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*** Las Vegas Meet Ups and Debauchery, NZ delivers sheep to Poland, July LC/NC NSFW *** *** Las Vegas Meet Ups and Debauchery, NZ delivers sheep to Poland, July LC/NC NSFW ***

07-15-2019 , 12:10 AM
I'm surprised there are worse ****posters than me on BBV right now. What a time to be alive.
07-15-2019 , 12:56 AM
Originally Posted by AlwaysFolding
I'm surprised there are worse ****posters than me on BBV right now. What a time to be alive.

There’s always Sammy
07-15-2019 , 01:17 AM
He's always quarreling about something with someone, that's for sure.

Last edited by Sheep86; 07-15-2019 at 02:40 PM.
07-15-2019 , 01:23 AM
07-15-2019 , 01:27 AM
Mr.mmmKay hello
07-15-2019 , 01:37 AM
07-15-2019 , 01:46 AM
Im hungry

Last edited by AlwaysFolding; 07-15-2019 at 01:53 AM.
07-15-2019 , 02:27 AM
Time for cookies!
07-15-2019 , 03:05 AM
I was playing an mtt on stars and my pocket kings got cracked by trupp queens. I feel sad and ashamed.
07-15-2019 , 03:05 AM
Sorry I broke into ur house and ate all the cookies. Did your dishes tho
07-15-2019 , 03:15 AM
Originally Posted by Colin_Piddle
I was playing an mtt on stars and my pocket kings got cracked by trupp queens. I feel sad and ashamed.

Oh no! You ran KK into trup QQ!!?!?!?!!

07-15-2019 , 03:39 AM
I had trups
07-15-2019 , 04:06 AM
07-15-2019 , 09:01 AM
**** you monday
07-15-2019 , 09:28 AM
HAI my collective folks!!

I have a question for the foreign folk at the final table of the main event have to pay the 'murican taxes??
07-15-2019 , 09:57 AM
Sorry about NZs cricket loss, Colin
07-15-2019 , 09:58 AM
I am not Horus but I can answer you very precisely since I researched this prior to going to Vegas. It depends on the tax agreement their place of residence has with the US, if any. Usually they won't have to pay US taxes but taxes in their home country. Unless they don't have a tax agreement with the US like HK, in that case you have to pay 30% withholding tax immediately to Uncle Sam to any winnings minus the buyin. You will never see that money. Applied to all cashouts over 5k US.
I heard the same applies to Aussies and a few others (they have a tax treaty with the US but it does not cover gambling). In the end obv Morph is to blame. I cheated the taxes by bustoing after 2h resp 6h in the events I played.
07-15-2019 , 10:58 AM
**** you monday
07-15-2019 , 11:28 AM
wait i have monday off

thanks morph
07-15-2019 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by FWWM
I am not Horus but I can answer you very precisely since I researched this prior to going to Vegas. It depends on the tax agreement their place of residence has with the US, if any. Usually they won't have to pay US taxes but taxes in their home country. Unless they don't have a tax agreement with the US like HK, in that case you have to pay 30% withholding tax immediately to Uncle Sam to any winnings minus the buyin. You will never see that money. Applied to all cashouts over 5k US.
I heard the same applies to Aussies and a few others (they have a tax treaty with the US but it does not cover gambling). In the end obv Morph is to blame. I cheated the taxes by bustoing after 2h resp 6h in the events I played.
Thank you! Obv. Morph is to blame for all the tax shenanigans!!
07-15-2019 , 12:06 PM
gypsie HAI
07-15-2019 , 12:29 PM
almost time for lunch aaaaaaaa
07-15-2019 , 12:39 PM

Last edited by Sheep86; 07-15-2019 at 12:39 PM. Reason: get well soon, Mr. Folding!
07-15-2019 , 02:14 PM

Going south

Will drink them all

Sammy would die at 100mph without posting on 2p2

07-15-2019 , 03:19 PM
