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hold'em manager question hold'em manager question

12-08-2008 , 12:38 AM
How accurate is the all-in EV for hold'em manager?

Over my last 30k+ hands it says my all-in EV is just over $7400 and my "winnings" are just over $200. What does that mean exactly? Does it really mean I'm running 7 gs below expectation? I have been running cold and luck certainly has been kicking me in the nuts often. .

Last edited by PJ222; 12-08-2008 at 12:46 AM.
hold'em manager question Quote
12-08-2008 , 01:49 AM
I dunno, its the same for me, but I know i have been running really bad too...
hold'em manager question Quote
12-08-2008 , 03:22 AM
Originally Posted by Llama88
I dunno, its the same for me, but I know i have been running really bad too...

Do you have a stats program like hold'em manager? What does it say?

For me, it's obvious that I am running cold. I didn't really need hold'em manager to tell me that. I have been routinely losing 2 to 4 outers on the river while I can't suck anything when I go in bad or when semi-bluffing. 7 g's is a lot of f'n money to me. If it's accurate, then I might go postal. At my level that's over 70 buys.
hold'em manager question Quote
12-08-2008 , 06:42 AM
OP is a forum mastermind
hold'em manager question Quote
12-08-2008 , 07:00 AM
Post your graph
hold'em manager question Quote
12-08-2008 , 07:11 AM
I suggest you ponder this for the next 2 months and then contemplate suicide for 5 months and then figure out that it was all in vain and completely pointless and start ***** doing something productive instead. Im just saying..
hold'em manager question Quote
12-08-2008 , 07:17 AM
Originally Posted by Shiki
I suggest you ponder this for the next 2 months and then contemplate suicide for 5 months and then figure out that it was all in vain and completely pointless and start ***** doing something productive instead. Im just saying..
Uh cool.

post a graph.
hold'em manager question Quote
12-08-2008 , 07:56 AM
post a graph.
I wasnt talking about personal experience, even if it came out like that, it was only an example to make a point. Point is, its useless to fret over stuff like this. Anyone seriously wanting to play poker needs to get their head around the fact that there will be bad runs, they are quite true for most of the players.

[x] Too serious
[ ] I care
hold'em manager question Quote
12-08-2008 , 12:28 PM
This is my question: category 1.

How accurate is hold'em manager all-in EV.

These are questions I didn't ask category 2:

What is running bad?
How do you deal with running bad?
How do I improve my game?

Unless you can answer the question in category 1, I'm not really interested in any response you might have.
hold'em manager question Quote
12-08-2008 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by Shiki
. Anyone seriously wanting to play poker needs to get their head around the fact that there will be bad runs, they are quite true for most of the players.

[x] Too serious
[ ] I care
Point taken. But it really doesn't answer my original question.
hold'em manager question Quote
12-08-2008 , 12:42 PM
All large sample size are below equity, ever wonder why ?
hold'em manager question Quote
12-08-2008 , 12:43 PM
Poker isn't about EV. It's about luck.
hold'em manager question Quote
12-08-2008 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by PJ222
Point taken. But it really doesn't answer my original question.
Yeah, because you posted it in the wrong forum.

Which part of Beats, Brags and Variance contains "software question"?

Go to the software forum, ask there, and you get good answers.

How should a BBViologist know anything about software?
hold'em manager question Quote
12-08-2008 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by Spurious
Yeah, because you posted it in the wrong forum.

Which part of Beats, Brags and Variance contains "software question"?

Go to the software forum, ask there, and you get good answers.

How should a BBViologist know anything about software?
No idea. There are about 100 f'n topic here, had no idea where to post this.

I guess I'm just another stupid newb. I reported it and asked it to be moved. It doesn't seem like I can delete the original post now.....
hold'em manager question Quote
12-08-2008 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by Justin_Bobby
All large sample size are below equity, ever wonder why ?
How large is large?

My 70K sample is "above" and I know someone else with a bigger sample than that who also runs good.
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