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Greatest Live Call I Have Ever Seen Greatest Live Call I Have Ever Seen

02-05-2009 , 01:50 AM
stupid idiots with pride>$$>poker skill... make me sad.
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02-05-2009 , 02:19 AM
great post OP. i especially like the part at the end where she still clings on to some hope that he is simply going to muck his cards after putting over a grand in the pot. sounds like an angle shoot to me.
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02-05-2009 , 04:03 AM
Originally Posted by KingBBinLV
Title should be "tilting old man makes bad calls and gets lucky".
Greatest Live Call I Have Ever Seen Quote
02-05-2009 , 04:20 AM
this is a great story but let's not pretend that this guy was anything but stubborn and unwilling to get bluffed
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02-05-2009 , 04:31 AM
nice to be dumb and lucky at the same time

if he really thought ace high was good then whatever i think he just stubborn and didn't wanna look dumb at a live table instead he looked absolutely dumb and dumber and hit jackpot in my opinion but im new so whatever.
Greatest Live Call I Have Ever Seen Quote
02-05-2009 , 05:50 AM
Reading OP I'm thinking what are the possible reasons the old man played the hand the way he did?

The old guy likely felt embarrassed about exposing his hand thinking the action was over feeling proud that he "pulled off a bluff" when he failed to realize that there were still two players in the hand and when the young Asian girl check raised him and the table broke out laughing the old mans pride and ego got the best of him so despite the fact that he only held Ace high he wasn't about to give up without a fight.

The old guy was perhaps one of those really bad players that chases their outs no matter how much of a long shot and insufficient pot odds they're getting on their draws.

Possible that the old guy was thinking that if my opponent knows exactly what I have then why is she making such big bets rather than making smaller value bets to try to milk it? If my opponent can beat Ace high wouldn't she want to keep me in the hand as long as I don't improve?
Greatest Live Call I Have Ever Seen Quote
02-05-2009 , 08:28 AM
This happend at a cash table I was playing at, the in hand question was being played 3 way at the river card I cant remember the betting before the river but the action went like this,

River is dealt,

Player A checks
Player B bets Pot-size bet with a lot behind
Player C folds
Player A still to act with live cards tanks on what to do
Player B thinks everyone folded and tables AA and starts to say how great he is and this is how to play AA and win the max. amount of profit etc etc....
Player A says "Hang on, I got cards here"

As it turns out Player A has made the nut-straight on the river and shoves ALL in massive over bet compared to the pot, Player B smirks and tells Player A that is a complete bluff and snap calls him.

I guess you had to be there to find it funny, its the speech Player B before he made the call he didnt say another word the rest of the night...........LOL live players.
Greatest Live Call I Have Ever Seen Quote
11-24-2009 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by RoosterCAD
This happend at a cash table I was playing at, the in hand question was being played 3 way at the river card I cant remember the betting before the river but the action went like this,

River is dealt,

Player A checks
Player B bets Pot-size bet with a lot behind
Player C folds
Player A still to act with live cards tanks on what to do
Player B thinks everyone folded and tables AA and starts to say how great he is and this is how to play AA and win the max. amount of profit etc etc....
Player A says "Hang on, I got cards here"

As it turns out Player A has made the nut-straight on the river and shoves ALL in massive over bet compared to the pot, Player B smirks and tells Player A that is a complete bluff and snap calls him.

I guess you had to be there to find it funny, its the speech Player B before he made the call he didnt say another word the rest of the night...........LOL live players.
yea i think I'd be much more inclined not to bluff if a player's card were exposed and he had any sort of SD value.

If I was in the Asian chick's spot I would've flatted the flop definitely and bet the turn. C/ring looks way too fishy there.
Greatest Live Call I Have Ever Seen Quote
11-25-2009 , 07:00 AM
Originally Posted by chilidog0425
except for the multi level thinking that says a better hand than A high wouldn't shove the turn. he out leveled her.

what's the rush? bet the turn, then shove the river when he doesn't improve.
When he improves, so does she

Also to everyone saying she wouldn't shove the turn with a good hand, maybe that's the reason she would.
Greatest Live Call I Have Ever Seen Quote
11-25-2009 , 11:33 AM
For those of you saying it was an absolute horrible call - you are missing the boat.

Now granted, that is a lot of money and i dont know that i could have pulled the trigger on it.

But i have seen this situation play out before and more times than not, when someone plays it the way the asian chick did, that person has air. I mean seriously, what hand would you be bettng like that with? If you had 2 pair or better, you couldnt lose on the river. And if you had one pair - you would make a normal bet on the turn and then play the river depending on the card (since we know what he has)

Anyway, if the beginning stacks for this hand were in the range of 200-300, and i were put in the old man's position, i would seriously consider calling there. Like i said earlier, dont know if i could for that $ though.

While it is possible, the old guy was just being stubborn, it is not out of the question that he made a calculated call.
Greatest Live Call I Have Ever Seen Quote
11-25-2009 , 12:31 PM
Asain chick is in late position in a pot that was raised by a LAG. There are 5 callers in this hand. She does not re-raise pre-flop, so her range is now very wide IMO. OP said that all the dead money had left the table, so I presume this means the old guy is a competent player. Flop is a rainbow with one overcard to his 9. I would think that her raise here is +EV standard with any two cards after seeing his cards (because 90+% of people are folding). This now puts him in a "I'm up against any two cards," situation. It is certainly a Kamakazi call, but if he thinks A high is good and has the stones to make the play, I'm not sure whey everyone is bashing him.

Last edited by Irish Jedi; 11-25-2009 at 12:34 PM. Reason: addition
Greatest Live Call I Have Ever Seen Quote
11-25-2009 , 12:48 PM
this happens so often live and is nothing special
Greatest Live Call I Have Ever Seen Quote
11-25-2009 , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by Vandergata
stupid idiots with pride>$$>poker skill... make me sad.

All of you trying to justify his call with ranging and reads don't have much experience in live play IMO.

I've seen this happen several times, it is nothing but pride, ego, and tilt. PERIOD.

In fact, if she had 66 and showed him pocket 66 and THEN bet flop and turn, he probably would have STILLED CALLED till the river.

Again, there is absolutely no skill in his call.

It was nothing but hope + pride + ego + tilt = pure donk luck
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11-25-2009 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by cl0r0x70
Old man's calls are good. The young lady could literally have any two cards. He's actually slightly ahead of her range on the turn, IMO. He owned her on this hand.
Greatest Live Call I Have Ever Seen Quote
11-25-2009 , 03:17 PM
This doesn't have to be a bad call at all. I've been HU in the hand a couple of times against guys who didn't follow the action, and showed their hands prematurely. I auto-bet every time, always with air, knowing that the guy has to think that I wouldn't make a mistake if I know his cards.

However, this got me thinking; why should a guy fold when it's possible that I'm betting every single hand that I have, whether good or not? In fact, I even wondered about whether angle-shooting and accidentally revealing your hand prematurely on purpose could be a +EV move in some situations, by tricking your opponent into trying to bluff you off your hand.
Greatest Live Call I Have Ever Seen Quote
11-25-2009 , 03:20 PM
lol yeh cos when you show him the nuts he's gonna bet into you.....
Greatest Live Call I Have Ever Seen Quote
11-25-2009 , 03:23 PM

What is also great about the whole thing is John’s laconic analysis of how it all went down. Knowing John I guarantee you he is not joking when he says,
"I decided he wouldn't move all-in on the turn with king high - because that hand is just far too strong."

Last edited by slik; 11-25-2009 at 03:30 PM.
Greatest Live Call I Have Ever Seen Quote
11-25-2009 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by sjp507
lol yeh cos when you show him the nuts he's gonna bet into you.....
Obviously it would be stupid to turn up the nuts, I figured it didn't need to be said. However, turning up a bluff catcher could be very effective at inducing a bluff. Of course, the danger is that you may also invite a mediocre hand that would've checked down the river to value bet you instead, so there is a fine balance to be struck. Basically, for this move to work well, you have to have a mediocre hand, and the villain has to have nuts/air.
Greatest Live Call I Have Ever Seen Quote
11-25-2009 , 03:39 PM
i was writing a rebuke but now i say each to their own, gl and lol ******aments.
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11-25-2009 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by AlienBoy
Asian lady blew it.
She should have checked the flop there,

Then bet 2.3rd pot on the TURN, and potted (not pushed) the river.

While the old guy's hand was face up, she was playing nearly face up herself with those silly bets. Honestly, if she had a pair or more, she'd want him to pay her something, right? So she'd naturally bet smallish, hoping at least for a curiosity call. Like, duh. If she had him beat why would she overbet on the flop?

IMO she should have checked the flop, bet 1/3 to 1/2 on the turn, then pot the river.

Exactly, she played it like a bluff. As someone stated earlier she got out leveled. Someone with a pair or a better ace would reel him in slowly seeing as how he either has 6 outs or 3. In her previous hand where she had the near nuts she was only betting a fraction of the pot in order to induce calls.
Greatest Live Call I Have Ever Seen Quote
11-25-2009 , 04:16 PM
This would only be the greatest call if it was done by Durr Anyone else is a donkey
Greatest Live Call I Have Ever Seen Quote
11-25-2009 , 05:04 PM
Never bluff morons.
Greatest Live Call I Have Ever Seen Quote
11-25-2009 , 05:06 PM
[ ] pic's of late 20s asian girl

didnt read further..
Greatest Live Call I Have Ever Seen Quote
11-25-2009 , 05:46 PM
lol at ppl saying this is a horrible call and using pokerstove to justify it

if you're a bad live player and your opponent is sitting there with ace high exposed and you're going for value i'm sure your first instinct is to bet as huge as you can right?

the guy made a well reasoned and gutsy call.
Greatest Live Call I Have Ever Seen Quote
11-25-2009 , 06:06 PM
I enjoyed the story.
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