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*** God damned thread title needs to stick the rest of month March LC/NC NSFW*** *** God damned thread title needs to stick the rest of month March LC/NC NSFW***

03-20-2016 , 11:01 PM
Ok Talking Dead is over, gonna try to fix my hair
03-20-2016 , 11:12 PM
Ok hair is good, don't think I ****ed it up, I'll see in the morning
03-21-2016 , 12:06 AM
marijuana hydo pussy hoes ass baby
marijuana hydo pussy hoes ass baby
pussy where the weed at

still mobbin the 7/11
****a car
03-21-2016 , 12:55 AM
6AM where is my head? time
to run for 7-8kilometers.

**** you monday
03-21-2016 , 02:27 AM
Originally Posted by CigarDan
Walking dead makes me aaaaaaaaaaa
Originally Posted by fidstar-poker
I've never watched an episode of the Walking Dead.
The plot of every episode is we are at point A and need to get to point B but there is zombies there so we better **** them up.

It's one inventive story line I can tell you that much
03-21-2016 , 02:29 AM
Originally Posted by CigarDan
Working 1000-0300 til Sunday. Much drinking ahead, much pounding my head on my desk next morning. Not looking forward to that. Not sleeping right these days so not sure how this is going to work. Might lose last bit of sanity. Not fair, I was saving that for something special.
It works easily use my handy 3 step guide:

1. Purchase drugs
2. Take said drugs
3. Profit?
03-21-2016 , 02:50 AM
sleeping is overrated, I slept 2 hours this last night
03-21-2016 , 03:13 AM
Originally Posted by suitedjustice
I started reading the comic book trade papers a couple years before the TV series came on, and I'm not much of a comic fan. The only other series I've bought is a few from the Stephen King Dark Tower adaptations, and the Watchmen and the first Transmetropolitan.
What do you mean "the first Transmetropolitan"?
03-21-2016 , 04:09 AM

Good about capitalism is that you have not to work when you have enough money. I still have no money, but it's like light in the end of tunnel.
03-21-2016 , 04:13 AM
which tunnel?
03-21-2016 , 04:32 AM

Depending on the capacity, 1 - 2 pigs
or 1 sow from the debleeding- and/or deshackling conveyor are deposited.
03-21-2016 , 04:41 AM
They give you three times average wage, vouchers for lunch, seven weeks of holidays only to make you slave for 38.5 hours/week.

Last edited by poool; 03-21-2016 at 04:47 AM.
03-21-2016 , 04:56 AM
Thanks Obama
03-21-2016 , 05:01 AM
Mericans work too hard period.
03-21-2016 , 05:06 AM
Originally Posted by Morphismus
What do you mean "the first Transmetropolitan"?
Awkward phrasing.

03-21-2016 , 05:33 AM
Watching the Sunday Million final 4. Swear its like the 4 biggest spastics in the world trying to make a deal.
03-21-2016 , 08:34 AM
I prefer netflix
03-21-2016 , 09:32 AM
Home from work in 4 hours, then time for sex and steaks. Wuhuuuuuu
03-21-2016 , 11:13 AM
ok, hair came out fine. Week from Hell has begun. When's lunch?
03-21-2016 , 11:16 AM
03-21-2016 , 11:28 AM
03-21-2016 , 11:33 AM
That means Colin will get to eat a day earlier than us.
03-21-2016 , 11:34 AM
03-21-2016 , 12:41 PM
03-21-2016 , 12:43 PM
