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Never trust anyone pt. 2 Never trust anyone pt. 2

03-05-2007 , 02:05 PM
Private Investigator with concealed carry permit. Former Navy Seal or Army Ranger would be best choice. Give him every bit of info you have and a promise of a large % of the money if it is returned safely. Make it enough so he won't steal it from rivero himself (30% sounds about right).
Would a PI go down to mexico to find him? Seems like thats almost definately where he would have gone.
Never trust anyone pt. 2 Quote
03-05-2007 , 02:05 PM
lol @ the idiots sending Grimstarr money to recoup his losses
Never trust anyone pt. 2 Quote
03-05-2007 , 02:06 PM
when did seriously Grim start asking for monies? Where are you guys getting that?
Never trust anyone pt. 2 Quote
03-05-2007 , 02:16 PM
Never trust anyone pt. 2 Quote
03-05-2007 , 02:18 PM
lol @ 5k reward.
Never trust anyone pt. 2 Quote
03-05-2007 , 02:19 PM
Stop posting? Why? Because it doesn't jibe with your "good guys / bad guys" view of the world?

This thread is full of all sorts of crap. rick305 must be guilty of grand theft because (a) an online phenom says he is, (b) he's Mexican, (c) he isn't known as a great player, (d) he isn't defending himself, (e) he hooked up for a road trip with the self-proclaimed victim through 2p2

I don't assume any guilt to either party, and since I don't know anyone involved (even indirectly) it's just like a newspaper article to me.

It's an interesting story, to be sure, but legally all that's occurred so far for certain is that grimstarr has libelled rick305 on a public forum.
Never trust anyone pt. 2 Quote
03-05-2007 , 02:20 PM
I really don't see how many of the scum in this thread can bash Grim at a time like this, sure he backed out of a flip but hello? Can't you tell a difference between that and being robbed of 130K?

I'm not overly fond of Grim but please, mock someone when he's lost something like this is like kicking a girl in the face then spitting on her because she didn't flip a coin with you.
Um, no. Backing out of a flip once you've taken a look at your hand is effectively stealing. Just because Grim tried to steal a small amount, whereas this guy has stolen a much larger amount off of Grim, doesn't mean I suddenly have any sympathy for him.
Never trust anyone pt. 2 Quote
03-05-2007 , 02:22 PM
thing is, Rick didn't exactly strike me as Worm, either.
yeah but he didnt strike me as [censored] socially normal either.

edit: id never would have assumed he did this, just saying he seemed to be missing some social abilities which I would consider stnd.
Never trust anyone pt. 2 Quote
03-05-2007 , 02:23 PM
Stop posting? Why? Because it doesn't jibe with your "good guys / bad guys" view of the world?

This thread is full of all sorts of crap. rick305 must be guilty of grand theft because (a) an online phenom says he is, (b) he's Mexican, (c) he isn't known as a great player, (d) he isn't defending himself, (e) he hooked up for a road trip with the self-proclaimed victim through 2p2

I don't assume any guilt to either party, and since I don't know anyone involved (even indirectly) it's just like a newspaper article to me.

It's an interesting story, to be sure, but legally all that's occurred so far for certain is that grimstarr has libelled rick305 on a public forum.
You are an absolute dummy. Unless this is a joke started by Grimm with Rick's permission, which I sincerely doubt, who else could possibly have stolen the money? He called the hotel front desk - unless he was coerced to do these things, and is now being held along with the money, it almost certainly must be him.

I don't have a 'good guys'/'bad guys' view of the world - and LOL at suggesting that I do.
Never trust anyone pt. 2 Quote
03-05-2007 , 02:27 PM
My thoughts (take them with a grain of salt because I don't claim to be an expert on any of this stuff):

People who are saying that grim deserves this are complete morons. He's backed out of literally one out of hundreds? of flips he's been in and he's a terrible guy? Give me a break. So he was probably 40/60 on that flip and had ~1k EV.

Going to the cops isn't so simple in this case. I probably would. But there's certainly no guarantee that he would get the money back because it was clearly obtained illegally. 'Pleading the 5th' just isn't going to work here. This money could actually be confiscated by the police even if there was no proof that it was obtained illegally. There was actually a discussion about this a while back (it may have even been a result of one of grim's threads), some time shortly before PCA.

Also, this is cash we are talking about. There's no trail. The money could be anywhere. There is a LOT to prove here if going through the cops.

Grim, I sincerely hope you get your money back. I would probably talk to a lawyer and see what they think (chances of getting money back through legal system, jail time other guy is looking at, etc).

Just don't do anything stupid. I know you want your money back and I know you want vengeance (both rightly so and I hope you get both), but you have a good life in front of you. Don't do something incredibly stupid to land yourself in jail for a long time.
Never trust anyone pt. 2 Quote
03-05-2007 , 02:28 PM
everyone saying "omg go to the police!" how do you think grim has any way of proving that the money is his and not ricks? it is grimms word vs ricks, and grim's word sucks.

grim is screwed.
I'm sure Grim can produce witnesses that he had won the money, carried it out of the casino, had a laptop case, people can ID the laptop case, the cell phone number, etc. if he finds the stuff.
rick- "i was staking him, the money is mine."

there are so many different ways that rick could play it plus the chance of commerce going out of their way to show that an underage kid played at their casino for a week straight... there is NO way grim can get his money back via the police. a PI is his best bet and the only thing he should be considering.
Never trust anyone pt. 2 Quote
03-05-2007 , 02:28 PM
Any 2+2s ready to make that trip down to Mexico and bounty-hunt this guy?

I'll do it for $50k; half now, half on delivery. I don't speak Spanish and I'm unfit and scare easily.

Anyone do it cheaper or better qualified?
Never trust anyone pt. 2 Quote
03-05-2007 , 02:28 PM
Bah, you beat me to it Snag...

Never trust anyone pt. 2 Quote
03-05-2007 , 02:30 PM
there are so many different ways that rick could play it plus the chance of commerce going out of their way to show that an underage kid played at their casino for a week straight... there is NO way grim can get his money back via the police. a PI is his best bet and the only thing he should be considering.
Yeah but the police could force them to look though the tapes for proof.

But yeah...if hes in Mexico[which is a very big possibility], chances of tracking him down are pretty slim.
Never trust anyone pt. 2 Quote
03-05-2007 , 02:38 PM
"Yeah but the police could force them to look though the tapes for proof. "

Rick- We flipped a coin for 150k, he still owes me 20k. Everyone knows Grim flips for a lot of money and he made up this story to get out of paying me the rest. Everyone knows hes a liar... etc etc etc.
Never trust anyone pt. 2 Quote
03-05-2007 , 02:40 PM
"Yeah but the police could force them to look though the tapes for proof. "

Rick- We flipped a coin for 150k, he still owes me 20k. Everyone knows Grim flips for a lot of money and he made up this story to get out of paying me the rest. Everyone knows hes a liar... etc etc etc.
His story is [censored]. Rick didn't have $150K to his name. He also had $60k stuck in Neteller, which gives him motive as well.

Sorry, but the money is pretty obviously Grimstarr's - and PT would confirm as well. Why would Rick be sitting at 5/10 and Grimm at 25/50 w/ 35k in front? A staking agreement? Witnesses could be brought.
Never trust anyone pt. 2 Quote
03-05-2007 , 02:43 PM
"Yeah but the police could force them to look though the tapes for proof. "

Rick- We flipped a coin for 150k, he still owes me 20k. Everyone knows Grim flips for a lot of money and he made up this story to get out of paying me the rest. Everyone knows hes a liar... etc etc etc.
His story is [censored]. Rick didn't have $150K to his name. He also had $60k stuck in Neteller, which gives him motive as well.

Sorry, but the money is pretty obviously Grimstarr's - and PT would confirm as well. Why would Rick be sitting at 5/10 and Grimm at 25/50 w/ 35k in front? A staking agreement? Witnesses could be brought.

I don't think you really know what you are talking about judging from your posts in this thread. Grim would have trouble getting the police to care enough to go after this guy. Any case is entirely circumstantial and has a very, very small chance of succeeding. Rick would be a ****** to keep the laptop case or other stolen goods on him. If I were him, I wouldn't even have the money on me at this point.

That is all assuming this happened. PI is seriously Grimm's best bet, preferably one that doesn't mind breaking some laws for a cut.
Never trust anyone pt. 2 Quote
03-05-2007 , 02:43 PM
When is grimm going to update this soap opera I'm a refresh maniac.
Never trust anyone pt. 2 Quote
03-05-2007 , 02:45 PM
"Yeah but the police could force them to look though the tapes for proof. "

Rick- We flipped a coin for 150k, he still owes me 20k. Everyone knows Grim flips for a lot of money and he made up this story to get out of paying me the rest. Everyone knows hes a liar... etc etc etc.
His story is [censored]. Rick didn't have $150K to his name. He also had $60k stuck in Neteller, which gives him motive as well.

Sorry, but the money is pretty obviously Grimstarr's - and PT would confirm as well. Why would Rick be sitting at 5/10 and Grimm at 25/50 w/ 35k in front? A staking agreement? Witnesses could be brought.
plus grim could call a million defendants. You guys are basically saying a theif robbing a house could just claim that he had lent all the stuff to the guy he robbed and too bad, no proof that thats not true
Never trust anyone pt. 2 Quote
03-05-2007 , 02:45 PM

Too bad about your monies.

Were you pitching or catching on the night in question?
Never trust anyone pt. 2 Quote
03-05-2007 , 02:46 PM
"Yeah but the police could force them to look though the tapes for proof. "

Rick- We flipped a coin for 150k, he still owes me 20k. Everyone knows Grim flips for a lot of money and he made up this story to get out of paying me the rest. Everyone knows hes a liar... etc etc etc.
They could also look through the tapes to see what Rick was playing, and they'd be able to tell he wouldn't be able to make that much in a week or however long they were there. Plus, why would he have 130k on him?

And I might be wrong, but they were staying at a motel right? So, wouldn't they be able to look at tapes seeing Rick randomly take everything he had and just leave, when the reservations didn't have them leaving for a few more days.

Plus, if Rick steals and then uses Grims phone to cancel the reservations, wouldn't that already make him look shady towards the police so his word wouldn't be as believeable.
Never trust anyone pt. 2 Quote
03-05-2007 , 02:46 PM
Why hasn't Grimm posted anything since the initial post? I kind of feel like he isn't putting any effort into getting this money back, he just wants to bitch about it. If you can afford it, I'd hire a P.I. with lots of experience/background and do it as soon as possible. If you can afford to have $130k stolen you can probably afford to front the guy a few bucks and promise him a nice cut when returned. Like someone else said, you have to be sure he doesn't steal the money himself but this way you will have a lot less legal issues to deal with (unless he kills the guy or something like that). You could get the cops involved but this might cause legal trouble for yourself (especially if it goes to the feds; local cops might decide to keep it as well since you are underage).

I'm inclined to believe Grimm from what I've heard about him (basically he's a little naive and just got duped on the whole thing) but I wouldn't be surprised if there was more to the story. If it was me, I would take action IMMEDIATELY (with that action being hiring a PI), not sure what Grimm is doing about it.
Never trust anyone pt. 2 Quote
03-05-2007 , 02:47 PM

This story is very complicated, alot of ins, alot of outs...

I mean Grim is a young trophy poker player in the parlance of our times....
Never trust anyone pt. 2 Quote
03-05-2007 , 02:50 PM

I agree that I don't think the police would kill themselves for this guy, and I'm not even sure Grimm would get the money back were he prosecuted.

I also doubt he has the money on him at this point as well - so maybe now it's more difficult to prove.

EDIT - I feel like Grim was foolish to post this to begin with. Now he can't get a PI to do some serious [censored] to get the money back because he's implicated.
Never trust anyone pt. 2 Quote
03-05-2007 , 02:53 PM

Are you gonna find these guys - you got any promising, uh, leads?
Never trust anyone pt. 2 Quote
