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my last 40 at the casino thread 2 my last 40 at the casino thread 2

03-24-2010 , 11:12 PM
well my last thread was locked because it was (admittly) pretty lame

well pretty much the first slot machine i saw i dumped 20 dollars into. damn.

wander around with the other 20 halfway debated just leaving. I then took it to a 15 dollar min blackjack table and got it to around 120 in 15 minutes, put down 50 bucks planning to leave whether i won or lost, won the hand (18 vs 17) about three things happen at the table after the hand. someone cashes out, someone sits in, someone colors up etc... THE DEALER DIDNT PAY MY BET WTFFF. called over the pit boss guy and as the dealer is denying it over and over request them to check the cameras.. they do.. im right, i get paid and I stand up with 170.

of course i dont stick to my plan and leave and sit 3 card poker. hit a straight with 15 dollars in the "pair or better area"" for 6-1 odds, this puts me at about 300ish

go to 50 min BJ table and put 100 on a hand, win. 400

now im walking out the door estatic about the 10x in about 50 minutes. and decide **** it, throw 360 on a hand on a 100 min table before i leave and hit with 14, dealer peels off a 6 and i win with 20-19...760.

walk out with 760. BOOM ROBUSTOOOO

driving home and thinking about hookers and blow


hope this ones worth remaining unlocked...
my last 40 at the casino thread 2 Quote
03-24-2010 , 11:17 PM
fold pre
my last 40 at the casino thread 2 Quote
03-24-2010 , 11:18 PM
OP =
my last 40 at the casino thread 2 Quote
03-24-2010 , 11:19 PM
good story, dont believe it though. Everyone knows that when you hit a 14 you usually get an 8 or is that just me?
my last 40 at the casino thread 2 Quote
03-24-2010 , 11:31 PM
id post threadsavers cuz i do feel this needs saving but im on my phone and that would be a pain.
my last 40 at the casino thread 2 Quote
03-24-2010 , 11:32 PM
Well at least the OP wasn't as long as Avatar.
my last 40 at the casino thread 2 Quote
03-25-2010 , 12:23 AM
nice run should've put it all on black though
my last 40 at the casino thread 2 Quote
03-25-2010 , 01:15 AM
Originally Posted by J-monkey
nice run should've put it all on black though
i couldnt find any roulette tables... that place sure is different from when i was there a year ago, theres a whole other building now. anyone who has been there know where they are?
my last 40 at the casino thread 2 Quote
