Everybody gets bad beats cash game. But when I think about it most bad beats can be traced back to bad plays like not betting enough, slow play, ak all-in, etc.
I mean, seriously, I play live low limit 1-3 NL and everyone is fish. They don't know how to play. The ones that do just a complete nit with no moves at all.
I really believe if I lose against these guys it's always my fault. How many of you think bad beat is a result of our own bad play (or the other guys bad play)
Everybody gets bad beats cash game. But when I think about it most bad beats can be traced back to bad plays like not betting enough, slow play, ak all-in, etc.
I mean, seriously, I play live low limit 1-3 NL and everyone is fish. They don't know how to play. The ones that do just a complete nit with no moves at all.
I really believe if I lose against these guys it's always my fault. How many of you think bad beat is a result of our own bad play (or the other guys bad play)
Actually, I think the OP might be on to something. Here's a perfect example. This guy should have folded the river here. But, his bad play caused this bad beat. Even Jay Farber pulled out a sleeper after witnessing this bad play.
EXACTLY, this is why I only play Live poker, because in live poker you can ALWAYS fold the river when beat. Cant do that in online which is why there is so much variance and bad beats there.
Well you know Sinbad says white people be thinking like dee dee de dee and black people be thinking like bop ba da bob bahm.
Personally I think that's racist, but I don't have a regular gig playing small casinos and rural event centers. So I'll have to go with Sinbad on this.
EXACTLY, this is why I only play Live poker, because in live poker you can ALWAYS fold the river when beat. Cant do that in online which is why there is so much variance and bad beats there.