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I Really, Really, Really, Really HATE When They Limp In with Pocket Aces (Or Kings). I Really, Really, Really, Really HATE When They Limp In with Pocket Aces (Or Kings).

09-25-2014 , 09:24 AM
Originally Posted by bjsmith22
sorry for believing science and statistics
I Really, Really, Really, Really HATE When They Limp In with Pocket Aces (Or Kings). Quote
09-25-2014 , 10:59 AM
Ok, I'm sorry for being rude OP. You have convinced me that you are a hot babe and you turn down 99% of guys who ask you out. I think you should stream yourself playing poker. You could make millions because all of us poker nerds want to watch a hot girl play poker. Think of all the viewers you could get. If that doesn't work you can always be a cam girl.
I Really, Really, Really, Really HATE When They Limp In with Pocket Aces (Or Kings). Quote
09-25-2014 , 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by ThatsNotPoker
Not to pile on but you did make a thread about how you cannot beat the unstoppable 'limp AA/KK' strategy.
You should have actually read my question in that thread: I asked for optimal betting strategy against these limpers.. who limp all the way to the river. You hit a boat and bet accordingly on all streets ... they wait to the river to show down with their higher boat, for a hand you wouldn't have put them on because of the limp pre-flop call. You don't want to NOT bet when you have a great hand and they are limping along -- but you don't want to get pummeled either. So taking into account their limp-a-long tendencies, perhaps it's long term more profitable to bet 1/3 pot each street, rather than 1/2 - 2/3 when they are in the hand..

And no, they aren't unstoppable -- but, they're going to pull rabbits out of the hat.
I Really, Really, Really, Really HATE When They Limp In with Pocket Aces (Or Kings). Quote
09-25-2014 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by Clevername69
Ok, I'm sorry for being rude OP. You have convinced me that you are a hot babe and you turn down 99% of guys who ask you out. I think you should stream yourself playing poker. You could make millions because all of us poker nerds want to watch a hot girl play poker. Think of all the viewers you could get. If that doesn't work you can always be a cam girl.

lol.. I have no need for the attention. I'm not playing poker to entertain you, I'm playing poker to entertain me... and to do my best to make a profit at it.

I'm a rec player who wants to improve. I enjoy the dynamics of live games.. I enjoy learning strategy. And I like being underestimated... it's profitable. :-)
I Really, Really, Really, Really HATE When They Limp In with Pocket Aces (Or Kings). Quote
09-25-2014 , 11:55 AM
So basically you are mad because you can't put fish on a hand? You must not be very good then.
I Really, Really, Really, Really HATE When They Limp In with Pocket Aces (Or Kings). Quote
09-25-2014 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by Clevername69
So basically you are mad because you can't put fish on a hand? You must not be very good then.
Hmmm... I don't think the limpers are technically fish.. they don't flat call with ATC... just with monster hands. You just never know what monster they have lurking in their hand...

p.s. Oh, I am just awful. Horrid really. Quite horrid. Want to play poker?
I Really, Really, Really, Really HATE When They Limp In with Pocket Aces (Or Kings). Quote
09-25-2014 , 12:02 PM
Sure name your stakes, site, or location you want to play. You think fish only limp monster hands? I've seen many a fish and they tend to limp a very wide range.
I Really, Really, Really, Really HATE When They Limp In with Pocket Aces (Or Kings). Quote
09-25-2014 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by Clevername69
Sure name your stakes, site, or location you want to play. You think fish only limp monster hands? I've seen many a fish and they tend to limp a very wide range.
My point exactly. Because these monster limpers only limp monsters and NOT a wide range, I say they aren't technically fish. Is reading comprehension an issue around here?

Fish I can enjoy.. except for when they are having their heater streak -- and call an $80 preflop raise with J 6 os and spike 2 pair to knockout pocket aces. But that you just have to smile and shrug and move past.
I Really, Really, Really, Really HATE When They Limp In with Pocket Aces (Or Kings). Quote
09-25-2014 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by Queen of No
perhaps it's long term more profitable to bet 1/3 pot each street
I Really, Really, Really, Really HATE When They Limp In with Pocket Aces (Or Kings). Quote
09-25-2014 , 12:12 PM
Queen of No , PM , i could need ur services in PLO forum .
I Really, Really, Really, Really HATE When They Limp In with Pocket Aces (Or Kings). Quote
09-25-2014 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by ThatsNotPoker
not every pot silly -- just the few with the identified monster limpers (I watched one monster limper flop quads, in position, and check when there was no bet.. same on the turn. When another player finally bet the river, he min raised them -- hahaha.. by this point I knew his min raise = monster).

Otherwise... I'm looking for chips... and more chips. lol
I Really, Really, Really, Really HATE When They Limp In with Pocket Aces (Or Kings). Quote
09-25-2014 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by alexo18
Queen of No , PM , i could need ur services in PLO forum .

All I know about PLO is that whatever you think you have preflop isn't anywhere near what you have by the river.
I Really, Really, Really, Really HATE When They Limp In with Pocket Aces (Or Kings). Quote
09-25-2014 , 12:25 PM
cliffs: Live donk loses boat over boat, is mad

[ ] girl?
[x] monster hand
I Really, Really, Really, Really HATE When They Limp In with Pocket Aces (Or Kings). Quote
09-25-2014 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by Queen of No
All I know about PLO is that whatever you think you have preflop isn't anywhere near what you have by the river.
I Really, Really, Really, Really HATE When They Limp In with Pocket Aces (Or Kings). Quote
09-25-2014 , 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by alexo18
Queen of No , PM , i could need ur services in PLO forum .

Originally Posted by Queen of No
All I know about PLO is that whatever you think you have preflop isn't anywhere near what you have by the river.

Originally Posted by alexo18

The plo guys seem like the type of posters you want to be around
I Really, Really, Really, Really HATE When They Limp In with Pocket Aces (Or Kings). Quote
09-25-2014 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by akyle47

The plo guys seem like the type of posters you want to be around
I Really, Really, Really, Really HATE When They Limp In with Pocket Aces (Or Kings). Quote
09-25-2014 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by Queen of No
p.s. Oh, I am just awful. Horrid really. Quite horrid. Want to play poker?
You challenged me and I accepted. Lets go. Or are you going to back out now? Ms. Queen of no?
I Really, Really, Really, Really HATE When They Limp In with Pocket Aces (Or Kings). Quote
09-25-2014 , 01:47 PM
I Really, Really, Really, Really HATE When They Limp In with Pocket Aces (Or Kings). Quote
09-25-2014 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by Clevername69
You challenged me and I accepted. Lets go. Or are you going to back out now? Ms. Queen of no?
Hahaha.. I only play live.

So, we play for bread, pickles, and lunchmeat. Winner makes the loser sandwiches for a week.
I Really, Really, Really, Really HATE When They Limp In with Pocket Aces (Or Kings). Quote
09-25-2014 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by Queen of No
Hahaha.. I only play live.

So, we play for bread, pickles, and lunchmeat. Winner makes the loser sandwiches for a week.
Better hope he doesn't limp pocket aces (or kings).
I Really, Really, Really, Really HATE When They Limp In with Pocket Aces (Or Kings). Quote
09-25-2014 , 03:27 PM
Winner makes the loser sandwiches for a week.
final proof OP is fat
I Really, Really, Really, Really HATE When They Limp In with Pocket Aces (Or Kings). Quote
09-25-2014 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by AlmostShark
final proof OP is fat
not fat... 672 lbs of luscious!
I Really, Really, Really, Really HATE When They Limp In with Pocket Aces (Or Kings). Quote
09-25-2014 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by Queen of No
Hahaha.. I only play live.

So, we play for bread, pickles, and lunchmeat. Winner makes the loser sandwiches for a week.
Ok give me your address. I won't stalk you and take pictures of you to post in this thread. I promise.
I Really, Really, Really, Really HATE When They Limp In with Pocket Aces (Or Kings). Quote
09-25-2014 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by Queen of No
My point exactly. Because these monster limpers only limp monsters and NOT a wide range, I say they aren't technically fish.
Those people are just as fish as the ones who limp/call A3off,with the difference that they are unimaginative nit fishes.

If a player is like you describe him,limping only monsters and raising the rest of his hands,the correct strategy obviously is to never give him action when he limps or only do so with the intention to hit 2pair/sets+,just like you would if you knew for a fact that he has AA.
I Really, Really, Really, Really HATE When They Limp In with Pocket Aces (Or Kings). Quote
