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KQ, I hate thee KQ, I hate thee

01-22-2008 , 12:55 AM

What am I doing donking off all my chips with KQ when neither a K nor Q hit?

Maybe it really is the hardest hand to play in poker, but usually a K or Q hits before your decisions get so difficult.


KQ, I hate thee Quote
01-22-2008 , 12:57 AM
you have problems folding K high?
KQ, I hate thee Quote
01-22-2008 , 12:59 AM
There are 3 ways to play KQ

1. You flopped the nuts get it in
2. You flopped a big draw get it in
3. Rep the ace
KQ, I hate thee Quote
01-22-2008 , 01:30 AM
Im going to let u in on a secret:

KQ is just a weaker version of QQ, so you gotta play only for set value imo
KQ, I hate thee Quote
