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HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story)

05-01-2011 , 04:39 AM
Any recent updates?
Anyone in Los Angeles want a Free Hug?

HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
05-02-2011 , 02:39 AM
Your brother plays in the NBA and you have to beg for $?
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
05-02-2011 , 07:03 AM
Remember when this thread started? Now your in down town LA, dressed pretty nicely, posting off a w7 PC... Seems like you're ballin now. Lol
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
05-02-2011 , 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by Sc00by
Remember when this thread started? Now your in down town LA, dressed pretty nicely, posting off a w7 PC... Seems like you're ballin now. Lol
Amen brother.
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
05-03-2011 , 12:45 AM
JHuggz and Bumblebee. Made me smile ear to ear.

Keep kind on the mind, brother.
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
05-03-2011 , 12:46 AM
looking go bud. keep up the good work...
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
05-03-2011 , 06:16 AM
It took me all night but I read the entire thread. While I am not going through anything nearly as hard as what you have been through, this thread has brought a lot of inspiration into my life. I am simply amazed by your story and can honestly say you are a stronger man than I am. I have no idea where I would be if I went through some of the situations you very openly described. I would most likely be dead by now. Saying that I just want to praise you on your strong will and determination to better yourself. You are a true inspiration for anyone going through a difficult time(s) in their life.

Would love any updates (big or small) if you get the time. I'll continue watching this thread.

Best of luck and God bless

P.S. - I doubt I have to reinforce this to you but, ignore the negative comments/messages you receive. You have absolutely nothing to be ashamed about with what you have accomplished or how you went about it. Your good nature and determination is what put you in a better position now than where you were some time ago. We all have our faults and our demons. You are man enough to realize and admit them and you worked VERY hard to defeat them and continue to do so. People that hate on you because of your success obviously are not dealing with their problems, and need not be worrying about others.

Last edited by mikekelley13; 05-03-2011 at 06:24 AM.
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
05-03-2011 , 11:43 AM
lolhomeless after losing $100
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
05-15-2011 , 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by RelaxedPrecision
Amen brother.
just read this entire thread. you have a truly amazing story man, glad to hear all is well with you now.
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
05-17-2011 , 12:59 PM

Can u tell us now, as the show probably wont air and PS will be out of business anyway.
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
05-17-2011 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by POKERMBA123

Can u tell us now, as the show probably wont air and PS will be out of business anyway.
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
05-17-2011 , 02:45 PM
Please tell me you made friends with one of the pros, and just dump the 100k to them

Seems super standard
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
05-18-2011 , 02:33 PM
At least give us an update on how you are doing....
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
05-29-2011 , 01:27 PM
cliffs plz
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
06-16-2011 , 03:03 AM
posting in epic thread
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
06-16-2011 , 05:37 AM
Everytime I open this thread, I get tilted a bit. For the Poker community to take a degen and put the world at his feet when he still wants more handout. While some Americans have their homes stolen by the banks, while there are still starving children who don't even have access to fresh water, while some kids are so poor they can't have a bite to eat on Christmas morning when all their friends get toys.

You are in a situation like OP's and decide to gamble with your last $100 (lol?) and when you lose it you get tens of thousands in handouts by the community while still have access to a computer and internet (LOL?). This thread makes me sick.
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
06-16-2011 , 06:55 AM
Don't talk negatively about King Jared. The mods will just delete or move your post anyways.
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
06-16-2011 , 02:00 PM
The Big Game was a few months ago, it's on pace to be out very soon, maybe even before June ends. The sooner the better!

I had never really volunteered in my life. So since the Big Game till now I made volunteering and charity work my priority. I can't say that I made a difference, but I'm grateful for all the love people showed me. It for sure meant a lot to me. Sorry for not updating this thread more often, but I didn't really feel like I had anything worthwhile to say, until I did this.

Also, made a video for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. It will probably be up on their site this week. I have no idea if it will work, it might be a total failure, but if this video does work, it will 100% change someone's life for the better. I look forward to plastering it all over 2+2, Facebook and Twitter.

Thanks a lot, have a great day!
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
06-16-2011 , 02:05 PM
why does this thread exist
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
06-16-2011 , 02:08 PM
of course it will work jared, fair play to ya man.
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
