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I'm quitting poker.  Goodluck to those who continue. I'm quitting poker.  Goodluck to those who continue.

03-31-2011 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by Caledonianbu
Why are you taking clonzepam/tylenol?!
and does diet pepsi really get you "wired up"?
I'm quitting poker.  Goodluck to those who continue. Quote
03-31-2011 , 02:32 PM
I know how you feel as I'm going through a similar struggle with backgammon. I'm constantly snorting lines of coke, getting hammered at bars every night and popping pills. Looks like I'm not cut out for backgammon.
I'm quitting poker.  Goodluck to those who continue. Quote
03-31-2011 , 02:50 PM
I recently started folding AA preflop because I can't take it anymore. Maybe that helps to improve your mindset?
I'm quitting poker.  Goodluck to those who continue. Quote
03-31-2011 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by NextBigAuthor

I'm just going to accept being poor and that I'll never change people's minds about me being a loser and never make anyone envious of me.
I guess this must be one of the hardest things to do in life , good luck dude.
Also do not forget the lessons on life poker gave you.
I'm quitting poker.  Goodluck to those who continue. Quote
03-31-2011 , 03:18 PM
Ah f&&k, Ah f&&k, Awe f&&k...

woke up at 2pm...

brain starts thinkin "wtf is there to do"?

"There's nothing to do"...

"Wtf is there to do"?


I feel like going total degen and losing all the govenrment and income tax money that was just deposited into my account. Not realy losing it per se, but basically using it as entertainment via the highs and lows of gambling. And trying to figure out why I finished 26th out of 13,000+ on Monday because my two pair didn't hold up against a pair twice, and when I limped with KK and the BB shoved with KJ and the flop was JJ2, and why I raised with KJs and the bttn called and the flop was KJ5 and we got it all in and he flips KQ and a Q turns. All the why's and the drama's and how I could made the final table....if only I had gotten a little luckier...or a little lessunlucky. Poker f**cks with the mind. Could turned my typical $10-$20 deposit into an instant $3000 roll.
I'm quitting poker.  Goodluck to those who continue. Quote
03-31-2011 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by NextBigAuthor

I'm just going to accept being poor and that I'll never change people's minds about me being a loser and never make anyone envious of me.

you realised this , it shows great strength
I'm quitting poker.  Goodluck to those who continue. Quote
03-31-2011 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by thoth_hermes
I know how you feel as I'm going through a similar struggle with backgammon. I'm constantly snorting lines of coke, getting hammered at bars every night and popping pills. Looks like I'm not cut out for backgammon.
hi gus. how is monaco in 2011?
I'm quitting poker.  Goodluck to those who continue. Quote
03-31-2011 , 03:49 PM
I quit my job today
Actually I got sacked but I say who's counting ?
I am so fkn happy :-)
I'm quitting poker.  Goodluck to those who continue. Quote
03-31-2011 , 04:01 PM
instead of poker why not take up smoking crack?
I'm quitting poker.  Goodluck to those who continue. Quote
03-31-2011 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by NextBigAuthor
I have no energy left for poker.

I do dumb things, like drink an entire 2L Diet Pepsi tonight to get me wired up. I pop tylenol 1's. Now a new drug called Clonazepam. Really been messin with my health.

My life's a mess and I'm never going to succeed at poker.

I see this post is quite scattered and I don't know what to say. Basically, some of you are right - I'm a messed up individual who needs help and shouldn't be playing poker.

I have had a nagging feeling for years that I don't want to be happy because I'm consumed with bitterness over all that hurt me and went wrong in mine and my family's life. F*ck happiness.

I'm just going to accept being poor and that I'll never change people's minds about me being a loser and never make anyone envious of me.

I am dropping out of the game, and no, this is not a break from poker. Goodluck to those who carry on the struggle without me. I am free.
hi--let me send you my book to cheer you up after a very smart decision.check out my site at my email is send me your address tony korfman
I'm quitting poker.  Goodluck to those who continue. Quote
03-31-2011 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by Troy_AF
good luck with quitting after you've played for a couple of years.

i cant quit.
this is an amazingly true statement. my girl tells me that i play to much cause i will play 8-10 hours on my days off and i should quit cause its a waste of time for a small amount of money. i told her that i played daily for 8 years before i met her and not to expect it to change now
I'm quitting poker.  Goodluck to those who continue. Quote
03-31-2011 , 05:47 PM
Ya, it's f**ckin hard to quit. Even using all the rational judgements I can muster. I haven't redeposited YET.

P.S. I think I'll go lay in the shower in the fetal position for about 2 hours and think about what to do.

Last edited by NextBigAuthor; 03-31-2011 at 05:49 PM. Reason: wanted to mention I'll pathetically be in the shower for two hours without even masturbating
I'm quitting poker.  Goodluck to those who continue. Quote
03-31-2011 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by NextBigAuthor

That's it. I don't know how to post a graph nor do I care to learn. Most of my wins were in 2008 and July 2009 - Halloween 2009. Since then I've been a different player (no patience whatsoever, no mental clarity) and many times I've realized I don't want to play poker but do so just for the sake of trying to win money. I've got an anxiety disorder and because of that, poker burns me out fast.
Small sample size but I think that your stats look good and you have some talent, pull your head out of your ass and maybe you can actually go somewhere. I think that you are your problem not poker.. To bad, I wish I had these stats when I first started
I'm quitting poker.  Goodluck to those who continue. Quote
03-31-2011 , 06:30 PM
your doing it wrong bottle of whiskey n weed ftw
I'm quitting poker.  Goodluck to those who continue. Quote
03-31-2011 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by variatsioon
nice. gl!

It's Only after you've lost everything, that you are free to do anything.

In poker u gotta be wirring to go broke baby.

Have a nice day.

Gl tomorrow
I'm quitting poker.  Goodluck to those who continue. Quote
03-31-2011 , 07:11 PM
You won 31 tournaments out of 491, and you are quitting?
I'm quitting poker.  Goodluck to those who continue. Quote
03-31-2011 , 07:21 PM
Just self ban yourself for a month or so and get your **** together. Degens gonna degen.
I'm quitting poker.  Goodluck to those who continue. Quote
03-31-2011 , 07:23 PM
quit. fix life NOW, whatever it takes. after that, do whatever you feel like with your talents, i.e crush donkaments, but don't waste your time & your talent (fixing live in 2 years will be harder).
you'll never fix everything. but to just let things go for a long time leads to the situation where you absolutely need to do something, and do it quick.

just do it. i'v seen couple people (friends actually to be honest) crushing 100nl+ online after they smoked crack ( well, the european thing actually, which is called base, don't want to go into details here..) for several years.
however there is a point of no return, not only drug wise, but more in terms of how you treat yourself in every possible aspect, how you deal with life. DON'T FAKKING MISS IT.

Last edited by rainmakerrr; 03-31-2011 at 07:26 PM. Reason: i jus like my posts being edited you kno?
I'm quitting poker.  Goodluck to those who continue. Quote
03-31-2011 , 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by SharkTank43
GL in your future endeavors OP, you will be better off without poker
**** all the haters bro, hope you sort yourself out man!
I'm quitting poker.  Goodluck to those who continue. Quote
03-31-2011 , 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by Stubbsy_11
**** all the haters bro, hope you sort yourself out man!
normally I would agree with u but OP has some serious problems and poker probably isn't the best thing for him to do until he fixes or atleast controls them
I'm quitting poker.  Goodluck to those who continue. Quote
03-31-2011 , 09:22 PM
Good Riddance. I hope you had the time of your life.
I'm quitting poker.  Goodluck to those who continue. Quote
03-31-2011 , 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by HeroInBlack
You won 31 tournaments out of 491, and you are quitting?
10-12 of these wins were when I was broke and playing a 10c SAT into a dollar touney. Something like the top 50 or 80 got in and everyone was credited with a first place. So 10-12 of my wins are false stat padders.

P.S. Many of my wins were SATS into the $75k, a $162 BI tourney. I was amazing at SATs.
I'm quitting poker.  Goodluck to those who continue. Quote
04-01-2011 , 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by NextBigAuthor
My married gambling counselor once appeared to have a crush on me and I would have loved to have had compulsive gambler to hot gambling counselor sex. That would have been a brag, but I backed out of treatment just as she seemed the hottest for me.
Better up the meds bro, getting a little delusional
I'm quitting poker.  Goodluck to those who continue. Quote
04-01-2011 , 12:37 AM
Originally Posted by NextBigAuthor
I do dumb things, like drink an entire 2L Diet Pepsi tonight to get me wired up. I pop tylenol 1's.
Wow OP... this is some wild ****. Tone it down
I'm quitting poker.  Goodluck to those who continue. Quote
04-01-2011 , 01:01 AM
Originally Posted by NextBigAuthor
I limped with KK.
Stop that.
I'm quitting poker.  Goodluck to those who continue. Quote
