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I met Sami Kelopuro "larsluzak" Friday night. Is maybe "Present" I met Sami Kelopuro "larsluzak" Friday night. Is maybe "Present"

07-06-2008 , 10:20 PM
Hello Guys, My name is Josh. I just came back from Vegas and I and proud to say that i met Larsluzak Friday night at the Bellagio. He was inside bobbys room playing with 100-200 nl with Rafi Amit "howitfeellike" and some older dude (White American/with a envelop filled with cash. At first I didnt know it was Larsluzak, it took me awhile to know who he was. So im playing poker and i notice he goes on a smoking break, so i follow him out the room and try to engage into a conversation and this is how it went:

me: r u larsluzak/eskimoes?

him: hmmmm escuse me?

me: Are u that Larluzak

him: yes, who are u?

me: im a huge fan and i love the way u play poker

him: ohhh nice to meet you, how do u know my name and account names

me: i read alot of poker mags and forums about you and alot of online players like durrrr and sbrugby and omgclayaiken.

him: i honored u know my name and account names

me: i am so happy to meet you. Quick question? Are u "present" on full tilt.

him: Lets just say i got about 15 total accounts including in full tilt/betfair/prima and ladbrokes.

me: hmmm so is that a yes

him: i wont say anything

me: laughing, thats a yes omg that is so cooool sami i am probably the only guy besides ur friends that knows your "present".

him: ok sir nice to meet you and have a great night. (he finished smoking).

me: can i take a pic with u

him; sure

we take pic and he goes back to bobbys room to play. My wife was in aweee on how much alike he looked like patrick antonous (she thinks they are hot).
i will post pic tmmw night.

p.s he was talking to me in broken english but i could clearly understand him. their was more conversations about him being 21 and being rich and flying around the world with his friends. Very nice guy to meet.
I met Sami Kelopuro "larsluzak" Friday night. Is maybe "Present" Quote
07-06-2008 , 10:22 PM
I met Sami Kelopuro "larsluzak" Friday night. Is maybe "Present" Quote
07-06-2008 , 10:24 PM
if ur a online poker fan. you should know who larsluzak is
I met Sami Kelopuro "larsluzak" Friday night. Is maybe "Present" Quote
07-06-2008 , 10:24 PM
Is posting chat ever funny? Maybe a centence or too between friends but Jesus.

"Hey come read this long conversation I had, it's kinda funny."
I met Sami Kelopuro "larsluzak" Friday night. Is maybe "Present" Quote
07-06-2008 , 10:25 PM
[x] everyone already knew that, but cool conversation anyway
I met Sami Kelopuro "larsluzak" Friday night. Is maybe "Present" Quote
07-06-2008 , 10:25 PM
this isn't creepy at all
I met Sami Kelopuro "larsluzak" Friday night. Is maybe "Present" Quote
07-06-2008 , 10:25 PM
pics or it didnt....
I met Sami Kelopuro "larsluzak" Friday night. Is maybe "Present" Quote
07-06-2008 , 10:26 PM
I met Sami Kelopuro "larsluzak" Friday night. Is maybe "Present" Quote
07-06-2008 , 10:28 PM
i guess u guys dont understand how important this is. At bellagio, nobody knew who he was. he was under the radar and i recognized him and talked to him for about 20 min.
I met Sami Kelopuro "larsluzak" Friday night. Is maybe "Present" Quote
07-06-2008 , 10:29 PM
pic in about 10 minutes. wifey will put it up. just wait for it guys.
I met Sami Kelopuro "larsluzak" Friday night. Is maybe "Present" Quote
07-06-2008 , 10:33 PM
he thinks you're a total weirdo.
I met Sami Kelopuro "larsluzak" Friday night. Is maybe "Present" Quote
07-06-2008 , 10:44 PM
having trouble posting pic. how do i do it
I met Sami Kelopuro "larsluzak" Friday night. Is maybe "Present" Quote
07-06-2008 , 10:47 PM
Originally Posted by teh_minbet_pokr
belongs in nvg
Nah, [x] beat imo
I met Sami Kelopuro "larsluzak" Friday night. Is maybe "Present" Quote
07-06-2008 , 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by richer12
having trouble posting pic. how do i do it
like this
I met Sami Kelopuro "larsluzak" Friday night. Is maybe "Present" Quote
07-06-2008 , 11:02 PM
op is a huge dork.
I met Sami Kelopuro "larsluzak" Friday night. Is maybe "Present" Quote
07-06-2008 , 11:08 PM
My wife was in aweee on how much alike he looked like patrick antonous (she thinks they are hot).
I met Sami Kelopuro "larsluzak" Friday night. Is maybe "Present" Quote
07-06-2008 , 11:13 PM
i cant post pic srry guys. for some reason it aint wrking.
I met Sami Kelopuro "larsluzak" Friday night. Is maybe "Present" Quote
07-06-2008 , 11:18 PM
upload it to image shack then copy then link and put it in between these tags [img] [/img]
I met Sami Kelopuro "larsluzak" Friday night. Is maybe "Present" Quote
07-06-2008 , 11:21 PM
whats image shack.
I met Sami Kelopuro "larsluzak" Friday night. Is maybe "Present" Quote
07-06-2008 , 11:22 PM -> image shack -> upload image -> poast image
I met Sami Kelopuro "larsluzak" Friday night. Is maybe "Present" Quote
07-06-2008 , 11:30 PM
srry wrng pic i also met him lol
I met Sami Kelopuro "larsluzak" Friday night. Is maybe "Present" Quote
07-06-2008 , 11:30 PM
[QUOTE=richer12;4974090..p.s he was talking to me in broken english..[/QUOTE]

did he type the op for you?
I met Sami Kelopuro "larsluzak" Friday night. Is maybe "Present" Quote
07-06-2008 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by I-b-O-k -> image shack -> upload image -> poast image

My daughter...just wanted to see if it worked.

Thanks man!

Last edited by salesbeast; 07-06-2008 at 11:32 PM. Reason: Finally know how to post pictures!
I met Sami Kelopuro "larsluzak" Friday night. Is maybe "Present" Quote
