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**Official 525k Hands In One Month Progress Thread** **Official 525k Hands In One Month Progress Thread**

08-28-2009 , 02:53 AM
[x] would be up 6k in rakeback if he didnt waste his time on stars and mvoed to euro site
**Official 525k Hands In One Month Progress Thread** Quote
08-28-2009 , 03:06 AM
Originally Posted by otis_nixon
dude i still play ssnl all the time, especially since i play mostly hu now if there's no good action i'll play 1/2 and love it. i def have more hands of 1/2 in my life than any other limit. there's nothing wrong with playing ssnl and there's nothing wrong with sucking at poker. i'm not the greatest myself, i make somewhere between 200 and 300 / hr (prolly on the lower end of that tbh), hard to say exactly what but there are a lot of guys making 5x what i make so i'm no doyle. i'm ok though, def not horrible at poker.

what i think is ******ed though, is sucking at poker, then playing 24 tables 8 hours a day so you never actually get better at poker, all the while making the excuse "well i'm not a 'winrate' poker player. pokerstars encourages this because they make a ton of money when you guys all break even against each other on 24 tables, they've really done a great job of getting people to do this and it's bad for the games, it's bad for most hourlies (again keli/nano/rennwurm/whoever are the exceptions), but it's great for pokerstars and you guys are all suckers trying to rakeback whore when you could just focus, pay attention, study, actually think about the game when you're playing and actually become good at poker. come on, if leatherass can make 3M i'm sure most of these b/e 80 tablers could pull down 150k / year, you are already putting in the hours so you're halfway there.

ok that's all for now. this thread's not about me, but since you asked, i answered, back to hodge.
I understand what both of you(craig and otis) are saying, but I prefer having a solid source of income, especially being a recent college grad. By doing what I am doing(24 tabling 6 max) for 3.6 hours a day for an entire year, I automatically make 110k from SNE. If i decide I instead want to go for 1.5 mil vpps(which ill do next year), that is 150k guaranteed. This is absurd money for someone who just got out of college and it allows me to live a stressfree life. Thats not to say I have not tried to get myself better. I am a former student of BobboFitos and I am the current student of thingthing(super sicko btw). This has helped to transform my game into one that also makes money on the tables. I completely agree that some of the breakeven players(I am not sure if you included me in this but if you did, I would argue that a pt bb/100 over 1.0excludes me from that list) should focus more on learning and trying to get better, but I think its ok to remain rakeback whores while doing it.

K going to sleep. Hopefully tomorrow I dont run like dog ****.
**Official 525k Hands In One Month Progress Thread** Quote
08-28-2009 , 03:07 AM
Originally Posted by monkeyinchains
[x] would be up 6k in rakeback if he didnt waste his time on stars and mvoed to euro site
[ ] able to 24 table easily
[ ] supernova elite
[ ] able to play since I am an American
**Official 525k Hands In One Month Progress Thread** Quote
08-28-2009 , 04:41 AM
Originally Posted by Hodge05
[ ] able to 24 table easily
[ ] supernova elite
[ ] able to play since I am an American
weird i have 5 american friends who wasted a huge 2hours of their lives to allow themselves to play on euro site and just at 100nl you can make 35$/hr in rakeback alone just 9tabling.. 200nl you can make 70$hr 14 tabling
**Official 525k Hands In One Month Progress Thread** Quote
08-28-2009 , 04:43 AM
That 123k hand graph is sooooooo insane
**Official 525k Hands In One Month Progress Thread** Quote
08-28-2009 , 05:06 AM
Originally Posted by monkeyinchains
weird i have 5 american friends who wasted a huge 2hours of their lives to allow themselves to play on euro site and just at 100nl you can make 35$/hr in rakeback alone just 9tabling.. 200nl you can make 70$hr 14 tabling
on what site do they play?
**Official 525k Hands In One Month Progress Thread** Quote
08-28-2009 , 06:35 AM
Originally Posted by monkeyinchains
[x] would be up 6k in rakeback if he didnt waste his time on stars and mvoed to euro site
You do know that at Supernova Elite rakeback becomes 35%ish through bonuses. Plus the free tourney buy ins you get.
**Official 525k Hands In One Month Progress Thread** Quote
08-28-2009 , 06:37 AM
Originally Posted by Hodge05
I understand what both of you(craig and otis) are saying, but I prefer having a solid source of income, especially being a recent college grad. By doing what I am doing(24 tabling 6 max) for 3.6 hours a day for an entire year, I automatically make 110k from SNE. If i decide I instead want to go for 1.5 mil vpps(which ill do next year), that is 150k guaranteed. This is absurd money for someone who just got out of college and it allows me to live a stressfree life. Thats not to say I have not tried to get myself better. I am a former student of BobboFitos and I am the current student of thingthing(super sicko btw). This has helped to transform my game into one that also makes money on the tables. I completely agree that some of the breakeven players(I am not sure if you included me in this but if you did, I would argue that a pt bb/100 over 1.0excludes me from that list) should focus more on learning and trying to get better, but I think its ok to remain rakeback whores while doing it.

K going to sleep. Hopefully tomorrow I dont run like dog ****.
110K from SNE alone? Hoolllyyy shiitttttt. I knew it was good, but DAMN.

Nice work today Hodge, looking good!
**Official 525k Hands In One Month Progress Thread** Quote
08-28-2009 , 06:57 AM
Originally Posted by Hodge05
I understand what both of you(craig and otis) are saying, but I prefer having a solid source of income, especially being a recent college grad. By doing what I am doing(24 tabling 6 max) for 3.6 hours a day for an entire year, I automatically make 110k from SNE. If i decide I instead want to go for 1.5 mil vpps(which ill do next year), that is 150k guaranteed. This is absurd money for someone who just got out of college and it allows me to live a stressfree life. Thats not to say I have not tried to get myself better. I am a former student of BobboFitos and I am the current student of thingthing(super sicko btw). This has helped to transform my game into one that also makes money on the tables. I completely agree that some of the breakeven players(I am not sure if you included me in this but if you did, I would argue that a pt bb/100 over 1.0excludes me from that list) should focus more on learning and trying to get better, but I think its ok to remain rakeback whores while doing it.

K going to sleep. Hopefully tomorrow I dont run like dog ****.
Running good to win $400 in 100k hands is stress free? You more than anybody else surely realize you're frequently going to be down money after 100k hands with such a small edge.

With a 4ptbb/100 earn rate you're, on average, going to be earning 8k each 100,000 hands, while also getting all the fpp/rakeback.

I really agree with Otis that mega grinding is just stupid. It's bad for you, it's bad for the games and it's even bad for the sites in the long run.

And there's also the practical side of things. You're dedicating all this time of breaking even relying on the future for payouts when in a year it's not extremely unlikely that it'd be impossible for Americans to play on Poker Stars for whatever reason. And Poker Stars already showed with the Italians that they'll happily crap on their playerbase if it means more profit for them so don't assume the site would never 'betray' your loyalty.
**Official 525k Hands In One Month Progress Thread** Quote
08-28-2009 , 07:34 AM
volume players 4 life!!! lol
**Official 525k Hands In One Month Progress Thread** Quote
08-28-2009 , 07:49 AM
Originally Posted by monkeyinchains
weird i have 5 american friends who wasted a huge 2hours of their lives to allow themselves to play on euro site and just at 100nl you can make 35$/hr in rakeback alone just 9tabling.. 200nl you can make 70$hr 14 tabling
Please eSplain....i'm verryy curious how.
**Official 525k Hands In One Month Progress Thread** Quote
08-28-2009 , 09:12 AM

Last edited by DerrtySlime; 08-28-2009 at 09:14 AM. Reason: nvm: here is his blog
**Official 525k Hands In One Month Progress Thread** Quote
08-28-2009 , 11:16 AM
I am a supporter of these prop bets just because of the dedication to sit through and actually put in 123,311 hands in just 8 days! If I had that kind of work ethic, I would be a millionaire. There is no way I could ever put that kind of volume in such a short amount of time....thats impressive to me.

Also looking forward to ChicagoJoeys next run, once that other guy goes for his 700K hands prop.

I do agree, that for myself personally, playing 123K hands and just making 5 BIs ( on the tables ) would make me sick to the stomach but again with the Props and the bonuses OP is getting at PS....this is a great deal for him for the reasons he explained in one of his latest posts.

I know people are saying this is bad for the game, but come on. He has every right to sit at as many tables as he wants, and how he plays is nobodys business. I wish him the best of luck.

Hodge admits he could learn a lot more ( couldnt we all? ) but the fact that he says he will make $150K in the year, with the poker skills that he already has, for putting in about 4 hours of work a day...LOL! How awesome is that. I do not think many of us could complain....

Oh wait....yeah there are a few out there doing just that....oh well, to each his own.

Best of luck to all of you volume players....the bottom line is money and as long as YOU are happy with what you are making....screw everyone else and their opinions because its not their opinions that are paying your bills!
**Official 525k Hands In One Month Progress Thread** Quote
08-28-2009 , 11:41 AM
What Hodge does is far less bad for the game than short stacking.
**Official 525k Hands In One Month Progress Thread** Quote
08-28-2009 , 12:17 PM
OK, seriously, this is the last thing I say about this, I've had this conversation too many times and nothing ever gets resolved it's a huge waste of time but I can't help myself.

Originally Posted by All Hail Circe
I do agree, that for myself personally, playing 123K hands and just making 5 BIs ( on the tables ) would make me sick to the stomach but again with the Props and the bonuses OP is getting at PS....this is a great deal for him for the reasons he explained in one of his latest posts.
Well, even with bonuses and stuff like that the hourly is just not that good compared to what people make that actually think about poker make, it's much much less. It's "guaranteed", ok, but it's also guaranteed if you don't suck you'll make money too, just as guaranteed.

I know people are saying this is bad for the game, but come on. He has every right to sit at as many tables as he wants
He does, and Stars obviously encourages this. It is bad for the game.

but the fact that he says he will make $150K in the year, with the poker skills that he already has, for putting in about 4 hours of work a day
He won't make $150k this year, he most likely won't even make SNE (which is $110k worth but actually not really bc like 20% of that is tourney buyins? Or am I wrong on that, I might be I really don't pay attention.) Trying to catch up and make SNE is the whole point of this bet, because he's so far behind.

Saying "I will 24 table 30 hours every week all year" is way way way way easier than actually doing it. 24 tabling is draining, it's not fun (if you do it 30 hours a week), your winrate is cut drastically by it so the swings are brutal, and what about vacations? Take 6 weeks of vacation and you have to play 34 hours a week. And come on, we're all lazy, that's why we're in this game to begin with so falling behind pace is inevitable. I don't know anyone who has made SNE who said it was easy, everyone I've ever talked to or read about that's made it said it was horribly difficult. Maybe if you play SNGs or something I dunno. Even leatherass said it was ******ed and the worst thing he ever did for his poker career.

Best of luck to all of you volume players....the bottom line is money
Yeah, the bottom line is your hourly. A b/e SNE player's hourly really isn't very good.

What Hodge does is far less bad for the game than short stacking.
They both suck. What he does is less bad for MY game than short stacking, but they both are terrible for the games. Either way, stars encourages both (for obvious reasons) so I'm gonna lose this argument. That's why I don't play much on stars (I'm only silverstar lol.)

Anyone wanna give me a line on hodge + chicagojoey not both making SNE? Or a line on neither one making SNE? I'd definitely love action on either of those.

Last edited by otis_nixon; 08-28-2009 at 12:40 PM.
**Official 525k Hands In One Month Progress Thread** Quote
08-28-2009 , 12:42 PM
Bottom line is not hourly...bottom line is YOUR bottom line! It's how much you make/month.
**Official 525k Hands In One Month Progress Thread** Quote
08-28-2009 , 12:58 PM
Bottom line is are you happy. Not sure why everyone has to convince everyone else that what makes them happy will also make everyone else happy.
**Official 525k Hands In One Month Progress Thread** Quote
08-28-2009 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by durkadurka33
Bottom line is not hourly...bottom line is YOUR bottom line! It's how much you make/month.
well yeah, the higher the hourly the more you make, the more you can make, that's the whole point.
**Official 525k Hands In One Month Progress Thread** Quote
08-28-2009 , 01:14 PM
It doesn't work like that and you know it.

There comes a point where you only maximize your hourly by playing 2hrs/day by uber table selecting. If you tried to play more, your hourly would drop.

So, your hourly is not what is important...what is important is making the most per month or year...not /hour.
**Official 525k Hands In One Month Progress Thread** Quote
08-28-2009 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by otis_nixon
well yeah, the higher the hourly the more you make, the more you can make, that's the whole point.
hourly does not equal your total profit... you could play just prime time fri sat and sun and max out your hourly, but you would probably win less than someone who grinded all week and played triple your hours.

i think durkadurka beat me to it
**Official 525k Hands In One Month Progress Thread** Quote
08-28-2009 , 01:22 PM
Hey guys, can we get back to the prop bet thread? If you wanna argue about this stuff, take it to another thread

plz k thx
**Official 525k Hands In One Month Progress Thread** Quote
08-28-2009 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by Dire
And there's also the practical side of things. You're dedicating all this time of breaking even relying on the future for payouts when in a year it's not extremely unlikely that it'd be impossible for Americans to play on Poker Stars for whatever reason. And Poker Stars already showed with the Italians that they'll happily crap on their playerbase if it means more profit for them so don't assume the site would never 'betray' your loyalty.
I agree with this point somewhat, but I don't think it supports your argument to NOT masstable/grind- say he puts in hours and hours and improves his pokergame rather than masstabling, and then stars shuts the door on the US market. i don't think he's much better off either way, whether he put time in his game or he put time into getting hands in. Yeah, he can play live with him new and improved poker game, but its really not the same thing as playing online.
**Official 525k Hands In One Month Progress Thread** Quote
08-28-2009 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by cds0699
Hey guys, can we get back to the prop bet thread? If you wanna argue about this stuff, take it to another thread

plz k thx
Do you have money on the bet?

That's what I thought.
**Official 525k Hands In One Month Progress Thread** Quote
08-28-2009 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by Dire
Running good to win $400 in 100k hands is stress free? You more than anybody else surely realize you're frequently going to be down money after 100k hands with such a small edge.

With a 4ptbb/100 earn rate you're, on average, going to be earning 8k each 100,000 hands, while also getting all the fpp/rakeback.

I really agree with Otis that mega grinding is just stupid. It's bad for you, it's bad for the games and it's even bad for the sites in the long run.

And there's also the practical side of things. You're dedicating all this time of breaking even relying on the future for payouts when in a year it's not extremely unlikely that it'd be impossible for Americans to play on Poker Stars for whatever reason. And Poker Stars already showed with the Italians that they'll happily crap on their playerbase if it means more profit for them so don't assume the site would never 'betray' your loyalty.
Running good? What are you talking about?

You do realize in this span I have won an additional $2890 in rakeback right? So in this 8 day span, I have made roughly 4k which is on avg 50 dollars an hour. I still think ive run terrible and at times played horrible but I think that the next 400k hands or so should show an increase in my play and hopefully better luck. (hopefully)

Nobody is able to pull in a 4 pt bb/100 while playing so many tables(unless you are nano). If I am given a choice of making 3 pt bb/100(a more reasonable target) 8 tabling or 1 pt bb/100 24 tabling, the decision is easy. I will make more money doing 24 tables.

And for god sakes. I dont breakeven. If you want I can post my HEM to show that. And yeah if Stars for some reason told me I couldnt play there, I have the talent and resources to be able to survive, albeit it probably not as well.
**Official 525k Hands In One Month Progress Thread** Quote
08-28-2009 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by otis_nixon
OK, seriously, this is the last thing I say about this, I've had this conversation too many times and nothing ever gets resolved it's a huge waste of time but I can't help myself.

Well, even with bonuses and stuff like that the hourly is just not that good compared to what people make that actually think about poker make, it's much much less. It's "guaranteed", ok, but it's also guaranteed if you don't suck you'll make money too, just as guaranteed.

He does, and Stars obviously encourages this. It is bad for the game.

He won't make $150k this year, he most likely won't even make SNE (which is $110k worth but actually not really bc like 20% of that is tourney buyins? Or am I wrong on that, I might be I really don't pay attention.) Trying to catch up and make SNE is the whole point of this bet, because he's so far behind.

Saying "I will 24 table 30 hours every week all year" is way way way way easier than actually doing it. 24 tabling is draining, it's not fun (if you do it 30 hours a week), your winrate is cut drastically by it so the swings are brutal, and what about vacations? Take 6 weeks of vacation and you have to play 34 hours a week. And come on, we're all lazy, that's why we're in this game to begin with so falling behind pace is inevitable. I don't know anyone who has made SNE who said it was easy, everyone I've ever talked to or read about that's made it said it was horribly difficult. Maybe if you play SNGs or something I dunno. Even leatherass said it was ******ed and the worst thing he ever did for his poker career.

Yeah, the bottom line is your hourly. A b/e SNE player's hourly really isn't very good.

They both suck. What he does is less bad for MY game than short stacking, but they both are terrible for the games. Either way, stars encourages both (for obvious reasons) so I'm gonna lose this argument. That's why I don't play much on stars (I'm only silverstar lol.)

Anyone wanna give me a line on hodge + chicagojoey not both making SNE? Or a line on neither one making SNE? I'd definitely love action on either of those.
I will take alot of action on the SNE bet if you want(only for me not Joey). Dont really get why you think I wont. I will have 650k with almost three and a half months remaining. Not that hard imo, especially when I will pull in 250k alone this month.

Yes I will make 150k this year or at least be close. the 150k figure tho was for next year when I go for 1.5 million vpps.

SNE is not hard to get. Most people just get lazy.

I am not sure why you complain about breakeven rakeback whores. Shouldnt they be easy money if you are good and play 8 tables?
**Official 525k Hands In One Month Progress Thread** Quote
