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I will turn  into <img k in the next 2 hr 40 min (Stars) and stake you for Sunday Quaeter Mill I will turn  into <img k in the next 2 hr 40 min (Stars) and stake you for Sunday Quaeter Mill

03-13-2011 , 01:16 PM
[ ] fish on a heater
[x] gangster on a heater
I will turn  into <img k in the next 2 hr 40 min (Stars) and stake you for Sunday Quaeter Mill Quote
03-13-2011 , 01:17 PM
Step 1 is done, now step 2; one of the horses need to ship this donkament!!!
I will turn  into <img k in the next 2 hr 40 min (Stars) and stake you for Sunday Quaeter Mill Quote
03-13-2011 , 01:19 PM
pm sent
I will turn  into <img k in the next 2 hr 40 min (Stars) and stake you for Sunday Quaeter Mill Quote
03-13-2011 , 01:20 PM
I reserve 10% of my total profit from the $11 staking to charity. Hopefully there will be profit...
I will turn  into <img k in the next 2 hr 40 min (Stars) and stake you for Sunday Quaeter Mill Quote
03-13-2011 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by BadMoFu
I reserve 10% of my total profit from the $11 staking to charity. Hopefully there will be profit...
what charity btw?

i suggest something for japan
I will turn  into <img k in the next 2 hr 40 min (Stars) and stake you for Sunday Quaeter Mill Quote
03-13-2011 , 01:28 PM
i'd like to be staked too if possible, jannes22
I will turn  into <img k in the next 2 hr 40 min (Stars) and stake you for Sunday Quaeter Mill Quote
03-13-2011 , 01:29 PM
nj OP, very impressive...I always tried to do this before and always go busto...

Feeling good about the 1/4 mil today though! I'm not interested in a stake, but I appreciate what you are doing for people!

Are you playing in it? If so, GL, and i'll see you at the final table
I will turn  into <img k in the next 2 hr 40 min (Stars) and stake you for Sunday Quaeter Mill Quote
03-13-2011 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by IEatYou
what charity btw?

i suggest something for japan
Well, since its so unlikely I will profit in the first place I dont want to assign a specific one yet.

Only if I luckbox into a substantial win I will take suggestions on the charity.
I will turn  into <img k in the next 2 hr 40 min (Stars) and stake you for Sunday Quaeter Mill Quote
03-13-2011 , 01:34 PM
When will you publish who you decide to stake :b ? or atleast pm back wether its a no or go ?
I will turn  into <img k in the next 2 hr 40 min (Stars) and stake you for Sunday Quaeter Mill Quote
03-13-2011 , 01:46 PM

I would like a stake too, but cannot PM because have been only lurking here...
I can email the info you wanted or smth.

SN is merkkumerkku (basically haven't played anything much at stars, a few deep run in micro donkaments on other sites)

one time
I will turn  into <img k in the next 2 hr 40 min (Stars) and stake you for Sunday Quaeter Mill Quote
03-13-2011 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by BadMoFu
To apply for the stake you have to PM me.
Originally Posted by BadMoFu
I need you real name, your PokerStars name, your city and country, your cell phone number. I might ask for a picture of an ID.

I would like a stake too, but cannot PM because have been only lurking here...
Given what OP needs to consider staking you, I'm deciding that if you don't have PM privileges, you can't apply. Also, having an established 2+2 account that will get banned if the stake is violated is the only way to keep people honest.
I will turn  into <img k in the next 2 hr 40 min (Stars) and stake you for Sunday Quaeter Mill Quote
03-13-2011 , 01:55 PM
Philanthropist ITT.

N1 OP.
I will turn  into <img k in the next 2 hr 40 min (Stars) and stake you for Sunday Quaeter Mill Quote
03-13-2011 , 01:58 PM
Real name: Joshua le Marchant

That should be enough to secure a stake IMO.
I will turn  into <img k in the next 2 hr 40 min (Stars) and stake you for Sunday Quaeter Mill Quote
03-13-2011 , 02:04 PM
PM sent.
I will turn  into <img k in the next 2 hr 40 min (Stars) and stake you for Sunday Quaeter Mill Quote
03-13-2011 , 02:04 PM
Stake: ISmellToast PS
I will turn  into <img k in the next 2 hr 40 min (Stars) and stake you for Sunday Quaeter Mill Quote
03-13-2011 , 02:06 PM
guy is legit,just be patient

one time
I will turn  into <img k in the next 2 hr 40 min (Stars) and stake you for Sunday Quaeter Mill Quote
03-13-2011 , 02:08 PM
Ok, got 17 horses so far. I was really light in my decision making and honestly, I probably would only stake 1 or 2 people if I weas looking to actually be +EV on this. But because of the succesfull challenge thing and the 10% charity thing I decided to give more people a shot.

So don't dissapoint me boys!

I might take up a few more applications. Just make sure you give me your full name, phone #, country and city. Picture of driver license along all that info will auto-guarantee you the stake btw.
I will turn  into <img k in the next 2 hr 40 min (Stars) and stake you for Sunday Quaeter Mill Quote
03-13-2011 , 02:09 PM
ty op. recieved
I will turn  into <img k in the next 2 hr 40 min (Stars) and stake you for Sunday Quaeter Mill Quote
03-13-2011 , 02:13 PM
ty op if i get lucky i will donate 10%of my end to the dekalb county humane society
I will turn  into <img k in the next 2 hr 40 min (Stars) and stake you for Sunday Quaeter Mill Quote
03-13-2011 , 02:13 PM
registered. would be so sick if someone here actually won
I will turn  into <img k in the next 2 hr 40 min (Stars) and stake you for Sunday Quaeter Mill Quote
03-13-2011 , 02:14 PM
Can I find your email address somehow?? (maybe make one for the badmofu acc or smething?)

Would be very interested and send the stuff you need for it.
I will turn  into <img k in the next 2 hr 40 min (Stars) and stake you for Sunday Quaeter Mill Quote
03-13-2011 , 02:19 PM
OP staked me. If you change your mind, just let me know before tourney starts and will be happy to unreg and send back the $11. I just hope I'll turn into one of those success stories "I shouldn't have staked him, but he made a return for me, so good deal".
I will turn  into <img k in the next 2 hr 40 min (Stars) and stake you for Sunday Quaeter Mill Quote
03-13-2011 , 02:23 PM
gl every1
I will turn  into <img k in the next 2 hr 40 min (Stars) and stake you for Sunday Quaeter Mill Quote
03-13-2011 , 02:43 PM

OP how about if this thread turns into a hand history/rail thread?
I will turn  into <img k in the next 2 hr 40 min (Stars) and stake you for Sunday Quaeter Mill Quote
03-13-2011 , 02:46 PM
i wonder how many people will lose the $11 playing cash games before the tourney starts
I will turn  into <img k in the next 2 hr 40 min (Stars) and stake you for Sunday Quaeter Mill Quote
