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How to loose 22buyins within one minute OR Better declare your money at the airport How to loose 22buyins within one minute OR Better declare your money at the airport

11-11-2009 , 11:50 AM
all this talk of asset seizure statutes in the United States is fine and dandy, but this thread needs to be steered back in the proper direction. see below.

Originally Posted by ImsaKidd
Tell them you got the money from your pocket.

As proof, remind them of the time you pulled the money out of your pocket.
How to loose 22buyins within one minute OR Better declare your money at the airport Quote
11-11-2009 , 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by number_9
This will definately not happen
loose -- lose

definately -- definitely

Stupid already included.
How to loose 22buyins within one minute OR Better declare your money at the airport Quote
11-11-2009 , 08:45 PM
spain.. lol... maybe use brain and check what the rules on carrying large sums of money is?

i think the odds of u being down 22.5k here are roughly......................... 50 / 50
How to loose 22buyins within one minute OR Better declare your money at the airport Quote
11-11-2009 , 10:15 PM
holy **** this thread makes me want to puke
How to loose 22buyins within one minute OR Better declare your money at the airport Quote
11-11-2009 , 10:37 PM
just show them your PTR obv
How to loose 22buyins within one minute OR Better declare your money at the airport Quote
11-11-2009 , 10:55 PM
Originally Posted by ImsaKidd
Tell them you got the money from your pocket.

As proof, remind them of the time you pulled the money out of your pocket.
How to loose 22buyins within one minute OR Better declare your money at the airport Quote
01-02-2010 , 03:08 PM
What is the limit at most EUR airports?
In the USA its U$D:10K. What about EURO-land?
How to loose 22buyins within one minute OR Better declare your money at the airport Quote
01-02-2010 , 03:12 PM
"How to loose..."
Stopped reading there.
How to loose 22buyins within one minute OR Better declare your money at the airport Quote
01-02-2010 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by IcyFlops
I had 14K in cash confiscated once after being pulled over for speeding.
I was on the way to pick up a classic Vette and a Camaro to restore, was pulling a 2 car trailer. I had borrowed the trailer and the fact it wasn't registered to me caused the officer to ask me about it, I opened my briefcase with the pictures of the cars I was going to pick up to show him (figuring no big deal). He saw a fat stack of 100's asked how much money that was and I told him 14K. Long story short I was asked to get out of the vehicle consented to a search, they brought the drug dogs out and found nothing yet confiscated the money and told me that I would have to prove the 'legality' of the funds. I tried to plead my case there, people no longer accept checks, cashiers checks and the like due to fraud and that cash is the only way to do business. A lawyer handled it from that point, it cost me about 1K to get it back and over 2 months. By then the cars were gone and I lost a bigger chunk in not being able to restore and sell them.

GL with this OP, hopefully it turns out well in the end.
You've told this story before (or someone stole it and told it as theirs) and I laughed at how much BS it was then, and how wrong everything you did was.
How to loose 22buyins within one minute OR Better declare your money at the airport Quote
01-02-2010 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by HundredsOfStuff
They get the money if they actually convict you of a crime related to the funds. If they cannot charge you with anything specifically tied to the money, you eventually get released and they would have to return the money. If you can cite a law that would indicate otherwise, please do so that I may leave the United States and renounce citizenship.
And you've shown up with this line before (or someone stole it to act like they were ******ed), at which point you were shown the law and yet, are still here in the US.

Seriously, why do you people discuss things when you have no idea WTF you're talking about, or even worse, you pretend like you actually know the law when you are irrefutably wrong?

You can leave now.
How to loose 22buyins within one minute OR Better declare your money at the airport Quote
01-02-2010 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by DRybes
I thought it was pretty standard
How to loose 22buyins within one minute OR Better declare your money at the airport Quote
01-02-2010 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by ImsaKidd
Tell them you got the money from your pocket.

As proof, remind them of the time you pulled the money out of your pocket.
+1. lolll
How to loose 22buyins within one minute OR Better declare your money at the airport Quote
01-02-2010 , 05:31 PM
Wow what a whole lot of bs,
any updates OP?
How to loose 22buyins within one minute OR Better declare your money at the airport Quote
01-02-2010 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by fish491
Wow what a whole lot of bs,
any updates OP?
he'll be back once he can figure out a 2nd part of the story, you know with the holidays he got writers block
How to loose 22buyins within one minute OR Better declare your money at the airport Quote
01-02-2010 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by Bannnnnnn
he'll be back once he can figure out a 2nd part of the story, you know with the holidays he got writers block
ha good thinking itt
How to loose 22buyins within one minute OR Better declare your money at the airport Quote
01-02-2010 , 06:34 PM
Aeropuerto de peces IMO. Anybody else think this story would be more entertaining if the customs agent was/knew the player(s) OP won the monies from?
How to loose 22buyins within one minute OR Better declare your money at the airport Quote
