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08-24-2009 , 11:03 AM
they have been trying to donk off all their money for the last hour but theres only 7 buyins on the table LMAO
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08-24-2009 , 11:26 AM
[ ] strategy itt
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08-24-2009 , 11:31 AM
[x] tiltlted
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08-24-2009 , 12:54 PM
How the f do you minraise a 873dd flop and get a non-diamond 2 on the turn god damnit, when I do that the turn is a 6d
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08-24-2009 , 02:06 PM
AJ in last hand?
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08-24-2009 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by Vanhaomena
How the f do you minraise a 873dd flop and get a non-diamond 2 on the turn god damnit, when I do that the turn is a 6d
Get maney that's how!!!!!!!
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08-24-2009 , 04:08 PM
learn to bet
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08-24-2009 , 04:10 PM
[x] Best hand won
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08-24-2009 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by hootsmin
He means the flop minraise sir. You got 2 players in the pot and the 1st guy bets pot and the second guy calls so theres 3 units in the pot. You raise 1 unit so theres now 5 units in the pot and it's one unit for the SB to call, since the other guy will almost certainly also call a single unit he is probably going to get 6-1 on a call. Given SB's holdings we can see he has 2 x 8's and 3 x K's left in the deck plus a backdoor FD for an extra 1.5 outs so 6.5 outs. He needs 47/6.5 -1 around 6.23-1 to breakeven on the call. You gave him a little too close to the perfect price by minraising the flop even though he probably doesn't know ding about odds since he's a fish. That board is somewhat drawheavy since its two-tone and has a couple of low connectors so you probably should punish the villains a bit harder on the flop your raise just kind of made the villains play more profitable while failing to get value for your relatively strong holding.

We can see hero again minraising on the other "bad beat" hand. Hero has more studying to do.

Originally Posted by TitaniumNutz
I learned to raise big on drawy flops with concealed monsters right away because:

1. A scare card on the turn can kill your action

2. It can make your opponent his hand.

3. It can give him extra outs, outs that he thinks are good and will stick around.

Imagine having 99, flop comes out 923 and you are on the button. Beauty. NUTS. He bets and you cream your pants. You want him to make a bigger bet just you can raise bigger, so you smoothie his bet.

Turn: A and your opponent checks to you. You're done with the hand basically. Now all the hands on the flop that were gladly whilling to go all in (TT-KK, K9-T9) just gave up on putting another chip in the pot. The best draw on the flop (45) just got there. Any flush draw got there. Sure you want him to have a big Ace and attemtping to check-raise. But his kicker is probably a .

But worst, a bet by you would feel like a bluff because you now want him to go away. Any Ace, 4, 5 or heart on the river virtually destroys your hand. You are then either beat or won't get another penny out of your opponent.

Today I did something I had never done before. After I called a PF raise with KJo in a MTT and my opponent FIRED BIG on K2J flop, I RAISED. I would usually smooth-call but then I though, what could he possibly have? AA/AK I am getting paid. Pockets QQ- he won't put more money in anyways unless he hits. Neither will QT or any of the broadway gotshots. If he has KK/JJ/22, I am going broke anyways no matter how I play the hand. So I 3x his large bet and after a long thought, he shoves all his chips in. KQ he had.

Thank you very much for your thoughtfull help. I can see now that I would have been much better to have raised larger to fold out hands with less than 10% equity in the pot

Text results appended to pokerstove.txt

Board: 8d 3d 7c

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 94.444% 94.44% 00.00% 935 0.00 { 3c3h }
Hand 1: 05.556% 05.56% 00.00% 55 0.00 { Kc8c }

Text results appended to pokerstove.txt

Board: 6d As Jh

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 86.667% 86.67% 00.00% 858 0.00 { JcJs }
Hand 1: 13.333% 13.33% 00.00% 132 0.00 { AdJd }

Hand 2 does not include the fact that one of the 2 remaining aces is dead. Please explain me giving oppoents "close to perfect odds"? looks like I gave them worse than 2:1 when they were arround 9:1 dogs.
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08-24-2009 , 05:28 PM
transcend the short term. Live for the sklansky.
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