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Most Irritating non poker player questions Most Irritating non poker player questions

08-03-2010 , 05:09 PM
So what are the most irritating questions you get asked about playing poker? (If you lose you probably dont get asked these.)

Here's of a few of the most annoying ones I get asked.

Them; Can I give you $500 and have you double it up for me?

Me; I'm up x dollars since I started playing. Them; But how much have you lost?

Them: How did you do last night? Me; pretty good, I won x dollars yesterday.
Them; How much did you lose though?

But isnt it all luck though?

If I were you, i'd just stop playing now while I was ahead.

I'm sure you guys can think of others.
08-03-2010 , 05:12 PM
Them; So what are the most irritating questions you get asked about playing poker?
Me; This thread has been done a million times, use the search function.
08-03-2010 , 05:12 PM
Dont know about most irritating non poker player questions but this is surely one of the most irritating topics.
08-03-2010 , 05:16 PM
wp op, but its already been done :/.
08-03-2010 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by jda2002
Them; Can I give you $500 and have you double it up for me?
I'd just say "yeah, but there's always a small risk of losing it all"
And then sit down at a NL1K table and flip for it
08-03-2010 , 05:17 PM
"Does this look infected?"
08-03-2010 , 05:30 PM
I motion for a 1 month ban of OP for not using the search bar before posting.
08-03-2010 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by jda2002
So what are the most irritating questions you get asked about playing poker? (If you lose you probably dont get asked these.)

Here's of a few of the most annoying ones I get asked.

Them; Can I give you $500 and have you double it up for me?

Me; I'm up x dollars since I started playing. Them; But how much have you lost?

Them: How did you do last night? Me; pretty good, I won x dollars yesterday.
Them; How much did you lose though?

But isnt it all luck though?

If I were you, i'd just stop playing now while I was ahead.

I'm sure you guys can think of others.
Noone asks you this OP.
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