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Norton internet Updates > LOL SUPPORT Norton internet Updates > LOL SUPPORT

03-26-2008 , 09:16 PM
So i spent like 20 mins talking to this support clown as i was trying to update my subscription on a different computer; finnaly got pissed and opened a new support window.

Got rid of Rhobit, and got help from Anju...

AT the end

Anju(Wed Mar 26 18:16:24 PDT 2008)>Before I close this case can I please confirm with you that this issue has been resolved to your satisfaction?

ME(Wed Mar 26 18:11:16 PDT 2008)>yes

ME(Wed Mar 26 18:11:20 PDT 2008)>resolved to my satisfaction

ME(Wed Mar 26 18:11:28 PDT 2008)>if you know that Rhobit Kumar guy; he sucks

Anju(Wed Mar 26 18:17:04 PDT 2008)>Kevin , thank you for your cooperation.

Anju(Wed Mar 26 18:17:34 PDT 2008)>I do understand your frustration and I apologize for the inconvenience.

Anju(Wed Mar 26 18:17:57 PDT 2008)>We have many people in our center and he is probably new; my apologies.

ME(Wed Mar 26 18:19:27 PDT 2008)>haha, thx; have a good one

now laugh or post some internet toughguy pics to make me laugh more =)
Norton internet Updates > LOL SUPPORT Quote
03-26-2008 , 09:17 PM
Norton internet Updates > LOL SUPPORT Quote
03-26-2008 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by boohaa12
So i spent like 20 mins talking to this support clown as i was trying to update my subscription on a different computer; finnaly got pissed and opened a new support window.

Got rid of Rhobit, and got help from Anju...

AT the end

Anju(Wed Mar 26 18:16:24 PDT 2008)>Before I close this case can I please confirm with you that this issue has been resolved to your satisfaction?

ME(Wed Mar 26 18:11:16 PDT 2008)>yes

ME(Wed Mar 26 18:11:20 PDT 2008)>resolved to my satisfaction

ME(Wed Mar 26 18:11:28 PDT 2008)>if you know that Rhobit Kumar guy; he sucks

Anju(Wed Mar 26 18:17:04 PDT 2008)>Kevin , thank you for your cooperation.

Anju(Wed Mar 26 18:17:34 PDT 2008)>I do understand your frustration and I apologize for the inconvenience.

Anju(Wed Mar 26 18:17:57 PDT 2008)>We have many people in our center and he is probably new; my apologies.

ME(Wed Mar 26 18:19:27 PDT 2008)>haha, thx; have a good one

Anju(Wed Mar 26 18:19:52 PDT 2008)>Suck my balls, idiot! Oh is this thing still on?

now laugh or post some internet toughguy pics to make me laugh more =)
Norton internet Updates > LOL SUPPORT Quote
03-26-2008 , 09:32 PM
so i just finished Dinner and Robhit decided to call me and see why i disconnected. 40 mins later.

[x]beat wasted 45 minutes doing something i could done in 20 if i read the help prolly
Norton internet Updates > LOL SUPPORT Quote
03-26-2008 , 09:34 PM
hugh BEAT: norton security
Norton internet Updates > LOL SUPPORT Quote
03-26-2008 , 09:35 PM
why would anyone do that to themselves? (have norton on their computer)
Norton internet Updates > LOL SUPPORT Quote
