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I had a drink with a PokerStars employee. I had a drink with a PokerStars employee.

03-26-2011 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by Bender ftw
pics of 3 inch penis or it didnt happen
in b4 the pic
I had a drink with a PokerStars employee. Quote
03-26-2011 , 09:09 PM
I had a drink with a PokerStars employee. Quote
03-26-2011 , 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by mastarkilla
I donated money to Japan and my penis grew by two inches!
I had a drink with a PokerStars employee. Quote
03-26-2011 , 09:24 PM
1) easily could be messing with you

2) for those of us who are atheists, we'll swear on anything because we know there's no magical 'god' to punish us for lying.

3) are you from Japan and trying to get us to donate to the relief fund?
I had a drink with a PokerStars employee. Quote
03-26-2011 , 09:32 PM
Oversized ripples can be a pain.
I had a drink with a PokerStars employee. Quote
03-27-2011 , 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by Bender ftw
pics of 3 inch penis or it didnt happen
Here is my new penis


In my boxers.
I had a drink with a PokerStars employee. Quote
03-27-2011 , 12:58 AM
Originally Posted by SharkTank43
So, in theory, could being a huge douche constantly to the players at your tables through the chatbox cause you to potentially get dealt worse hands? It's all starting to make sense now.....
I had a drink with a PokerStars employee. Quote
03-27-2011 , 01:00 AM
Originally Posted by GoDeViLs
how is this not a ban for racism?
I have a Japanese friend so I can't be racist LDO

tbh I just didn't feel like typing out Japanese, but w/e I'll ask a mod to replace it.

Originally Posted by DreamScaper
If you believe in a god, you have a chance in believing this story is true.
As I child I was told that if you swore to God you'd do something, you better do it, but as I grew older I learned that not everyone thinks that way.

How many times have you heard a criminal, drug addict etc... say "I'll never do it again, I'll straighten out.... I swear on my dead mothers grave....please don't take me to jail...." only to go back to the same routine the next day? It really doesn't matter what you believe in. I've heard religions men who get caught up in sports wagering swearing on a stack of bibles they'll have the money by tomorrow only to end up fleeing that same day.
I had a drink with a PokerStars employee. Quote
03-27-2011 , 01:20 AM
Met in the Blue Oyster bar amirite?
I had a drink with a PokerStars employee. Quote
03-27-2011 , 01:29 AM
surely FATDAN44 was just kidding you about the rigged part

Last edited by whamm; 03-27-2011 at 01:48 AM.
I had a drink with a PokerStars employee. Quote
03-27-2011 , 01:52 AM
GJ OP on trying to get some extra money to Japan.
BTW tomorrow is a 10+1 $ on FT with Durrr already registered.....The guy I met at a bar last night when I was wearing my FT shirt told me so and told me everyone that would register would go on crazy heater
I had a drink with a PokerStars employee. Quote
03-27-2011 , 02:42 AM
Does anybody know if i can donate Fpps to Japan?
I had a drink with a PokerStars employee. Quote
03-27-2011 , 03:13 AM
Originally Posted by monkiii
so what was the sex like?
Roofies are one hell of a drug.
I had a drink with a PokerStars employee. Quote
03-27-2011 , 03:19 AM
This is so funny and my post is dead serious.

I sat next to a local guy at the bar again tonight. 3 weeks ago he told me he went to N.C.

Tonight he told me he went to Butler. LMFAO. We were both from same area.

I know this post may not seem true but it is.
I had a drink with a PokerStars employee. Quote
03-27-2011 , 05:01 AM
my penis is big, does that count for anything?
I had a drink with a PokerStars employee. Quote
03-27-2011 , 05:54 AM
Originally Posted by Ultimate Sheriff
Does anybody know if i can donate Fpps to Japan?
Japan is accepting FPPs, but I can't confirm you will go on a heater after donating.
I had a drink with a PokerStars employee. Quote
03-27-2011 , 07:30 AM
Originally Posted by Robusto2busto
He came over to me and complimented my PokerStars jacket
The guy was obviously levelling you. He understood you were a tool when he saw you pokerstars jacket.
I had a drink with a PokerStars employee. Quote
03-27-2011 , 08:06 AM
Originally Posted by King Fish
That explains the writing style. You must write like you speak.
i love you KF but if u ever insult me like this again i will cry really loud u have been warned
I had a drink with a PokerStars employee. Quote
03-27-2011 , 08:15 AM
Originally Posted by Asymptote9x
Can you tell me where abouts this was? I need to speak to a manager or supervisor at PS because there's an issue we need to get settled. I cannot find a customer service number or a corporate office location so if you give me an idea of where this happened it would help. I cannot believe a business that does not list a corporate office but I just can't seem to find one yet! Thanks.

haha...cue a flood of tin foil hat wearers' emails to Stars Support and their responses...
I had a drink with a PokerStars employee. Quote
03-27-2011 , 09:10 AM
For what it is worth, I donated $100 and I had a 17 buyin day, followed by a 10 buyin day, then a breakeven day, then a 16 buyin day. All at 100NL. This exceeds my winnings for the previous 3 months on Stars...

Running at over 32bb/100, over around 13000 hands since I donated.
I had a drink with a PokerStars employee. Quote
03-27-2011 , 09:13 AM
Okay I have a question.

First, lets assume a hypothetical situation. You are playing 10k/20k 6 ma $2m nlhe cash game. All 6 players just donated a cool million to the Japan relief fund. Who gets the boomswitch now? Wouldn't something like this cause a catastrophic system crash causing all players connected to the server to have their balance reset to zero?

Also, I will be using my donation boomswitch right before the sunday lotto (aka sunday storm) later today. Victory will be mine!
I had a drink with a PokerStars employee. Quote
03-27-2011 , 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by Ce1ska
As I child I was told that if you swore to God you'd do something, you better do it, but as I grew older I learned that not everyone thinks that way.

How many times have you heard a criminal, drug addict etc... say "I'll never do it again, I'll straighten out.... I swear on my dead mothers grave....please don't take me to jail...." only to go back to the same routine the next day? It really doesn't matter what you believe in. I've heard religions men who get caught up in sports wagering swearing on a stack of bibles they'll have the money by tomorrow only to end up fleeing that same day.
I'll swear on anything and everything, and if I think it will keep me out of jail, I'll swear at anyone. Of course I have no intention of keeping a word, but swearing on anything is kinda like picking your nose. I'll pick my nose in public if that will get me from going to jail. Ultimately all it does is make me look like a fool and show how gulliable people are that believe I'll change just because I picked my nose.
I had a drink with a PokerStars employee. Quote
03-27-2011 , 12:00 PM
OP I swear to God that if you transfer 10 000 dollars to my poker account, Poker Stars will give you good cards forever

*awaiting transfer*
I had a drink with a PokerStars employee. Quote
03-27-2011 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by Robusto2busto
Sorry. He currently works there.

My english is ******ed.
so is your story
I had a drink with a PokerStars employee. Quote
