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Lucky Chances plus fish plus chips equals crazy delicious (TR obv) Lucky Chances plus fish plus chips equals crazy delicious (TR obv)

11-21-2007 , 04:01 PM
awesome tr
Lucky Chances plus fish plus chips equals crazy delicious (TR obv) Quote
11-21-2007 , 06:20 PM
anyone capping on a dj sensei trip report has outted themselves as a person to never be taken seriously, ever.
Say what? Who's capping on this trip report?

p.s. 100somethingth

p.p.s. DJ when is your birthday? I am going to get you a bike like the ones I always post in your threads.
Lucky Chances plus fish plus chips equals crazy delicious (TR obv) Quote
11-21-2007 , 06:36 PM
DJ Sensei
mad 5k octagons yo
Do you like this one, or the old one, or want something different entirely?
Lucky Chances plus fish plus chips equals crazy delicious (TR obv) Quote
11-21-2007 , 06:40 PM
i guess half the people who live in bbv have been registered for 3 months and don't know who dj sensei is.

good tr as usual

i liked the read tho
Lucky Chances plus fish plus chips equals crazy delicious (TR obv) Quote
11-21-2007 , 07:58 PM
DJ Sensei
mad 5k octagons yo
Do you like this one, or the old one, or want something different entirely?
I like it. And my birfday is in April, if you're gonna get me a baller gold-plated bike with spinning rims. I certainly wouldn't object.
Lucky Chances plus fish plus chips equals crazy delicious (TR obv) Quote
11-21-2007 , 08:03 PM
Moar TRs please, always a good read.
Lucky Chances plus fish plus chips equals crazy delicious (TR obv) Quote
11-21-2007 , 08:23 PM
Awesome trip report man, I enjoyed that a lot.
Lucky Chances plus fish plus chips equals crazy delicious (TR obv) Quote
11-21-2007 , 08:51 PM
DJ Sensei
mad 5k octagons yo
Do you like this one, or the old one, or want something different entirely?
I like it. And my birfday is in April, if you're gonna get me a baller gold-plated bike with spinning rims. I certainly wouldn't object.


Lucky Chances plus fish plus chips equals crazy delicious (TR obv) Quote
11-21-2007 , 10:04 PM
do you honestly think someone is going to read this
haha WRONG
Lucky Chances plus fish plus chips equals crazy delicious (TR obv) Quote
11-21-2007 , 10:26 PM
I read the entire thing but am wondering where all the good reads are coming from?? It seems like a very long post of hands that played themselves and a whole lot of patting yourself on the back.. no?
Lucky Chances plus fish plus chips equals crazy delicious (TR obv) Quote
11-27-2007 , 09:20 AM
I don't understand how they can offer a 10-10-20 NL game but then they can only have spread limit ($200 max bet) in their 1-1-2 and 2-3-5 games?
Try again. 2-3-5 no limit 200 min 1K max has been going for 10 days now.
Lucky Chances plus fish plus chips equals crazy delicious (TR obv) Quote
11-27-2007 , 11:41 AM
Great TR, got in trouble from boss x3 for reading it and not doing work.
Lucky Chances plus fish plus chips equals crazy delicious (TR obv) Quote
11-27-2007 , 12:25 PM
I was trying to decide between reading this or Les Miserables, I chose Les Mis just becuase it would take less time.

Seriously though, how could you write that much? Raddd
Lucky Chances plus fish plus chips equals crazy delicious (TR obv) Quote
11-27-2007 , 12:44 PM
Excellent trip report. Thanks!
Lucky Chances plus fish plus chips equals crazy delicious (TR obv) Quote
11-27-2007 , 01:03 PM
But wtf is this about pedalling to the casino??? I'll consider shipping Stars monies to anyone who can suggest a less balla way to arrive at a casino than on a bicycle...
Lucky Chances plus fish plus chips equals crazy delicious (TR obv) Quote
11-27-2007 , 03:48 PM
I don't understand how they can offer a 10-10-20 NL game but then they can only have spread limit ($200 max bet) in their 1-1-2 and 2-3-5 games?
Try again. 2-3-5 no limit 200 min 1K max has been going for 10 days now.


It is a legit question to ask, since it doesn't make sense that they can have real no limit at nosebleed stakes but can't do real no limit at smaller stakes (or at least until 10 days ago apparently), and the question still applies if the 1/1/2 is still spread limit.
Lucky Chances plus fish plus chips equals crazy delicious (TR obv) Quote
11-27-2007 , 04:25 PM
I don't understand how they can offer a 10-10-20 NL game but then they can only have spread limit ($200 max bet) in their 1-1-2 and 2-3-5 games?
Try again. 2-3-5 no limit 200 min 1K max has been going for 10 days now.


It is a legit question to ask, since it doesn't make sense that they can have real no limit at nosebleed stakes but can't do real no limit at smaller stakes (or at least until 10 days ago apparently), and the question still applies if the 1/1/2 is still spread limit.
I thought I told you this like over a year ago. 2/3/5/(10 kinda) blinds. 1k max buy.

also, last time i played the 1/1/2 it was spread limit iirc.
Lucky Chances plus fish plus chips equals crazy delicious (TR obv) Quote
11-27-2007 , 04:35 PM
I thought I told you this like over a year ago. 2/3/5/(10 kinda) blinds. 1k max buy.
Duh, I've played this game a few times, but it was spread limit (with the same max $200 bet as the 1/1/2 game). Haakee seems to be saying that it's now a true no-limit game. Someone confirm/deny plz?
Lucky Chances plus fish plus chips equals crazy delicious (TR obv) Quote
11-27-2007 , 05:28 PM
just called.

they now spread *two* 2/3/5 games; one spread limit, one no limit.

also, AJ's now has a 5 to go NL game as well.
Lucky Chances plus fish plus chips equals crazy delicious (TR obv) Quote
11-27-2007 , 05:43 PM
Good read. Don't understand the hate.
Ya seriously WTF?

Nice tr OP, I enjoyed it.
Lucky Chances plus fish plus chips equals crazy delicious (TR obv) Quote
11-28-2007 , 07:39 AM
Oh wtf, they DO have NL now at the 2/3/5. I think I can't resist that. See ya there goofy!
Lucky Chances plus fish plus chips equals crazy delicious (TR obv) Quote
11-28-2007 , 12:00 PM
The next notable action that he made after that conversation was when he got into a multiway raised pot, and ended up calling off the rest of his stack, about $60 into $180, with JTo on a board of A92r. Clearly, the jack high call is not a good one, as the better won the pot with a pair of aces.
On a queen high flop, the raiser led out for $200, and dad quickly pushed in the rest of his stack and turned over the monster hand A8. No pair, no draw. The better took down the pot (of course) with AQ. I think dad needs practice with these thin calls, though his parenting is apparently pretty solid based on his headwear

Lucky Chances plus fish plus chips equals crazy delicious (TR obv) Quote
11-29-2007 , 04:16 PM
Hey, Great TR, I used to play in the art joes 5 5 10 game two years ago, because it was literally the only true No Limit game in the bay area.

For nostalgia's sake want to take a pic of the 1k and 5k lc chips and post em?
Lucky Chances plus fish plus chips equals crazy delicious (TR obv) Quote
11-29-2007 , 06:32 PM
Hey, Great TR, I used to play in the art joes 5 5 10 game two years ago, because it was literally the only true No Limit game in the bay area.

For nostalgia's sake want to take a pic of the 1k and 5k lc chips and post em?
OK, if somebody can figure out how to turn a picture message from my cell phone into an internet picture i'll send them a pic next time i'm there. Cool thing about the 5k chips is that, aside from the fact that they are octagonal and big, they each are individually numbered (3 digits). For some reason that seems way more baller to me.
Lucky Chances plus fish plus chips equals crazy delicious (TR obv) Quote
