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***Official Jdawg91 15,000 / 18mans in September Prop*** ***Official Jdawg91 15,000 / 18mans in September Prop***

08-14-2013 , 08:18 PM
Link to original thread and discussion:
Link to the prop 'test day' review:

Notable changes
-Lowered odds from 3:1 to 2:1
-45mans no longer count, solely $15 and $30 18man turbos will count for the bet
-Betting my $10k to win $20k (minimum to make this bet run) up to my $30k to win $60k. Capping the action I will take at $30k on my side

Preamble: All disputes will be arbitrated by the judges selected for this prop bet. Their goal will be to determine appropriate judgments based on the spirit of bet, over the minutiae of the language. I have every intention of following these rules as faithfully as possible and will abide by the official decision of the judge.

1. This propbet is that I, slayerv1fan, can play 15,000 games of $15 and $30 18man turbo SnG's on PokerStars, starting Sept 1, 2013 at 0:01 Eastern Standard Time (EST/PS server time) and ending Sept 30, 2013 at 23:59 EST. Every tournament finished after Sept 30, 2013 at 23:59 EST will not count toward the propbets final results
2. Odds are 2:1 in my favour.
3. Only $15 and $30 18mans count for the prop bet. I'm not penalized for playing games outside of these specific guidelines, they just simply don't count for the bet.
4. The bet will be void if my account is banned because of poker legislation in Mexico.
5. The bet will be void if poker legislation in Mexico means I am only able to play with players from Mexico (similar to the situation with
6. The bet will be void if PokerStars removes 18man turbo SnG's.
7. The bet will be void if PokerStars reduces the maximum number of sit and go tables that can be played at once to 23 or lower.
8. The bet will be void if there is a death to my close relatives (my mother and father only)
9. Bettors cannot sit at my tables unless they are 18man turbo regulars/semi regs. Judges discretion on whether this rule has been broken and if they find a party guilty of violating this rule, that persons wager will be forfeited and split among the judges.
10. Bettors must provide their PokerStars screen name to myself and to the judges and escrow. Bettors screen names will not be public unless they post it themselves.
11. All bettors will be invited to a skype chat group where they can video call me whenever they want to confirm its me playing on the account. I will also give all players my Mexican cell # and will have someone test that out beforehand to make sure it works properly so I can also be called to verify its me playing on the account. I will not be streaming publicly
12. If I cannot play because PokerStars is down, the downtime will be added onto the end of the bet. I must post in this thread if I cannot play because PokerStars is down and I will then get the time between my post and when PS comes back online again added to the end of the bet. This is at the judges discretion.
13. Scheduled server restarts will not count into rule #12 only if total number of hours of scheduled restarts is 12 or lower. Any downtime over 12 hours will be added onto the end of the bet.
14. I must make a profit. If at the same moment I made a profit and I have played at least 15,000 games, I won this bet (e.g. if I play 15,000 games with a $10 profit and then play some more games and have -$50 loss, I still won)

Escrow (1):
Jdalla: Jllama (Mexico) on Pokerstars

Judges (3):

Pre-Reserves from the original thread:
-demetri1978: $10,000 to win $5,000
-zachvac: $5,000-$10,000 to win $2,500-$5,000
-cabreraera2: $5,000 to win $2,500
-buckguy2200: $2,000 to win $1,000
-thommehh: $1,000 to win $500
-masterfrew: $900 to win $450
-dalaxthedonk: $100 to win $50

I will be PMing all of the reserves tonight and making them aware of the changes that were made. Definitely interested in booking a ton more action, so please post ITT if you are planning on betting with the $ amount you are interested in betting. Please only post if you're actually pretty sure you're betting, pretty annoying to deal with many people backing out at the last minute. I will probably have people start shipping to the escrow around the 20th as I'd rather have everyone accounted for and not have to worry about scrambling at the last minute.

That's all I can really think of right now, am pretty excited to try to get this going! Would much rather do this at slightly worse odds than I wanted to with more $'s on the line, gotta have that action to GETTHEREEEEE

Last edited by slayerv1fan; 08-14-2013 at 08:43 PM.
08-14-2013 , 08:45 PM
Still in for judging if wanted. Gl josh.
08-14-2013 , 09:16 PM
Confirm will escrow
08-14-2013 , 09:33 PM
Good luck sicko!
08-14-2013 , 09:37 PM
gl horny ass
08-14-2013 , 10:00 PM
GL Josh!
08-14-2013 , 10:18 PM
gl man, i will sub this!
08-14-2013 , 10:19 PM
such a beast! gogogogo
08-14-2013 , 10:22 PM
Gl hero
08-14-2013 , 10:45 PM
oh, this will be interesting
08-14-2013 , 11:21 PM
Subbing, gl.
08-15-2013 , 12:06 AM
Thx for the gls everyone, need some action against tho

Have a buddy who's taking $500 to win $250, leaves heaps left
08-15-2013 , 12:17 AM
Would definitely be interested in 2k worth of action, but only if me being a semi-reg in 18 mans isn't a problem. Same username on Pokerstars as here, I typically only play maximum a couple hundred 18's a week (mostly 7s and 15s).
08-15-2013 , 12:19 AM
Yea that wouldn't be a problem, mainly just not looking to get angled by guys just regging the games to mess with me, which I'm sure wont ever be a problem...just put that in the rules to protect myself
08-15-2013 , 12:23 AM
Ok, cool. You can count me in then.
08-15-2013 , 12:31 AM
08-15-2013 , 12:58 AM
GL I would bet, but Mecastyles took all my betting money)
08-15-2013 , 01:20 AM
gl OP
08-15-2013 , 03:01 AM
Willing to bet 100
08-15-2013 , 03:34 AM
08-15-2013 , 08:25 AM
so jelly,

three good lucks from gramps
08-15-2013 , 08:26 AM
Talked to you on skype but I would be much more comfortable if you had a webcam going the entire time. It's basically a volume bet so honestly that's the biggest issue to me at this point as having someone else sit in for even a tiny bit while you take a break would be a huge edge.
08-15-2013 , 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by zachvac
Talked to you on skype but I would be much more comfortable if you had a webcam going the entire time. It's basically a volume bet so honestly that's the biggest issue to me at this point as having someone else sit in for even a tiny bit while you take a break would be a huge edge.
i agree with this, especially when living with a former 18 man grinder

i mean i know ur a cool dude and i trust you, but everyone can do crazy things if the difference is 30k loss or 60k profit if u know what i mean

if you do this i'm betting 100% since i don't want to be a dick and cancelling at the last moment, else i'm not totally sure yet, also for the reasons i said on skype
08-15-2013 , 12:22 PM
gl gl dawg
08-15-2013 , 12:37 PM
I can escrow my own money right ?
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