods.
Not the same person unless there has been some sick registration email leveling going on, for the past 6 or so months.

Also, he consistently misspells "Jon." If he were actually JB, you'd think logging into Jon Bradshaw so many times would burn the correct spelling into his memory.
*** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished) Quote
09-15-2010 , 12:05 AM
Mod puppy got owned ITT
*** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished) Quote
09-15-2010 , 12:06 AM
lol who are you, Troll Cat.
*** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished) Quote
09-15-2010 , 12:08 AM
ogre cat

Man this thread is ****ing weird. I was also thinking that the voice in that song sounded like it was coming from a 14 yo prepubescent boy; and not that giant lummox I saw that was supposed to be Jay B.
*** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished) Quote
09-15-2010 , 12:10 AM
Originally Posted by ToTheInternet
lol who are you, Troll Cat.
I am trying to help, sir. I have seen what moderator puppy can do firsthand. I do not wish that on this forum, or my worst enemy.

He is evil. Banhim now before it is to late, and for god sakes do not give him any more powers.

And I have to add, chick in your avatar is hot, but a bit on the jailbait side, don't you think? Still, would do her.
*** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished) Quote
09-15-2010 , 12:12 AM
I know you are a BBV reg. I won't do an IP check, since I want to find out on my own.
*** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished) Quote
09-15-2010 , 12:18 AM
I hate poker. I am here because I heard the puppy arrived here not long ago. Once he is thwarted, I shall leave. Yes, I am a troll, and yes, I am a cat, but I have layers. I cannot help what Shebus has made me.

I must warn you, MP is not to be trifled with. It takes more than one troll to stop a moderator. But I will not give up without a fight.

Don't believe his lies!

Seriously, though, who is that chick in your avatar?
*** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished) Quote
09-15-2010 , 12:21 AM
Proper spelling, capitization and punctuation. That has to eliminate like 99.9% of BBV.
*** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished) Quote
09-15-2010 , 12:29 AM
Originally Posted by Troll Cat
I hate poker. I am here because I heard the puppy arrived here not long ago. Once he is thwarted, I shall leave. Yes, I am a troll, and yes, I am a cat, but I have layers. I cannot help what Shebus has made me.

I must warn you, MP is not to be trifled with. It takes more than one troll to stop a moderator. But I will not give up without a fight.

Don't believe his lies!

Seriously, though, who is that chick in your avatar?

I want to join you in the fight to save bbv from mod puppy and I know im a nobody but I sense some serious biznus going on behind the scenes.

*** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished) Quote
09-15-2010 , 12:34 AM
This is the first time in the last two weeks that I voted 5 stars without feeling ironic
*** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished) Quote
09-15-2010 , 12:35 AM
Also I thought Mike Litterus was cool but Tom Swans a dick
*** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished) Quote
09-15-2010 , 12:36 AM
Originally Posted by Troll Cat
I hate poker. I am here because I heard the puppy arrived here not long ago. Once he is thwarted, I shall leave. Yes, I am a troll, and yes, I am a cat, but I have layers. I cannot help what Shebus has made me.

I must warn you, MP is not to be trifled with. It takes more than one troll to stop a moderator. But I will not give up without a fight.

Don't believe his lies!

Seriously, though, who is that chick in your avatar?
Dont ya know you cant question management. You need to get out of here and go back to producing quality posts on your normal account. You cant troll mods up in this Humpty Bumpty. If ya dont stop the trolling you are in for a long day, cause Triple T the Forum Linebacker is up in this bitch!

Forum Linebacker,

Terry "Terrible" Tate
*** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished) Quote
09-15-2010 , 12:40 AM
Originally Posted by Terry Tate FLB
Dont ya know you cant question management. You need to get out of here and go back to producing quality posts on your normal account. You cant troll mods up in this Humpty Bumpty. If ya dont stop the trolling you are in for a long day, cause Triple T the Forum Linebacker is up in this bitch!

Forum Linebacker,

Terry "Terrible" Tate
I assure you, I have never made a quality post in my life.

Such is the curse and gift of a troll.

Join us, Mr. Tate. Your tackling powers are legendary. Would enjoy watching you knock the cuteness right out of moderator puppy.

Also, could use a bodyguard to help me fend off coyotes. Almost lost a dear friend to one of them once. He is okay now, but never see him anymore, unfortunately...he spends most of his time traveling the world.
*** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished) Quote
09-15-2010 , 12:42 AM
Originally Posted by Rusemandingo
Proper spelling, capitization and punctuation. That has to eliminate like 99.9% of BBV.
I'm 80% sure I know who it is now.
*** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished) Quote
09-15-2010 , 12:44 AM
Originally Posted by ToTheInternet
I'm 80% sure I know who it is now.
red hering.

or iz it?
*** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished) Quote
09-15-2010 , 12:45 AM
loooooooool Tom swan for mod!
*** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished) Quote
09-15-2010 , 12:46 AM
Originally Posted by Troll Cat
I assure you, I have never made a quality post in my life.

Such is the curse and gift of a troll.

Join us, Mr. Tate. Your tackling powers are legendary. Would enjoy watching you knock the cuteness right out of moderator puppy.

Also, could use a bodyguard to help me fend off coyotes. Almost lost a dear friend to one of them once. Never see him anymore, unfortunately...he spends most of his time traveling the world.
Listen here, Troll Cat, 2p2 hired me to enforce and attack posters who are slacking or going against corporate and higher ups. You got to check your self or you're in for a rude awakening of pain, and trust me I can bring the pain. I shall not have to warn you again troll cat, there is no civil war here on 2p2, you will not start a revolt, ya hear?

This forum will prosper and you will behave right!

Forum Linebacker,

Terry "Terrible" Tate
*** The Official Who Do You Hate More Thread. TeddyKGB45 or Jon Bradshaw *** (Update: Finished) Quote
