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07-13-2015 , 02:39 AM
Guys I'm telling you right now, this is stupid lol.

Have you ever got your aces cracked? Probably.

Twice by the same guy? Maybe.

In 15 minutes? Probably not. But wait, thats not it...

And then get your aces cracked again 15 minutes later? That probably happens really rarely. But it's not all.

By the same ****ing guy again? Oh ya, that must be pretty rare aha.

Well this just happenned to me at a 1/2 live table. Here it goes:

I get Aces the 1st time, V raises to 10, get raised to 20, another player shoves 80, I shove 580$ more, V calls with an initial stack of 350$. V shows Jacks, a jack comes on the flop and he scoops the 800$ pot. 15 minutes pass by, and my stack is 250$

I get Aces for the 2nd time, same V raises to 10$, I reraise to 30$, he calls. Flop comes A62 rainbow. I bet 40$, he calls. Turn comes 3, I check, he bet 80$ and I shove my 180$ left (can he have raised pre with 45? Then call a reraise? Then call a 40$ bet (on a 60$ pot) with an inside straight draw? Really unprobable. He calls and shiws 45s and his straight win the pot after a brick on the river. He scoops the 500$ pot. I rebuy for 200$, 15 minutes pass by, my stack has grown to 320$.

I get Aces for the 3rd time, I raise to 25$ on a straddle pot, same V again calls 25$. Flop comes A49, I bet 50$ on my flopped set and he calls, 2 on the turn, I check, he bets, I shove, he calls and shows pocket nines. River comes 9, he improves to quads and scoops the 650$ pot again.

Thats pretty bad I guess, I could at least have won a bad beat, it's for sure more probable than that to happen... And it's 359 000$ right now. But not tonight, thats enough for me aha!

Good night!
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07-13-2015 , 02:52 AM
I know it sucks but what can you do? Gotta lose that money.
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07-13-2015 , 03:04 AM
I know, I didn't tilt. It's poker. But still I wanted to share that with you because I think it's exceptional aha.
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07-13-2015 , 03:58 AM
That would be pretty tilting.
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07-13-2015 , 04:13 AM
If true it would be pretty tilting, if false or over exaggerated then go **** ur self
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07-13-2015 , 10:06 AM
Originally Posted by CyberShark93
If true it would be pretty tilting, if false or over exaggerated then go **** ur self
Thats why I left right after aha I'm happy I didn't lose more! Oh ya I don't blame you, it seems ****ing exaggerated.

Everyone stood up at the table the 3rd time cause they were feeling so bad for me aha. It was so ridiculus, I was laughing with everyone at the table aha
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07-13-2015 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by CamNewton3
Thats why I left right after aha I'm happy I didn't lose more! Oh ya I don't blame you, it seems ****ing exaggerated.

Everyone stood up at the table the 3rd time cause they were feeling so bad for me aha. It was so ridiculus, I was laughing with everyone at the table aha
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07-14-2015 , 09:06 AM
So you were dealt Aces three times in thirty minutes? Obviously you and the dealer were in collusion, but what you didn't know was that he was secretly in collusion with the other guy too! Next time don't be stingy when you're cheating - offer 50% to the dealer or he'll double-cross you again.

Seriously, sorry, that really sucks. The guy just had your number that night.
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07-14-2015 , 06:38 PM
thats hilarious aha your probably right ahaha
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07-14-2015 , 08:21 PM
i smell lies
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07-15-2015 , 09:25 PM
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07-18-2015 , 04:58 PM
Just don't leave your house to go to the casino. The ultimate fold pre.
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07-18-2015 , 05:03 PM
This is an obvious flopped top set with AA 2/3 times
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07-18-2015 , 06:26 PM
Who puts all their chips in before seeing all the cards? Stupid gamblers
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07-19-2015 , 01:59 AM
Your initial problem here is the screen name. Bound for mediocre results.
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