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Losing in 25NL, Winning in 50NL Losing in 25NL, Winning in 50NL

03-22-2011 , 01:27 AM

This is my first post, i searched for a similar post but wasn't able to find one. I always find one that is the other way around.

My bankroll permits me to play 6 tables @ 25NL. but when i began i was winning @ 25NL 6max. The past week sometimes i go up @ 50NL (4tables) and i haven't had a losing session yet. I had some lucky flops but we all do right. But i have played like 10 session and not one losing session. and all my last 25NL session i have been losing.

I know i must be doing something wrong but i just want some advice as to what i may be doing wrong and what i should do.

Due to my bankroll i really don't feel comfortable playing 50NL all the time but i can't keep losing @ 25NL this way.
Any advice
Losing in 25NL, Winning in 50NL Quote
03-22-2011 , 01:32 AM
Seems like you have moved up to where they respect your raises...the thing is it's tough to play lower stakes because you play with so many morons who will never fold any you'll be raising pre and betting into them with saw draws and stuff and then they'll call you down with like third pair and you'll be like ???. But as you go higher in stakes the players are more logical and able to fold cards..I wouldn't even be surprised if you were to shot take 100NL successfully. Recent players who have great success using this technique are emilyran and like0731
Losing in 25NL, Winning in 50NL Quote
03-22-2011 , 01:35 AM
they respect ur rases more @ Nl50 obv

but srsly its just that when someone opens to 1,50$ PF and u 3bet him to 3,50$ they think u are a troll and shove u snap call w/ AA
Losing in 25NL, Winning in 50NL Quote
03-22-2011 , 01:46 AM
Thanks for the speedy reply,

So it is best for me to keep playing 50NL than, and once in a while go up to 100NL?
Losing in 25NL, Winning in 50NL Quote
03-22-2011 , 02:01 AM
Originally Posted by empiredrop
Thanks for the speedy reply,

So it is best for me to keep playing 50NL than, and once in a while go up to 100NL?
Yes. Maybe even 200NL with just two tables. Remember, winning one pot at 50NL is $50, but at 200NL it's $200. That is four times more money you win, for the same amount of work.
Losing in 25NL, Winning in 50NL Quote
03-22-2011 , 02:21 AM
Originally Posted by Loctus
Yes. Maybe even 200NL with just two tables. Remember, winning one pot at 50NL is $50, but at 200NL it's $200. That is four times more money you win, for the same amount of work.
+1, this worked for me and so many people I play with now - nobody respected their raises at the micros, they moved up to where they play real poker and absolutely crushed. GL OP
Losing in 25NL, Winning in 50NL Quote
03-22-2011 , 02:33 AM
Originally Posted by Loctus
Yes. Maybe even 200NL with just two tables. Remember, winning one pot at 50NL is $50, but at 200NL it's $200. That is four times more money you win, for the same amount of work.
+2, except I think he is failing to evaluate your skill level completely. I would suggest 1 tabling 600NL, because its the same game. And when you add in the fact that you will be more focused, its almost impossible to go broke plus you will have a higher win rate.
Losing in 25NL, Winning in 50NL Quote
03-22-2011 , 02:36 AM
Originally Posted by B T R O M Z
they respect ur rases more @ Nl50 obv

but srsly its just that when someone opens to 1,50$ PF and u 3bet him to 3,50$ they think u are a troll and shove u snap call w/ AA

Gotta 3.50$ merge your range IMO
Losing in 25NL, Winning in 50NL Quote
03-22-2011 , 02:42 AM
Originally Posted by Biggavelli
Gotta 3.50$ merge your range IMO
Gotta blee blue blop merge your range.

Do you think you are funny?
Losing in 25NL, Winning in 50NL Quote
03-22-2011 , 02:44 AM
Yeah I mean I was 24 tabling 2nl and just couldn't win without rakeback. Idiots calling me with nothing are so hard to beat. I was like I can't continuation bet a king high flop with my AK as that donk has prob got 63 for two pair.

So I watched a video at Cardrunners which said to move up where the games are softer as you are against good players. Taylor Caby was a hero to me for suggesting this. I now 24 table NL400 and crush.

I only play 1 orbit a day and steal the blinds and it gives me enough money to but cheezeburgers each day so now I can say I am a pro.
Losing in 25NL, Winning in 50NL Quote
03-22-2011 , 02:45 AM
Originally Posted by TeddyKGB45
+2, except I think he is failing to evaluate your skill level completely. I would suggest 1 tabling 600NL, because its the same game. And when you add in the fact that you will be more focused, its almost impossible to go broke plus you will have a higher win rate.
i don't have the bankroll for 600NL. But sure hope to get there in the future.
I'm really on the edge of 50NL after cashing in my bonus this month. So i think i will just check out the 50NL and sometimes the 100NL. Maybe boost up my bankroll next month or so to move up.

Thanks for all the replies.

Losing in 25NL, Winning in 50NL Quote
03-22-2011 , 03:10 AM
rake tho
Losing in 25NL, Winning in 50NL Quote
03-22-2011 , 03:16 AM
Originally Posted by Shelldonahue
Gotta blee blue blop merge your range.

Do you think you are funny?
U mad?
Losing in 25NL, Winning in 50NL Quote
03-22-2011 , 05:51 AM
seriously you guys are awful. everybody is giving you bs advice dude. its just variance, play whatever you are rolled for, bank roll management is really really important.
Losing in 25NL, Winning in 50NL Quote
03-22-2011 , 05:55 AM
Sample size ?
Losing in 25NL, Winning in 50NL Quote
03-22-2011 , 06:06 AM
Originally Posted by CxF
seriously you guys are awful. everybody is giving you bs advice dude. its just variance, play whatever you are rolled for, bank roll management is really really important.
OP this guy is leveling. Variance? Seriously? The guy had TEN OUT OF TEN winning sessions at 50NL and ALL losing sessions at 25NL. If that's variance then I don't play nosebleeds, and trust me, I play nosebleeds. Which leads me to my next point...

OP, from my experience at 5/10 and higher I have noticed that the players who are consistently able to beat 50NL but tend to lose at 25NL are perfectly suited for 10/20 and 25/50. They have just the right amount combination of nittiness and microdonkery to confuse the hell out of the ABC-playing bumhunters that infest those levels.

Obviously I'm not saying blow your whole roll, but maybe if you get your roll up to 4 or 5 thousand, it might be good to buy into a 10/20 game and take it for a test drive. You know, get a feel for it. Some people are fit to drive Honda Odysseys and some people are fit to drive Lamborghinis, but there's no way to tell until you get behind the wheel.
Losing in 25NL, Winning in 50NL Quote
03-22-2011 , 06:19 AM
Originally Posted by CxF
seriously you guys are awful. everybody is giving you bs advice dude. its just variance, play whatever you are rolled for, bank roll management is really really important.
Losing in 25NL, Winning in 50NL Quote
03-22-2011 , 06:22 AM
all you trolls have forgotten to mention the obvious. Why not deposit more, add to his bankroll and move up where they respect his raises?
Losing in 25NL, Winning in 50NL Quote
03-22-2011 , 09:01 AM
I hadn't wanted to share this so publicly at first, but since this BBV has done so much to improve my strategy, I thought I'd add to the wealth of knowledge in this thread.

I wrote my dissertation on my revolutionary "Inverse theory of stakes" less formally known as "the trickle up effect".

Quite simply, why do you think there are so many bots/3rd world grinders playing millions of hands at 5nl? Because they make bank!!!

But what does a losing degenerate gambler do when he loses a few buy-ins to the sharks? He moves up to make it back quicker!!!

And when he loses some more? He moves higher in the stakes to recoup his losses.

It's through this process that the real easy money is snatched up by the ABC players who've figured this out, deposited their life-roll and headed for the big stakes.

Essentially, through the inverse squares law, double the stakes and it gets 4x as easy to make manies!!!
Losing in 25NL, Winning in 50NL Quote
03-22-2011 , 09:45 AM
25nl is a weirdly hard limit. I have read several comments to that effect and I have experienced it myself. For years I struggled at 25nl never being able to move up. I took a shot at 100nl limit one day back in November and I had some success and I have never looked back.

I think part of the reason is the rake.
Losing in 25NL, Winning in 50NL Quote
03-22-2011 , 09:49 AM
3betting to $3.50 is the nuts tho
Losing in 25NL, Winning in 50NL Quote
03-22-2011 , 09:53 AM
It's wrong to make your 3bet size tree fiddy.

You're supposed to add tree fiddy on top of whatever the current bet is.

That way you can type "I need about...tree fiddy" in the chat box before you click raise.

Losing in 25NL, Winning in 50NL Quote
03-22-2011 , 12:17 PM
@ 25NL my I'm like -450 in maybe 15.000 hands and 50NL I'm +400 in maybe 3500 hands. Nos a very large sample size. But this is only 6-max. For 25NL full ring I also have about 15.000 hands. I used to be a winning player @ 12 tabling 25NL but not much. And if I would lose one flip I would be even or stuck e little so I began playing 25NL 6-max or 50NL 6-max.

The past 2 weeks litteraly I've been playing maybe 90 minutes 25NL and losing. And then 90 minutes 50NL and winning. Maybe I'm not taking 25 NL seriously????? But I just seem more comfortable @ 25NL due to bankroll issues. But if I continue like this I'll go broke @ 25 NL
Losing in 25NL, Winning in 50NL Quote
