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***I'm too young to... Also daily list of things that are Morphs fault. August LC/NC NSFW*** ***I'm too young to... Also daily list of things that are Morphs fault. August LC/NC NSFW***

08-26-2018 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by Colin_Piddle
I vote reinstate nightly GIF right now Fid,
I will do a list in Mr Folding's absence.

1. Mr TBH still doing god's work
2. Paying more taxes for being in a christian is not very godly
3. Mr Fid it could never be 76 degrees celsius, not even Sahara Desert is that hot, I don't recognise that Fahrenheit scale and never should you being from down under.
4. Mr SuitedJustice has been posting some amazing updates in his blog. Truly inspiring and maybe one day I will follow suit (tho probably not in America)
5. Mr Sammy does anyone really win money sports betting?
6. Mr Franko how is the restaurant/bar business going? We need more food pics sir
7. Morph I have read at least 5-6 novels this year. I'm officially a book boss
8. Robert_ UTK you posted an amazingly funny comment the other day, I forgot what it was now but it made me chuckle. I think it was something to do with MTT.
9. If MTT gets IP banned the no of threads in BBV will decrease by 350%
10. What happened to Mr AcesFLow if someone could get this man back on BBV I will be eternally greatful.
11. This is for all the other BBV regs including our famous LocK Poker Pro its good to have you in the house sir.


I AM IMPRESSED. IT IS MOIST PERFECT FOR THE 73RD CONSECUTIVE SHEEPDAY. Even though it's from a week ago. That's beside the point. The point is it's delightful! Today, this blessed day of the Sheep, we honor the beautiful and productive Mr. Sheep, a member whom exhibits the wisdom of Mother Theresa and the cunning wit of your mom.

Not Mr. Sheep's mom. YOUR mom.

Basically I'm losing it, but classes start tomorrow and we need sheep to make it through!!

I will be seeing more of you gents soon. Thank you for your patience.
08-26-2018 , 09:43 PM
1. I love food
2. This is the list of all the sluts I've missed
3. Natamus
4. Hahahahahahaha just kidding keep up the anal
5. BBV is life
08-26-2018 , 09:44 PM
0. **** you monday
08-26-2018 , 11:27 PM
Welcome home
08-26-2018 , 11:34 PM
08-26-2018 , 11:34 PM
Wait, that's Welcome Back...
08-26-2018 , 11:34 PM
my bad...
08-27-2018 , 12:49 AM
its ok
08-27-2018 , 03:26 AM
Originally Posted by AlwaysFolding
1. I love food
2. This is the list of all the sluts I've missed
3. Natamus
4. Hahahahahahaha just kidding keep up the anal
5. BBV is life

Still can’t figure out how to take a clean anus selfie.
08-27-2018 , 04:02 AM
currently 2/5

i've never reached the "last blind level" of a tournament lolWPN

08-27-2018 , 04:37 AM

08-27-2018 , 04:54 AM
time to sleep like a baby
08-27-2018 , 05:07 AM
Congrats Hours!

Quavo is very proud of you
08-27-2018 , 06:14 AM
AlwaysFolding I'm glad you like my list sir

Hai all
08-27-2018 , 06:19 AM
Originally Posted by H0RUS

How much will that be after taxes?
08-27-2018 , 06:19 AM
Mr Horus big win sir! Congrats.

Yes we need to know post tax winnings
08-27-2018 , 06:26 AM
Sammy's gimmick account has almost the same number of posts as AlwaysFolding this month!
08-27-2018 , 06:36 AM
Very proud of you, H0RUS!
08-27-2018 , 08:46 AM
08-27-2018 , 08:46 AM
08-27-2018 , 08:47 AM
08-27-2018 , 08:48 AM
08-27-2018 , 09:00 AM
**** you monday
08-27-2018 , 09:04 AM
Originally Posted by H0RUS


08-27-2018 , 09:05 AM
Originally Posted by Colin_Piddle
Sammy's gimmick account has almost the same number of posts as AlwaysFolding this month!
**** you monday
