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HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story)

04-26-2010 , 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by SySteMChEck
Havn't looked at this thread in a while CBA to read the whole thing so just thought id ask if OP was back on the grind? is he still living in his car etc? if not does he have any advice on how to not suck at life, cus im beggining to go on a serious life down swing.
Do like OP- Do **** for money.
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
04-26-2010 , 06:06 PM
Subscribed to your youtube account. Read every page. Best of luck to you sir.
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
04-26-2010 , 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by Lana_Lang
stop being a lazy bum and read-up to start with. It will do you good.
Dude, Im a student and semi recreational poker donk! laziness is part of the job description. I started reading the thread when it first started when it seemed that OP was at his lowest! think i got to the bit where a fat woman asked him if he wanted to move in with her?

other than that i think i would be quite inclined to doing some funny **** for money for 2p2ers to make them laugh! spread the joy and i to will enjoy happiness...right?
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
04-26-2010 , 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by SySteMChEck
Dude, Im a student and semi recreational poker donk! laziness is part of the job description. I started reading the thread when it first started when it seemed that OP was at his lowest! think i got to the bit where a fat woman asked him if he wanted to move in with her?

other than that i think i would be quite inclined to doing some funny **** for money for 2p2ers to make them laugh! spread the joy and i to will enjoy happiness...right?
Doing funny **** and gaining happiness are not the same...happiness is a state of mind sir
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
04-27-2010 , 07:31 PM
Read the whole thing over the last few days. Definitely 5 stars. Very inspirational to see OP overcome a terrible situation. Also heartwarming to see how many people offer to help. Also, helps me get some perspective on the fairly trivial "problems" in my own life.

OP, if you continue to have the same persistence and determination you will go a long way as long as you make smart life decisions. Get into a company where you can work your way up, you will be making a nice income in a few years. If you work your ass off you will make more money than 99% of ppl here make playing poker.

I will say one thing though. I strongly feel that you should quit playing poker. If you keep playing, I have no doubt that you will one day get tilted due to bad beats and/or **** from your past and feel the temptation to put your whole roll on the table to play HU against another drooler. Your addictions put you where you are and you will have to spend the rest of your life keeping them under control.

Sorry to sound moralistic, this is all just imo. GL to you and I hope you run good from now on. You surely deserve it.
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
04-27-2010 , 11:22 PM
great videos OP.

really cool seeing all of these people reach out to help you.

HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
04-29-2010 , 09:24 PM
this has to be the most amazing thread on two plus two. the videos are amazing, good luck op. you are clearly a talented person and an inspiration; good luck with everything, im sure you'll be successful in whatever you do with with your life.
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
05-01-2010 , 05:50 AM
if i had a business, id hire him in a heartbeat.
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
05-01-2010 , 06:46 AM
Originally Posted by Lana_Lang
if i had a business, id hire him in a heartbeat.
Which is prolly the reason why you're still working for the man.

Just kidding, love this thread. Good to see OP catching his well deserved upswong.
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
05-01-2010 , 10:38 AM
Originally Posted by shikari424
Hi OP.

I would love to see you piss in a bottle and immediately down it. I'd chip in $50 for this, can escrow if you like?
give me the infraction, its worth it.
i so much hope your whole family gets cancer for writing this ****. u see that op is in a really fckd up situation, a situation most of u fckd up internet kiddies couldnt handle 2 days. and he is doing well so far, at least he tries to get out of this ****. and u muthafckn idiots dont have anything better to do than making this guy super insulting himself and doing super disgusting things?
if u have the 50 $ ship to him, maybe outta good will. or tell him to try a turtle freeze somewhere. but drinking his own piss and for 50 $ ???
what kind of fckd up human are you? do you think this is anywhere near funny?
is that ur sense of humor? like i said i really hope something bad happens to your family, maybe if ur mom dies tommorrow u will experience what other feelings life has in repertoire, other than beeing all day on the sunny side.
fckd up idiot.

calm now.
okay op, hope your doing better now, couldnt read the whole thread, above post really fckd me up and had to post.
wish u all the best and hope u get outta this situation soon, hope ur degree will get u a good job sooner or later.
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
05-09-2010 , 05:17 PM
well im counteroffering him $50 for not taking up on the pee-drinking ****, idiot suggestion.
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
05-09-2010 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by shikari424 View Post
Hi OP.

I would love to see you piss in a bottle and immediately down it. I'd chip in $50 for this, can escrow if you like?
Here it is for free lol
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
05-18-2010 , 06:05 AM
OP dead or robusto?
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
05-19-2010 , 09:34 PM
Some great news.

1. Completed 3 month DUI program, and had the last of 6 court dates. Got a wet and reckless. Got my license back. I owe the court 1K, then I'm good. No more living in fear of getting pulled over, going to jail, and getting my car/valuables confiscated.

2. I have 8 months of sobriety. Haven't had a drop of alcohol since September 25th, 2009. For my 6 month celebration, the guys at AA gave me a piece of cake.

3. The last year of my life was the hardest yet. Homeless, jobless, friendless, and losing my mind. The hardest thing though for me, I was sick the whole time. I have psoriasis. Google that sh*t if you want to see some people with F-ed up skin. It's not deadly or anything, there's a lot worst illnesses, but having scales on your body breaks you down. Finally have medical insurance to get some treatment.

Almost out of the gutter. Living on my coworkers couch for another week, then I'm lookin to rent a room. Working hard. Shift after shift, to save money. I live off ramen. I worked sign waiving for liberty tax, as a bodyguard, for a moving company ( and at REI. I'm giving plasma this week.

I am almost out the gutter, if any of you would like to help out, I am down to clean some of your guy's houses, do yard work, help you move. Anything else. I'm down. I need more work. I have multiple references. Please let me know. I get it done and I don't mess around.

Thank you very much.


A pic of my 6 month chip.

Last edited by RelaxedPrecision; 05-19-2010 at 09:41 PM.
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
05-19-2010 , 09:53 PM
I will say this...

You are definately motivated and that puts you FAR ABOVE a grand amount of individuals out there in this world. I'd even go so far as to say slightly admirable considering what I see day to day.


How did you end up in this situation exactly? Gambled a lil too much? Parents pass with no equity? The drinking? Obviously you couldn't handle the bottle and life at the same time. No offense, I drink like a fish. I'm smart enough to have a reliable calibrated breathalyzer in my car.

So what happened?

(If you wrote an essay about this in another thread, link me if ya don't mind.)
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
05-19-2010 , 09:54 PM
nice update gl
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
05-20-2010 , 12:37 AM
InSovietRussia, it is in this thread pretty much already, but in seperate posts i guess. My memory is to flawed to give it a cliffnote tho, I do remember about his family being utterly "****ed up" so basically he had a rough start in life due to that, and when he came around in sense/aged a bit he realized that and left them to make it on his own with nothing to his name basically. I guess he figured he got a better shot like that than staying around with them.

anyway, nice update... Lovely to hear you back.

My father got psoriasis btw relaxedprecision and its pretty bad time to time, but that is mainly in the winter/Spring because we live in a pretty cold country with very little sun-time. Sunbathing/tanning is a awesome way to kill off some psoriasis, his medical treatment is basically sunbathing irl and in their special made one at hospital, along with some salty bathes (not sure about this one... just know he bathes at the hospital every now and then.)

Other than that, Just sticking it out, and getting a good salve I know my father is using one (prescription for psoriasis?) is probably the best you can make of it.

From what ive seen you enjoy staying in the sun, which is good for your psoriasis. Best of luck mate,
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
05-20-2010 , 02:26 AM
Originally Posted by InSovietRussia
I will say this...

You are definately motivated and that puts you FAR ABOVE a grand amount of individuals out there in this world. I'd even go so far as to say slightly admirable considering what I see day to day.


How did you end up in this situation exactly? Gambled a lil too much? Parents pass with no equity? The drinking? Obviously you couldn't handle the bottle and life at the same time. No offense, I drink like a fish. I'm smart enough to have a reliable calibrated breathalyzer in my car.

So what happened?

(If you wrote an essay about this in another thread, link me if ya don't mind.)
Thanks Lana. Yeah, I'm hopefully going to get some UV treatment and possible get some strong pills like Enbrel. Sun helps slow it down too, real happy summer is here.

Lana has it about right. I ran bad all at once. Tore my meniscus, ex-GF ran off with some married dude and dicked me out of a bunch of money, I got a DUI, lost my job, got some stress meds/had a bad reaction and flipped out for a coupla months. Was living with my cousin, she's on drugs and keeps firearms in the house. Rest of my family was trying to mindfukc me telling me they'd help me out, but I had to keep a bunch of secrets of F-ed up stuff they did to me when I was a little kid. Figured I was better off homeless on my own. Has proved to be true.

I live in Los Angeles by the way.
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
05-20-2010 , 02:37 AM
Good to hear you're getting back on track OP. Keep it up.
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
05-20-2010 , 05:03 AM
Originally Posted by mpmtkd
Good to hear you're getting back on track OP. Keep it up.
+1 GL RP, looks like things are coming round for you
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
05-20-2010 , 07:37 AM
Originally Posted by InSovietRussia
I will say this...

I'm smart enough to have a reliable calibrated breathalyzer in my car.
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
05-20-2010 , 08:21 AM
It tilts me so hard that this thread reached 40 pages and always gets bumped to the top.

I mean did I miss something? Of all the bitching, moaning, complainning, ****ty threads (including my own), "HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll"", gets the most attention?? WTF

That's the most unappealing thread title one could imagine.

The real beat here is OP's BKR is $100.
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
05-20-2010 , 09:09 AM
Originally Posted by flop_da_kapooriyas
It tilts me so hard that this thread reached 40 pages and always gets bumped to the top.

I mean did I miss something? Of all the bitching, moaning, complainning, ****ty threads (including my own), "HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll"", gets the most attention?? WTF

That's the most unappealing thread title one could imagine.

The real beat here is OP's BKR is $100.
You're a tool. GTFO.
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
05-20-2010 , 10:00 AM
Originally Posted by flop_da_kapooriyas
It tilts me so hard that this thread reached 40 pages and always gets bumped to the top.

I mean did I miss something? Of all the bitching, moaning, complainning, ****ty threads (including my own), "HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll"", gets the most attention?? WTF

That's the most unappealing thread title one could imagine.

The real beat here is OP's BKR is $100.
seriously gtfo
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
05-20-2010 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by flop_da_kapooriyas
It tilts me so hard that this thread reached 40 pages and always gets bumped to the top.

I mean did I miss something? Of all the bitching, moaning, complainning, ****ty threads (including my own), "HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll"", gets the most attention?? WTF

That's the most unappealing thread title one could imagine.

The real beat here is OP's BKR is $100.
GFTO and LOL @ 40 pages.
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
