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My First and Terrible Live Poker Experience My First and Terrible Live Poker Experience

09-23-2009 , 03:44 AM

Maybe try just having fun and rolling with the jokes?

p.s. it is a little bad if the dealer showed your cards without anyone requesting. But it really only had a tiny effect. People would maybe have realised you didn't have a very good hand when you couldn't beat a pair of 4s?
My First and Terrible Live Poker Experience Quote
09-23-2009 , 03:53 AM
Wrong forum.
My First and Terrible Live Poker Experience Quote
09-23-2009 , 03:56 AM
yes, to answer stay classy sd's question, the woman and I both mucked our hands after she showed me her hand and Im pretty sure no one asked to see the cards. then the dealer showed my mucked cards and said i played bad. dealer #1 also ridiculed and laughed along with the other players. and i dont know any of the dealer's name..
My First and Terrible Live Poker Experience Quote
09-23-2009 , 04:07 AM
Originally Posted by Diedel777
call the floor & complain. If that doesn't help then the casino sucks.

btw; when you ask how much is in the pot the dealer isn't allowed to answer, the only thnig he/she can do is spoil/splash the chips to show you how much is in it, you have to do the counting (in the netherlands).

dealer has to muck his job imo

Almond LOL
Here too.

This casino (Barona in san diego CA) does kind of suck, but not for these reasons in the OP usually. It's pretty damn rare that a dealer tells a player they played bad, joins in verbally abusing them, and turns their mucked hand face up, all completely unprovoked.

OP if you went to a mcdonalds and the cashier said "hey dumbass, are you gonna get some cheeseburgers you fat ****?" then into the intercom "Hey everybody look at this ****head loser, and join me in ridiculing him", then took your dollar, tore it in half, and threw it back at you, would you:

a) Ask to see a manager?

b) Get another dollar and repeat your order?

c) Jump across the counter and give him the people's elbow?

d) Leave immediately and call your attorney/therapist/rabbi/sensei/mom?

e) ?????

If you answered a) then you should have called the floor.

It's really a personal decision. There's nothing wrong with you not throwing a fit if its just not worth it to you to deal with it. Pride can be -EV at times. Most people can't but if you can let it roll of your back and just go to another casino, then more power to you.
My First and Terrible Live Poker Experience Quote
09-23-2009 , 04:32 AM
Originally Posted by xJxKx
yes, to answer stay classy sd's question, the woman and I both mucked our hands after she showed me her hand and Im pretty sure no one asked to see the cards. then the dealer showed my mucked cards and said i played bad. dealer #1 also ridiculed and laughed along with the other players. and i dont know any of the dealer's name..
Thats just sooo weird. I would have for sure said something if a dealer did that to someone else's hand at my table, I don't care what else is going on in the situation. If he does things like that I don't trust him to be in charge of a table that I have lots of money on. Whats to stop him breaking some random blatant rule in the future when you may have money on the line? Im really really surprised no-one else at the table cared or said anything, poker players are usually very quick to drill dealers over the smallest mistakes let alone something like this.

Do you go to sdsu or ucsd? If ucsd and you live close to campus you should def be going to Oceans11, unless you <21 and dont have a fake id. If close to sdsu . . well I guess Barona, Sycuan on Viejas are kind of on par with each other. They all kind of suck.

If you grind .25/.5 online you may be able to make more money live 1/2 even with the huge live rake and short buyins and 35 hph etc. Thats how bad the play is. You'll soon build enough of a roll to play higher as well, which should be your aim obv. Plus people aren't always dbags like in this experience, there are some cool normal people amidst the scourge of society in poker rooms. gl.
My First and Terrible Live Poker Experience Quote
09-23-2009 , 09:08 AM
I am so thankful I live close to card rooms where the dealers don't blow.
My First and Terrible Live Poker Experience Quote
09-23-2009 , 09:16 AM
Any dealer voicing opinions is a bad dealer. I had a bad one where the dealer said several times: "Here comes Elvis, raising again." Really didn't help my table image.
My First and Terrible Live Poker Experience Quote
11-13-2009 , 04:30 PM
Im a live player In Los Angeles and the dealer isnt suppose to flip your hand over but when the river is checked and the SB opens her hand and your beat.. if she wants to see your hand she can ask because there was no action and its showdown. Wat he did was totally out of lined unless someone at the table asks to see the hand and if it was me i would have said what the F are you doing? and called the floorman over and made a big scene and embarass the dealer.
My First and Terrible Live Poker Experience Quote
11-13-2009 , 05:10 PM
Brutal man, but on the bright side you doubled your stack. Live games are always this loose, which can be really frustrating at times when they suck out on you. I can understand your first time live would be a bit intimidating especially against dealers being *******s like that. Ive never had experiences that bad, but like the others said if you experience something like that again I would certainly call the floor staff over and notify them (ESPECIALLY for turning over a mucked hand). I would go banana's if that happened to me.
My First and Terrible Live Poker Experience Quote
11-13-2009 , 05:18 PM
Well, this whole situation seems to be so ridicolous. I don't understand why dealer have shown your cards to all players. And why they both practically made jokes on you. Ridicolous.
My First and Terrible Live Poker Experience Quote
11-13-2009 , 05:26 PM
Dealers in both cases are generally obnoxious/bad. That said, I played poker in California once (L.A. though) and the players used "I want to see that hand" in at least 50% of the pots that went to showdown so I wouldn't be surprised if someone quietly asked to see all hands.
My First and Terrible Live Poker Experience Quote
11-13-2009 , 05:32 PM
This is why I hate live poker. You have to deal with other players and a live dealer. I would be so tilted after the dealer flips over my mucked hand without my approval.
My First and Terrible Live Poker Experience Quote
11-13-2009 , 05:34 PM
xjxkx, where in sd are you? i go to ucsd and used to go to barona a lot. imo the dealers are dicks or tools for the most part but ive never had something like youve described

try viejas next time
My First and Terrible Live Poker Experience Quote
11-13-2009 , 05:34 PM
these people are infact tools, one of the motivators for me to go play live is taking money from tools. be it a twenty someting kid who thinks hes gods gift to poker, or a midwestern guy with a pinky ring who is an egomaniac. Many, not all, but many of the people involved in a live poker game will be tools, use it to motivate you to win.

usually its delear abuse you see, not the other way around. but whatever, people act poorly at the table becasue money is involved, rise above it. if a dealer is truly violating the rules or being rude to the point of interfering with the game, then you have to talk to the floor. good news is this wont happen often, bad news is you have to stand up for yourself in a poker game, just like in life.

feel bad this was your first experience, but it might as well be trial by fire. if your better than them *** em, go back and win until everyone knows it.

Last edited by TheGaussBeast; 11-13-2009 at 05:43 PM.
My First and Terrible Live Poker Experience Quote
11-13-2009 , 05:51 PM
tl;dr cliffs please.
My First and Terrible Live Poker Experience Quote
11-13-2009 , 06:34 PM
Wow so unprofessional.
[ ] Tips for the Dealers
My First and Terrible Live Poker Experience Quote
11-13-2009 , 06:39 PM
Thus, you should bet more thus.
My First and Terrible Live Poker Experience Quote
11-13-2009 , 06:43 PM
Why is this being bumped? Mods please move to B&M. Also, you play bad.
My First and Terrible Live Poker Experience Quote
11-13-2009 , 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by Hawk35
Why is this being bumped? Mods please move to B&M. Also, you play bad.
brag: op plays 50 nl online and moved up to 200 nl and did fine
beat: played live for the first time and got owned
variance: posted it in bbv instead of b&m which is ok
My First and Terrible Live Poker Experience Quote
11-13-2009 , 09:16 PM
You know that if your hand goes to showdown anyone at the table can ask to see it before it touches the muck right?
Wrong (in the casino I have played at, anyway).

The rule is, if 1 person sees the cards, the rest of the table has the right to see the cards. Otherwise that 1 person has more information on that player, and an unfair advantage over the table.
My First and Terrible Live Poker Experience Quote
