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HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story)

04-11-2010 , 10:14 AM
Check PM OP.
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
04-11-2010 , 11:48 AM
How the **** is this a five star thread ?

cliff notes please
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
04-11-2010 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by ItsMyShow
How the **** is this a five star thread ?

cliff notes please

HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
04-11-2010 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by TeddyKGB45
lol now theres no need of that now is there BBV bum
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
04-14-2010 , 02:33 AM
hey precision im glad there are people like you, you make this world a better place.
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
04-17-2010 , 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by RelaxedPrecision
Yeah, living in the street has been a very disturbing experience. Good learning experience, but disturbing.

Should finally be getting the $ that was sent to me in the next day or two. Rooms here $500/month, gonna find something cheaper though so I can stay a while.
hey relaxedprecision how have you been?
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
04-20-2010 , 09:29 PM
Originally Posted by LetMeLive
hey relaxedprecision how have you been?
Doing good man. Thanks a lot for asking.

Sleeping on my coworkers couch temporarily, it feels great to be indoors after 6 months of street living.

Today is my first day off work in a while. Worked the last 33 days straight, no days off.

Almost succumbed to exhaustion while at work the last coupla days but held it together. Gonna post some pics of my living arrangements when I recover my wits about me.

How are you doing?
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
04-20-2010 , 09:31 PM
Great to hear you're doing better man
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
04-20-2010 , 09:44 PM
i really respect you working hard to change your situation. the thing i dont understand: you HAVE to have some life-leak if you cant afford a room/apartment while working that much. i once (almost 20 years ago, i admit) provided for myself and my free-loader roommate working 40 hours a week at $4.25/hour. you must be getting at least double that, and only have to provide for yourself. of course, things cost more now, but its all relative. i was paybe $500/month rent, while you should be able to find a place for $800 for certain, if not a room for $300-$500. i would love to see your true budget.
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
04-20-2010 , 09:51 PM
**** in LA is expensive yo, don't under estimate cost of living out there.
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
04-20-2010 , 10:14 PM
Heart warming video man. Hope all is well with you.
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
04-20-2010 , 11:39 PM
Move somewhere where cost of living is cheaper?

Either way good luck, hopefully no more late night car/cop/jerk run ins.
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
04-20-2010 , 11:55 PM
Originally Posted by M.A.H.P.'s
i really respect you working hard to change your situation. the thing i dont understand: you HAVE to have some life-leak if you cant afford a room/apartment while working that much.....
Check PTR for Inhale Slow.
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
04-21-2010 , 01:23 AM
This is amazing. I really did not expect to ever see a story like this in BBV. Jared, the most incredible part is that instead of just gritting your teeth and faking your way through some dumb stunts for money, you took each challenge, embraced it completely, and spun it into something truly wonderful. That hug video is the stone cold nuts. Thank you for the smiles.

You have a wonderful spark and an optimism about life that seems completely at odds with the experiences you've been through, and you've been generous enough to share that spark with us scumbags. You really are an inspiration. But I hope the inspiration is two-way. It's encouraging to see so many BBVers contributing to get you back up on your feet, but it sounds like you have many more hard miles to travel and demons to confront. Take this money, this experience, and these kind words from BBV and do what you've done with everything we've given you...

Spin it into something wonderful.

Stay positive, work hard, and good luck, sir.

EDIT: Cheeseburgers shipped.
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
04-21-2010 , 02:31 AM
Check PTR for Inhale Slow
ya, considering your situation, its probably a good idea to think about eliminating chance (ie gambling) from your life for the time being. you might not WANT to, but its probably for the best overall, at least until you are situated and stable, and have some real discretionary income. also, its probably not fair to all the people who gave you free money to lose that money gambling (or on smokes or alcohol or lottery tix anything else like it). make PERFECT choices with each and every dollar, and you will be stable in no time.

also, regarding room prices in la: a quick look at c-list shows that the average room is around $400/month. ANYONE that works this hard can easily afford that. of course, if youre spending money on the wrong things it would be easy NOT to be able to afford it. in addition, he could move to a location which would be far cheaper, but again that is a choice.
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
04-21-2010 , 03:24 AM
Originally Posted by M.A.H.P.'s
i really respect you working hard to change your situation. the thing i dont understand: you HAVE to have some life-leak if you cant afford a room/apartment while working that much. i once (almost 20 years ago, i admit) provided for myself and my free-loader roommate working 40 hours a week at $4.25/hour. you must be getting at least double that, and only have to provide for yourself. of course, things cost more now, but its all relative. i was paybe $500/month rent, while you should be able to find a place for $800 for certain, if not a room for $300-$500. i would love to see your true budget.
ya, considering your situation, its probably a good idea to think about eliminating chance (ie gambling) from your life for the time being. you might not WANT to, but its probably for the best overall, at least until you are situated and stable, and have some real discretionary income. also, its probably not fair to all the people who gave you free money to lose that money gambling (or on smokes or alcohol or lottery tix anything else like it). make PERFECT choices with each and every dollar, and you will be stable in no time.

also, regarding room prices in la: a quick look at c-list shows that the average room is around $400/month. ANYONE that works this hard can easily afford that. of course, if youre spending money on the wrong things it would be easy NOT to be able to afford it. in addition, he could move to a location which would be far cheaper, but again that is a choice.
You make a lotta good points. I also thought it would be easier to go from being homeless with nothing, to having steady work and a place to stay. It's taking some time. If it was easier for you, I'm happy for you. I don't see how our situations would have to be the exact same.

I agree with you about not playing poker. The last time I was staked, I shipped the $ back after a week, cuz I was too busy with work and getting stable, to get in any hands.

Last edited by RelaxedPrecision; 04-21-2010 at 03:50 AM.
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
04-21-2010 , 04:12 AM
Originally Posted by JimmyLegs
This is amazing. I really did not expect to ever see a story like this in BBV. Jared, the most incredible part is that instead of just gritting your teeth and faking your way through some dumb stunts for money, you took each challenge, embraced it completely, and spun it into something truly wonderful. That hug video is the stone cold nuts. Thank you for the smiles.

You have a wonderful spark and an optimism about life that seems completely at odds with the experiences you've been through, and you've been generous enough to share that spark with us scumbags. You really are an inspiration. But I hope the inspiration is two-way. It's encouraging to see so many BBVers contributing to get you back up on your feet, but it sounds like you have many more hard miles to travel and demons to confront. Take this money, this experience, and these kind words from BBV and do what you've done with everything we've given you...

Spin it into something wonderful.

Stay positive, work hard, and good luck, sir.

EDIT: Cheeseburgers shipped.
I'm glad that you liked the video.

What I find really amazing, is that so many people would voluntarily offer a kind word or lend a helping hand.

Have a great day!
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
04-21-2010 , 12:46 PM
GL RP! keep working hard. it will pay off soon enough. looking forward to a new apt TR imo
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
04-22-2010 , 10:42 AM
amazing thread..
touching vid and story... very nice to see you bouncing back OP, I wish you lots of life rungood.
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
04-22-2010 , 12:37 PM
just went through all six pages.(100 posts per page ftw) and this is about the sickest **** ive read ever. I am so fortunate for having a family, I am selfsustaining as a pokerplayer, but just knowing that if i **** up i can get help, its humuliating and dignity out the window but still - I know ppl are there for me if i get in a jam.

I cannot imagine how it would be to come from such a broken home as yourself, I am truly happy for you that you are the person you are today even with that background. It is amazing in itself that you ain't thrashing old ppl for their purses or something.

Keep on fighting, that hug video was excellent and the tide will surely change for such a amazing individual as yourself.

GL HF, your solid.

edit; Can't be much monies in poker anymore at HS, this kind of thread woulda gotten viffer+krantz+etc here in a mach-2-snap in 2007 shipping him thousands.
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
04-24-2010 , 07:55 PM
bump, my life needs constant updates from this thread
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
04-25-2010 , 01:27 PM
good thread

here the most important links to the vids in this thread :

dance for $ :

free hugs :

good luck OP !
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
04-25-2010 , 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by 1234567
good thread

here the most important links to the vids in this thread :

dance for $ :

free hugs :

good luck OP !
Just noticed this new video on his channel, posted yesterday:
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
04-26-2010 , 12:12 PM
Havn't looked at this thread in a while CBA to read the whole thing so just thought id ask if OP was back on the grind? is he still living in his car etc? if not does he have any advice on how to not suck at life, cus im beggining to go on a serious life down swing.
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
04-26-2010 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by SySteMChEck
Havn't looked at this thread in a while CBA to read the whole thing so just thought id ask if OP was back on the grind? is he still living in his car etc? if not does he have any advice on how to not suck at life, cus im beggining to go on a serious life down swing.
stop being a lazy bum and read-up to start with. It will do you good.
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll" (the Jared Huggins story) Quote
