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just cant keep up with the bad beats just cant keep up with the bad beats

11-05-2010 , 05:19 PM
I run so bad

-flush vs flush
-set vs set
-full house vs full house
-2 pair on flop all in guy turns a better 2 pair
-Guy raises, I reraise, holding KQ he has 9 4 off, flops a 9 i flop a queen top pair, I bet a little more then the pot, he calls, turn comes a 4 , theres a fdraw I shove he calls with 2 rag pair

its just not worth it anymore. Im rarely ever all in behind, yes it does happen but when its in im 90% good and i get sucked out. You get these guys who think a flush draw is always good, well it is when theyre playing me.. its nuts.
just cant keep up with the bad beats Quote
11-05-2010 , 05:25 PM
With the exception of the two pair example, you put your money in behind in everything else, so how can you say you're rarely ever all in behind, when it would appear you are the overwhelming majority of the time?
just cant keep up with the bad beats Quote
11-05-2010 , 05:33 PM
food for thought
just cant keep up with the bad beats Quote
11-05-2010 , 05:40 PM
true I guess I am getting legit bad beats.. But the people playing way out of line that are getting redonkulously lucky.. come on now. Guy bets his whole stack on the flop with just a flush draw, I call with a set the river gives it to him. how about this one.. set of aces vs his set of 8s on the flop, all in, river is an 8. All of these i speak of probably add up to 2,000 bucks. I cant afford the bad beats, it puts so much stress on me when i play good. No matter how good you play you can easily lose, thats part of poker but im just not digging it anymore.
just cant keep up with the bad beats Quote
11-05-2010 , 05:45 PM
apparently you can keep track on them though
just cant keep up with the bad beats Quote
11-05-2010 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by Pls try to bluf
true I guess I am getting legit bad beats.. But the people playing way out of line that are getting redonkulously lucky.. come on now. Guy bets his whole stack on the flop with just a flush draw, I call with a set the river gives it to him. how about this one.. set of aces vs his set of 8s on the flop, all in, river is an 8. All of these i speak of probably add up to 2,000 bucks. I cant afford the bad beats, it puts so much stress on me when i play good. No matter how good you play you can easily lose, thats part of poker but im just not digging it anymore.
so quit case closed
just cant keep up with the bad beats Quote
11-05-2010 , 05:48 PM
yeah cause its the reason I lose my bank roll of course im going to remember them, like wow I just had a pot where I had the nuts and this moron over playing a horrible hand go extrememly lucky
just cant keep up with the bad beats Quote
11-05-2010 , 05:50 PM
move up to where they respect your raises
just cant keep up with the bad beats Quote
11-05-2010 , 05:57 PM
philip im playing .25/.50,all i can do.. i had a guy walk all the way to river commited, he was on a flush draw, luckily i hit my set on the river and my over pair made full house.

Its so tough for me to leave the game. Im not addicted to gambling, im addicted to the game itself money just makes it more exciting. Its like a love hate relationship.. the stress level is high i cant take it anymore. I go to finish a guy off, holding KQ he raises, I reraise, flop comes like 9 5 Q, I raise, he reraises all in all tilted, hes holding A 7, im thinking wtf, 30 dollar pot or so, river comes an ace. its all the time seriously
just cant keep up with the bad beats Quote
11-05-2010 , 05:59 PM
just cant keep up with the bad beats Quote
11-05-2010 , 06:02 PM
yeh its not my fault, i guess its different if you have a bankroll with 100 buy ins +
just cant keep up with the bad beats Quote
11-05-2010 , 06:10 PM
where teh f*ck is teddy kgb
just cant keep up with the bad beats Quote
11-05-2010 , 06:12 PM
was playin on full tilt, i know UB offers hu cash play that is smaller buy ins. Still the same crap though. Idiotic players getten lucky. I dunno how some of you guys keep your cool and all
just cant keep up with the bad beats Quote
11-05-2010 , 06:12 PM
who is teddy
just cant keep up with the bad beats Quote
11-05-2010 , 06:14 PM
didnt mean no dis to yo fred but he's my bud we want ted back
just cant keep up with the bad beats Quote
11-05-2010 , 10:54 PM
alright and I just got scammed for 230 bucks. Used paypal its been a month. jesus goodness.
just cant keep up with the bad beats Quote
11-06-2010 , 02:39 AM
Originally Posted by mrrpb
With the exception of the two pair example, you put your money in behind in everything else, so how can you say you're rarely ever all in behind, when it would appear you are the overwhelming majority of the time?
You know what a cooler is?

Do you fold middle set on the flop because someone could have top set, even though they have a bunch of other hands in their range which you beat?
just cant keep up with the bad beats Quote
11-06-2010 , 02:41 AM
I can also post 5 examples of bad beats. I'm guessing so can every single person in bbv.

It's poker. **** happens. If you're a 90% favorite, you aren't going to win 100% of the time. Sack up, get over it, and get back to work.
just cant keep up with the bad beats Quote
11-06-2010 , 07:25 AM
Originally Posted by Maso777
You know what a cooler is?

Do you fold middle set on the flop because someone could have top set, even though they have a bunch of other hands in their range which you beat?
Duh, I'm merely pointing out that in his rant he says "I'm rarely ever all in behind" yet everything but one of his examples involved him putting his money in behind. Relax.
just cant keep up with the bad beats Quote
11-06-2010 , 08:48 AM
welcome to poker stupid donkey
just cant keep up with the bad beats Quote
11-07-2010 , 02:21 AM
Originally Posted by DevinTheLegend
I can also post 5 examples of bad beats. I'm guessing so can every single person in bbv.

It's poker. **** happens. If you're a 90% favorite, you aren't going to win 100% of the time. Sack up, get over it, and get back to work.

god i hate these threads
just cant keep up with the bad beats Quote
11-07-2010 , 02:50 AM
Keep on truckin 8-)

Last edited by kevinful; 11-07-2010 at 03:11 AM. Reason: as the great Jon B would say
just cant keep up with the bad beats Quote
11-07-2010 , 02:59 AM
flush over flush!?!?!

confirmed worst beat ever.
just cant keep up with the bad beats Quote
11-07-2010 , 10:25 AM
you seem to be keeping up OK. i mean, you have a list and everything
just cant keep up with the bad beats Quote
