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***Official PLO400 prop bet - 100BIs in 31 days*** ***Official PLO400 prop bet - 100BIs in 31 days***

12-03-2010 , 02:27 PM
Sick prop Lars - Grattis :-)
***Official PLO400 prop bet - 100BIs in 31 days*** Quote
12-03-2010 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by zachvac
lol do people understand the reason that rule was even put into place? It wasn't so that bettors couldn't donate to DP it was so some 5kplo reg didn't bet a bunch then go bumhunt him. The rule is normally there for bets at the micros so say he decided to do a prop to win a thousand buy-ins at 10plo or something then all the 100/200+plo regs who bet with him are not allowed to go bumhunt him. FGators is clearly not a higher-stakes reg and since the rule is in place to protect DP and DP only, not the other bettors, and DP clearly stated FG could sit with him, anyone saying FG should be disqualified is ******ed. Also I think it's kind of funny how many people hating on him for being breakeven who probably don't even have 1200 now like yes he's an annoying poster and sure flame him for the dumb sports analogy or constant worrying, but when it comes down to rules he put 1.2k of his own money up so he has a right just as any other bettor does to discuss rules.

Also yeah as long as DP has no problem with it just have one of the judges import all HHs (that Stars will 100% send) into a new db and then filter correctly check if he was over 40k at any point (and no mouse hover ******** just find the date/time such that he won 40k between beginning of bet and that time).

Also yeah if he does end up being short (looks like he's not) he should lose. He knew when he was playing that HEM could be wrong and did play a bit after he thought he won right? Allowing him extra time just completely messes with the spirit of what is basically a volume prop as well as a profit prop like this was a sick bet but I'm sure no one would give him odds if he just had to make 40k in 31 seperate days with rest in between (aka play one day, take 3 days off, play another, etc.) so clearly giving him extra time would be a mistake. But I don't think DP is even asking for more time so idk why FG keeps complaining about it...
+++++ Finaly some rasjonal sense .
***Official PLO400 prop bet - 100BIs in 31 days*** Quote
12-03-2010 , 02:31 PM
zach pretty much nailed it
***Official PLO400 prop bet - 100BIs in 31 days*** Quote
12-03-2010 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by zachvac
lol do people understand the reason that rule was even put into place?
sry pal, but this is not relevant. i understand that. but, it´s a rule, and it was broken. no side can change or forfeit rules.

and i don´t hate him for being break even or a 57% capper over a huge sample but for whining, reporting hands to stars, threatening with charging a lawsuit etc etc. he was betting 1.2k he couldn´t stand to lose and tried/will try every angle possible to change that fact instead of accepting his possible loss. and it never is his fault, but dpreds, the other regs...

i clearly agree that dpred shouldn´t get extra time tho.

Last edited by franxic; 12-03-2010 at 02:44 PM.
***Official PLO400 prop bet - 100BIs in 31 days*** Quote
12-03-2010 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by zachvac
lol do people understand the reason that rule was even put into place? It wasn't so that bettors couldn't donate to DP it was so some 5kplo reg didn't bet a bunch then go bumhunt him. The rule is normally there for bets at the micros so say he decided to do a prop to win a thousand buy-ins at 10plo or something then all the 100/200+plo regs who bet with him are not allowed to go bumhunt him. FGators is clearly not a higher-stakes reg and since the rule is in place to protect DP and DP only, not the other bettors, and DP clearly stated FG could sit with him, anyone saying FG should be disqualified is ******ed. Also I think it's kind of funny how many people hating on him for being breakeven who probably don't even have 1200 now like yes he's an annoying poster and sure flame him for the dumb sports analogy or constant worrying, but when it comes down to rules he put 1.2k of his own money up so he has a right just as any other bettor does to discuss rules.

Also yeah as long as DP has no problem with it just have one of the judges import all HHs (that Stars will 100% send) into a new db and then filter correctly check if he was over 40k at any point (and no mouse hover ******** just find the date/time such that he won 40k between beginning of bet and that time).

Also yeah if he does end up being short (looks like he's not) he should lose. He knew when he was playing that HEM could be wrong and did play a bit after he thought he won right? Allowing him extra time just completely messes with the spirit of what is basically a volume prop as well as a profit prop like this was a sick bet but I'm sure no one would give him odds if he just had to make 40k in 31 seperate days with rest in between (aka play one day, take 3 days off, play another, etc.) so clearly giving him extra time would be a mistake. But I don't think DP is even asking for more time so idk why FG keeps complaining about it...

The bottom line is that DPred does not have the authority to change the rules mid-bet, so he was outside the scope of his power allowing FGators to sit with him, as he is not a regular at PLO400. Therefore, FGators should have used common sense rather take an opportunity to sabotage DPred's profits or try to recoup some of his loss on the prop bet, as he had been claiming he has lost this bet in the first week.

Its only fair that the hand they played be removed from the official hand history.

This should be factored into the final count.

Look over the thread, FGators was claiming he gives up on this bet, and saw an opportunity to sabotage the bet on a technicality and recoup his losses.
***Official PLO400 prop bet - 100BIs in 31 days*** Quote
12-03-2010 , 02:40 PM
pay the man his money
***Official PLO400 prop bet - 100BIs in 31 days*** Quote
12-03-2010 , 02:48 PM
ffs, it was a single hand. you guys are huge nits if you dq fgators, he played a single hand with him and he won the hand, so it's not like he helped dpred win the bet.

is there anybody here who actually had money on dpred? it would make sense if those people started complaining, since fgators actually hurt dpred's chances by beating him in a pot. but if not, then you're just trying to get him dq'ed for the sake of being a **** head. stop pretending like you're trying to preserve the sanctity of the rules and the bet, you're just trying to get him dq'ed because you don't like him and you feel the need to **** on him as much as possible.

just use common sense. this isnt the supreme court, we're allowed to use common sense here and not follow the letter of the law to the t.

i guess remove the single hand they played if it makes you feel better, but dq'ing fgators would be an extremely dbag thing to do.
***Official PLO400 prop bet - 100BIs in 31 days*** Quote
12-03-2010 , 02:53 PM
stupid people defending your own points
shame on you and give the guy his money
***Official PLO400 prop bet - 100BIs in 31 days*** Quote
12-03-2010 , 02:54 PM
im startin to feel bad for fagitors now. yea he was annoying in an entertaining way, but people are going on way too much about this hand. Its turned into a joke
***Official PLO400 prop bet - 100BIs in 31 days*** Quote
12-03-2010 , 02:55 PM
i don´t care if he gets dq´ed, he will lose anyway if the numbers are correct. i just think he should man up and say he did a mistake (even if he risked being dq´ed) instead of blaming dpred.

he always blames some1 else for his bad decisions.

Last edited by franxic; 12-03-2010 at 03:01 PM.
***Official PLO400 prop bet - 100BIs in 31 days*** Quote
12-03-2010 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by BobbyLight
This is definitely my last prop bet ever. I can't take this nonsense and how stupid people are. This is clearly an attack on me. I really hope the judges try and disqualify me, I will legit take up a lawsuit.
***Official PLO400 prop bet - 100BIs in 31 days*** Quote
12-03-2010 , 03:03 PM
2 legit 2 quit.
***Official PLO400 prop bet - 100BIs in 31 days*** Quote
12-03-2010 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by franxic
i don´t care if he gets dq´ed, he will lose anyway if the numbers are correct. i just think he should man up and say he did a mistake (even if he risked being dq´ed) instead of blaming dpred.

he always blames some1 else for his bad decisions.

but all guys defending fgators dont you understand its a level on fgators for typing bullshlt all month and now its time to get even and needle him little bit.

theres 0% chance that dpred gonna angle him for 1,2k
***Official PLO400 prop bet - 100BIs in 31 days*** Quote
12-03-2010 , 03:06 PM
was it a timing tell that won him the hand?
***Official PLO400 prop bet - 100BIs in 31 days*** Quote
12-03-2010 , 03:06 PM
You guys post so much nonsense that its tough for us bettors to even know whats going on. So DP when are you getting the confirmation from stars on this ?
***Official PLO400 prop bet - 100BIs in 31 days*** Quote
12-03-2010 , 03:12 PM
no. I got all my HHs from Pokerstars and sent them to steel108. He imported them and confirmed that I won.

But it needs to be confirmed by a judge first before the escrows sends the $$.
***Official PLO400 prop bet - 100BIs in 31 days*** Quote
12-03-2010 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by zachvac
Also I think it's kind of funny how many people hating on him for being breakeven
IDC about his past on 2+2, i have just see how he was on this thread, trying everything for disturb dpred...(suspect collusion after 2 days, etc)

I also agree with you that dpred will be happy if fgator playing with him during the bet, but come on, not at the end of the bet! Its just EV+ for fgator...

(bad english, i know )
***Official PLO400 prop bet - 100BIs in 31 days*** Quote
12-03-2010 , 03:15 PM
If i was DP i would literally find where that bobbylight lives and grind his bones.
***Official PLO400 prop bet - 100BIs in 31 days*** Quote
12-03-2010 , 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by Zima421
a lot of the time judges arent even needed in prop bets. the person clearly wins, or losses.

charder will have to actually do some work, and i am sure he would rather do none.
Originally Posted by DPred123
no he does not have to do some work. please elaborate
been following this thread all month and i've given this some thought. first of all, nowhere in the rules did it say how the net money won would be calculated. i think DP is grossly overestimating the accuracy of HEM. there are import errors all the time and getting new HH from stars probably wont result in any less errors. so i think there's two way at getting the net profit: HEM and the player audit. here's what i would do:

1. excel spread sheet the player audit. have it set up so that there's a running total profit. when the net breaks fourty thousand, try and separate the sessions by time and find when DP ended his sessions. if yer lucky enough that he breaks the mark and takes a break it's nice and easy. this probably wont be the case. i think in all likelihood that what will need to be done is that the last day of the prop will have to be analysed in HEM. lets say he had $32,545 before his clutch heater. so he needs $7,465. import just the last sessions into HEM and search the db for HH import errors. i'm unsure how you do this in HEM. i know in PTomaha2, there's a place where HH import errors are stored. these hands could me manually gone over..... can we make the assumption that the stars player audit is accurate to the penny? if so, i would compare the last day of the prop in HEM vs the audit and adjust the net accordingly. so say HEM says he made $7,655 and the audit says he made $7,444. we would then need to adjust the needed number which was $7465 by $211 making the new HEM target $7677.

i'm friends with 4cardgrind/rollover2k, blopp and several other hs plo players. i have no stake in this and have a great rep in the poker community. if u want i can give this a shot. a small fee, tip, whatever would be nice but whatever. i'd do it free o charge. screw it.

Last edited by shmoo101; 12-03-2010 at 03:35 PM.
***Official PLO400 prop bet - 100BIs in 31 days*** Quote
12-03-2010 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by zachvac
lol do people understand the reason that rule was even put into place? It wasn't so that bettors couldn't donate to DP it was so some 5kplo reg didn't bet a bunch then go bumhunt him. The rule is normally there for bets at the micros so say he decided to do a prop to win a thousand buy-ins at 10plo or something then all the 100/200+plo regs who bet with him are not allowed to go bumhunt him. FGators is clearly not a higher-stakes reg and since the rule is in place to protect DP and DP only, not the other bettors, and DP clearly stated FG could sit with him, anyone saying FG should be disqualified is ******ed. Also I think it's kind of funny how many people hating on him for being breakeven who probably don't even have 1200 now like yes he's an annoying poster and sure flame him for the dumb sports analogy or constant worrying, but when it comes down to rules he put 1.2k of his own money up so he has a right just as any other bettor does to discuss rules.

Also yeah as long as DP has no problem with it just have one of the judges import all HHs (that Stars will 100% send) into a new db and then filter correctly check if he was over 40k at any point (and no mouse hover ******** just find the date/time such that he won 40k between beginning of bet and that time).

Also yeah if he does end up being short (looks like he's not) he should lose. He knew when he was playing that HEM could be wrong and did play a bit after he thought he won right? Allowing him extra time just completely messes with the spirit of what is basically a volume prop as well as a profit prop like this was a sick bet but I'm sure no one would give him odds if he just had to make 40k in 31 seperate days with rest in between (aka play one day, take 3 days off, play another, etc.) so clearly giving him extra time would be a mistake. But I don't think DP is even asking for more time so idk why FG keeps complaining about it...


fgators is hilarious but disqualifiying him for this would be a joke. And lol at people saying if DP is short $50 he still wins. If he is short $1 he loses.
***Official PLO400 prop bet - 100BIs in 31 days*** Quote
12-03-2010 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by steel108
I graphed the hands... you want to look at the pop up when my mouse goes over his peak, he crossed 40k. Obviously, I'm not a judge. I can either backup this database and send it to a judge (will still take awhile to restore if you have a standard HD) or they view the database and check filters or whatever over Mikogo.

Uploaded with
Steel108, did every hand import ok or were there errors. If there are errors every single one of them will have to be looked at closely as it could affect the running total.

I really want DP to pull this off though, fantastic effort.
***Official PLO400 prop bet - 100BIs in 31 days*** Quote
12-03-2010 , 03:40 PM
Here's an idea:

Anyone who isn't a judge or bettor STFU about the interpretation of the rules in this thread. You don't matter and your thoughts don't matter.
***Official PLO400 prop bet - 100BIs in 31 days*** Quote
12-03-2010 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by shmoo101
been following this thread all month and i've given this some thought. first of all, nowhere in the rules did it say how the net money won would be calculated. i think DP is grossly overestimating the accuracy of HEM. there are import errors all the time and getting new HH from stars probably wont result in any less errors. so i think there's two way at getting the net profit: HEM and the player audit. here's what i would do:

1. excel spread sheet the player audit. have it set up so that there's a running total profit. when the net breaks fourty thousand, try and separate the sessions by time and find when DP ended his sessions. if yer lucky enough that he breaks the mark and takes a break it's nice and easy. this probably wont be the case. i think in all likelihood that what will need to be done is that the last day of the prop will have to be analysed in HEM. lets say he had $32,545 before his clutch heater. so he needs $7,465. import just the last sessions into HEM and search the db for HH import errors. i'm unsure how you do this in HEM. i know in PTomaha2, there's a place where HH import errors are stored. these hands could me manually gone over..... can we make the assumption that the stars player audit is accurate to the penny? if so, i would compare the last day of the prop in HEM vs the audit and adjust the net accordingly. so say HEM says he made $7,655 and the audit says he made $7,444. we would then need to adjust the needed number which was $7465 by $211 making the new HEM target $7677.

i'm friends with 4cardgrind/rollover2k, blopp and several other hs plo players. i have no stake in this and have a great rep in the poker community. if u want i can give this a shot. a small fee, tip, whatever would be nice but whatever. i'd do it free o charge. screw it.
Nothing against you and thats a nice initiative. Buts lets let the JUDGE, JUDGE. The more people involved the more time it will take and more doubts will be raised. I trust the judge and im sure that he will only say that either side won if he is 100% confident, otherwise hell ask for more time and help.
***Official PLO400 prop bet - 100BIs in 31 days*** Quote
12-03-2010 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by machado
Nothing against you and thats a nice initiative. Buts lets let the JUDGE, JUDGE. The more people involved the more time it will take and more doubts will be raised. I trust the judge and im sure that he will only say that either side won if he is 100% confident, otherwise hell ask for more time and help.
idk about charder, but 4cardgrind has a sick hourly win rate and is probably reluctant to give up his free time. have u seen the judges post since the prop ended. i haven't. think they realize how close the bet is, the analysis thats needed, and haven't really decided what the best way is to go about getting it done. chances are they're gonna get someone to analyze the audit and HEM. be realistic here. they hire it out then they make the decision.
***Official PLO400 prop bet - 100BIs in 31 days*** Quote
12-03-2010 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by voxx
Steel108, did every hand import ok or were there errors. If there are errors every single one of them will have to be looked at closely as it could affect the running total.

I really want DP to pull this off though, fantastic effort.
where and how do u find the HH import errors in HEM?
***Official PLO400 prop bet - 100BIs in 31 days*** Quote
