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MTT_9797/Shipitfools/VegasBoi's Thoughts, Life Advice, Stories & Famous  "Degen" Adventures MTT_9797/Shipitfools/VegasBoi's Thoughts, Life Advice, Stories & Famous  "Degen" Adventures

03-25-2016 , 05:47 PM
Hi boys,

I've decided to take fiddles advice again and be more supportive and helpful around here. Who more deserving is there in BBV to assist than you three and who is more helpful than myself.? The clear and unarguable answer is no-one obv.

I've been getting more and more concerned that you're posting talents are just going to waste around here and not getting the recognition they rightly deserve.

I honestly don't think posting your amazing stories involving $20 and 3 hands of blackjack in the degen thread amongst all those distracting degenerate stories involving meaningful amounts of money and concerning behaviour is fitting of the stage your tales belong on.

Also trying to get your groundbreaking nuggets of wisdom, life advice & poker/women analogies across in threads with people speaking sense in stark contrast to your valuable thoughts is clearly not fair on you guys at all. This prevents others from gaining valuable knowledge or improving their lives as a result. Which I'm sure everyone can collectively agree is a travesty.

Due to these sickening injustices I really believe you should have your own thread so you can get the attention and praise you so rightfully deserve.

Could be the thread of the year boys, get into it. I'm sure everyone else is just as ecvited as me to see what this thread becomes.....

All the best,

Your pal PGH

Last edited by PasswordGotHacked; 03-25-2016 at 06:03 PM. Reason: Mods please do not lock and let me have one positive impact on BBV before I am culled.
MTT_9797/Shipitfools/VegasBoi's Thoughts, Life Advice, Stories & Famous  "Degen" Adventures Quote
03-25-2016 , 06:30 PM
To get this thread underway, show some respect for the posters concerned and provide some context on why this thread is so necessary and valuable please see some amazing examples from everyone's favorite MTT_9797. Obviously the absolute essence of BBV here, such insightful views and gripping storytelling:

Originally Posted by MTT_9797
So after a long day of work I decided to play a tourney on PokerStars at an internet cafe (my laptop doesn't work) and two computers away from me is this homeless looking guy who smells like the combination of sulfuric acid, rotten eggs, landfill, a truck stop bathroom that hasn't been cleaned since Christ died and human feces/urine.

He's dressed in raggy clothes and has a long beard. I am literally sitting here with my shirt over my face and every time I pull it down, I literally feel like throwing up. I want to go tell the owner to kick him out but there is still about 24 minutes to the next break.

So far played very passively, thinking that no, I will not sacrifice monetary equity because of some smell.

Shoved one hand AQ over a UTG 5x opener (lol). He had the same hand, chop chop. I don't know how much longer I can take this
Originally Posted by MTT_9797

Feeling like **** after tonight. There was a time I would sit at a wild 2/5 or 5/10 NL game and piss away $25, $75, $125 like it was nothing to see a flop, where I would sweat pots worth thousands.

Tonight, just to get my confidence up I go to a local Italian Cafe where there is a live 0.10/0.20 game going. MAXIMUM buy in $20 but you can rebuy up to $40 if you lose, and $60 if you lose again.

Granted the game played a little bit looser in terms of BB's. I figure I'll go piss away a buy in at worst, and at best, get my confidence level up. Sort of like banging a fat chick. The game looked a little bit like this:

The table "shark" was a guy in his 30's who actually had a job. He had about $150 in front of him. And then there was an action junkie who also had $50 in front of him. To my left was a scrawny crack head who looked something like Lester from the movie casino. He would chase his losses, lose his $20 buy in almost every orbit and beg the "action junkie" to "spot him $20 until Friday". The two other seats were corpses. They had literally $6 in front of them, flatting pre and folding flops. It's really sad to see grown men who have nothing better to do on a Tuesday night than to sit at the local cafe backroom playing the $0.10/0.20 with $6. I'd bet everyone in that room was either on welfare, or didn't qualify for it.

First hand I get KT on the double-straddle and don't even remember the action. It was AI on a Q9X-hhh flop where I get it in against A9o and suck out. Early double up.

Before I know it, I have $170 in front of me. It was God-mode LAG. People were having fun. The LAG's were happily donating, the shark was steering clear and the nits were licking their chops waiting on aces, all while bleeding away.

All of a sudden it seemed like it was going to be a profitable night. Even more so than a typical $1/2. I felt like an NBA all-star walking by a hood joining a basketball game of teenagers. I was running over everyone and they were gladly losing to me, laughing it off. I'd throw in stories of playing the $1100 tourney at Borgata. Like it wasn't at all about money.

And then it happened. Biggest pot of the night, I have aces. Well relatively big. Needless to say, I couldn't fade the 5-outter in a 3-way flop AI. It was all the way downhill from there. Getting sucked out, beaten by just a little better, everything.

Tilt takes over. I was having so much fun 3bettign with Q6s, and either bluffing it away or sucking out. Finished down $85 and it left a horrible taste in my mouth. Obv I am typing this with access to internet so $85 is really nothing. I make way more than than in a day at my day job. Just feel like I got rejected by a worhtless ****ing fat hoe.

The point of this session was to get confidence level up.
Again good luck boys I look forward to the brilliance to come
MTT_9797/Shipitfools/VegasBoi's Thoughts, Life Advice, Stories & Famous  "Degen" Adventures Quote
03-25-2016 , 06:35 PM
Not gonna lock this but you seriously need to get a live OP. And coming from me that means a lot.
MTT_9797/Shipitfools/VegasBoi's Thoughts, Life Advice, Stories & Famous  "Degen" Adventures Quote
03-25-2016 , 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by Morphismus
Not gonna lock this but you seriously need to get a live OP. And coming from me that means a lot.
It was either do this or read the abortion of a thread they are turning the degen stories thread into. This seemed more productive and less painful.

That was one of the great threads in BBV now it's full of some idiot playing 7 $5 baccarat hands in the same week as they bought a lotto ticket.

That's without even starting on another ones genius and obviously enlightened religion he has started to keep him away from poker tables for 4 hours a week on monday mornings between 2am and 6am. As this is a massive concern and life changing development the world should share in.

And lets not forget the always great women analogies from a virgin.

Please cull me already

On a serious note these 3 seem to like doing all these things in each others vicinity and bouncing off each other for whatever strange reason. Who knows what that could produce....

Last edited by PasswordGotHacked; 03-25-2016 at 06:50 PM. Reason: If the 3 posters or others don''t share in my vision obv happy for it to be locked
MTT_9797/Shipitfools/VegasBoi's Thoughts, Life Advice, Stories & Famous  "Degen" Adventures Quote
03-25-2016 , 08:00 PM
Morph - Ultimate Troll would be to merge this with the Degen thread.
MTT_9797/Shipitfools/VegasBoi's Thoughts, Life Advice, Stories & Famous  "Degen" Adventures Quote
03-25-2016 , 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by fidstar-poker
Morph - Ultimate Troll would be to merge this with the Degen thread.
You're a sick sick man Mr Fiddle
MTT_9797/Shipitfools/VegasBoi's Thoughts, Life Advice, Stories & Famous  "Degen" Adventures Quote
03-25-2016 , 08:32 PM
merge it lol
MTT_9797/Shipitfools/VegasBoi's Thoughts, Life Advice, Stories & Famous  "Degen" Adventures Quote
03-25-2016 , 08:58 PM
Not been following the degen thread much recently but it has always been a mixed bag. Loads of crap with some occasional brights spots
MTT_9797/Shipitfools/VegasBoi's Thoughts, Life Advice, Stories & Famous  "Degen" Adventures Quote
03-25-2016 , 09:13 PM
It's now become the "I've budgetted a sensible low 3 figure amount that I likely won't even lose and tell the most boring story I can about it afterwards while thinking I'm achieving something people want to read" thread.

Quality stuff you should def allocate some time to get into it. Worth every minute
MTT_9797/Shipitfools/VegasBoi's Thoughts, Life Advice, Stories & Famous  "Degen" Adventures Quote
03-25-2016 , 10:23 PM
Here is a true $20 adventure. First let me start by saying that I have played for about 10 years and all of the areas gaming parlors One night I came
In with more than $20 but only $40 on me. This was at the Mohegan sun. I figured i'll just throw that money and relax and if I lose I'll make a withdrawal and play some low limit poker I wasn't planning to play a lot of money right at that day to play big and just get like chill play some 1/2 drink beer. So I but it all around 22 my birthday ball spins and comes 25. I win 90 for a 5 corner but I had bet big on 22. I repeat but bet the full 90 on and around 22. Ball lands 22. I walk to poker room with $720
MTT_9797/Shipitfools/VegasBoi's Thoughts, Life Advice, Stories & Famous  "Degen" Adventures Quote
03-25-2016 , 10:24 PM
Real story happened like November. It just felt good to valet and roll in make 700 and be at the tables with full 3 bullets for 1/2 off $40
MTT_9797/Shipitfools/VegasBoi's Thoughts, Life Advice, Stories & Famous  "Degen" Adventures Quote
03-25-2016 , 11:09 PM
my 1 ever $20 story. I had $20 left after riding a bus from
Brooklyn to Atlantic city. I was broke back then because I was a college student but I did get comped rooms at Ballys and trump
And went a couple times per month. One trip with about a 700 bankroll which was huge at that time , I got to trumps and lost it all in slots. All except $20. Which I promptly put into a slot. Which won me $60. I went to a $5 machine. I said I'm so far down this is a last ditch attempt. That sob hit for $700 then another 500. I played high limit cards and slots after that and lost every penny. It was a truly
Degen time being a student and a gambler. Would have been bus to but took a lot of student loans and gambles with it a lot lol
Grew to like baccarat when older and had more loot. Now play $25 tables all the time up to $100 where get to
Turn them

Not worth it really
MTT_9797/Shipitfools/VegasBoi's Thoughts, Life Advice, Stories & Famous  "Degen" Adventures Quote
03-25-2016 , 11:10 PM
wasn't $20 tho
MTT_9797/Shipitfools/VegasBoi's Thoughts, Life Advice, Stories & Famous  "Degen" Adventures Quote
03-25-2016 , 11:25 PM
Im not a $20 player but this thread is starting off with talking $20 adventures bro.
what have you gotten for $20? no lies, best adventures for $20......gambling or any other adventures are cool to talk about in my thread.
MTT_9797/Shipitfools/VegasBoi's Thoughts, Life Advice, Stories & Famous  "Degen" Adventures Quote
03-25-2016 , 11:31 PM
got some crack a couple times for $20
MTT_9797/Shipitfools/VegasBoi's Thoughts, Life Advice, Stories & Famous  "Degen" Adventures Quote
03-25-2016 , 11:38 PM
how was it? tell a good $20 tale.
MTT_9797/Shipitfools/VegasBoi's Thoughts, Life Advice, Stories & Famous  "Degen" Adventures Quote
03-25-2016 , 11:38 PM
i never did crackboarding but have skied some
MTT_9797/Shipitfools/VegasBoi's Thoughts, Life Advice, Stories & Famous  "Degen" Adventures Quote
03-25-2016 , 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by Shipitfools
i never did crackboarding but have skied some
lol ill just use this opportunity to say the story of one of my least favourite personal experiences

had some cash on me and went to the local indian casino ****ed on some oxys. railed a couple 80's and was feeling nice playing some 5/10 limit. had some run good up a few hundo and was still wacked when i got home. thought it was a good idea to order up a hooker. i'm really not the kind of person to get hookers in the first place and still don't know why i was so adamant about it that night but any bitch that i called up wasn't answering except for the asian ad posting. knew these girls half the time aren't what showed in the picture but the picture looked like they were young 20-something year old and i was smacked to **** so i was like whatever lets take chinatown to pound town. i end up getting there and i was still so wacked off my face the bitch looked like mid 40's with yellow/brown ****ed up teeth could barely speak english in some asian massage parlour type thing at like 4am. nothing like the picture. bitch was like 4 feet tall with a solid gut. no tits. i could barely get my dick hard as it is but her unattractiveness made it so much worse and for some reason i payed for a full hour still instead of half, she's like "most people just pay half hour".. great.. anyways she's sucking my dick and its like almost a full chub i got going on then bitch starts smelling my dick.. literally... like keeps putting her nose up close to it repeatedly.. I'm like wtf.. she looks at me and is like, "yoaa high on kokaine".. i was just like uhh okay but to myself I'm like wtf first you're wrong about the type of drug its oxy and second HOW THE **** DO U COME TO THAT CONCLUSION FROM SNIFFING A DICK U F'D UP BITCH LOL.. never heard anything of that in my life and i still cringe thinking i did this. ended up leaving there feeling like an abused dog and tried to repress the memory as much as possible. true story.
MTT_9797/Shipitfools/VegasBoi's Thoughts, Life Advice, Stories & Famous  "Degen" Adventures Quote
03-25-2016 , 11:59 PM
****in awesome! my thread delivers!
MTT_9797/Shipitfools/VegasBoi's Thoughts, Life Advice, Stories & Famous  "Degen" Adventures Quote
03-26-2016 , 12:21 AM
she just smellin her own pussy dogg
MTT_9797/Shipitfools/VegasBoi's Thoughts, Life Advice, Stories & Famous  "Degen" Adventures Quote
03-26-2016 , 12:22 AM
she probably was a drug sniffin agent for CFI Chinese Federal Inspectors they sniff out drugs in airport
MTT_9797/Shipitfools/VegasBoi's Thoughts, Life Advice, Stories & Famous  "Degen" Adventures Quote
03-26-2016 , 12:25 AM
they always start at the dick because the cocaine aroma is released there
MTT_9797/Shipitfools/VegasBoi's Thoughts, Life Advice, Stories & Famous  "Degen" Adventures Quote
03-26-2016 , 01:09 AM
lmao man still to this day have no idea wtf that was about haha like she was literally taking solid wiffs with my dick in her hand then looks me in the eye and tries to tell me what drug I'm on
MTT_9797/Shipitfools/VegasBoi's Thoughts, Life Advice, Stories & Famous  "Degen" Adventures Quote
03-26-2016 , 01:11 AM
Originally Posted by Shipitfools
she just smellin her own pussy dogg
was before i threw it in her dried mashed up poon even man i wouldn't even be surprised if she was some post-op mess of a transvestite barely even felt like a pussy
MTT_9797/Shipitfools/VegasBoi's Thoughts, Life Advice, Stories & Famous  "Degen" Adventures Quote
