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The funniest video you will see today (if you havent already seen it..) The funniest video you will see today (if you havent already seen it..)

07-24-2008 , 04:21 AM
I could be 1,000 funnier than this guy. Give me a ****ing program that they record these stupid videos with. I'm going to do lessons that are funnier than his but slightly less funny than Gder
The funniest video you will see today (if you havent already seen it..) Quote
07-24-2008 , 05:30 AM
Originally Posted by fybpm
I could be 1,000 funnier than this guy. Give me a ****ing program that they record these stupid videos with. I'm going to do lessons that are funnier than his but slightly less funny than Gder
Cute how there is always an "if" in such claims.
"I could do this and that, if only I had the program"
The funniest video you will see today (if you havent already seen it..) Quote
07-24-2008 , 05:39 AM
The funniest video you will see today (if you havent already seen it..) Quote
07-24-2008 , 12:02 PM
Thats ****ing hilarious.
The funniest video you will see today (if you havent already seen it..) Quote
07-24-2008 , 12:05 PM
i saw this a while ago and ya it was pretty much the best poker vid ever made
The funniest video you will see today (if you havent already seen it..) Quote
07-24-2008 , 12:09 PM
Is that Mylee Cyrus playing in the background?
The funniest video you will see today (if you havent already seen it..) Quote
07-24-2008 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by squizzel
Today you are gonna learn how to make money at sit and goes!
rofl at the rihanna music
The funniest video you will see today (if you havent already seen it..) Quote
07-24-2008 , 12:24 PM
"it's called variance for a reason"
The funniest video you will see today (if you havent already seen it..) Quote
07-24-2008 , 12:26 PM
He seems to have copied off of "You Suck At Photoshop" videos especially the hot pockets bit.
The funniest video you will see today (if you havent already seen it..) Quote
07-24-2008 , 12:59 PM
Everyone knows who makes the gder vids, right?

Absolutely love the comments on youtube though.
The funniest video you will see today (if you havent already seen it..) Quote
07-24-2008 , 04:01 PM
i actually lolled pretty hard when he takes a note on that girl, quality stuff.
The funniest video you will see today (if you havent already seen it..) Quote
07-24-2008 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by Savaron
he must be amirite?
haha, awesome avatar
The funniest video you will see today (if you havent already seen it..) Quote
07-24-2008 , 04:20 PM
this guy IS the man. All his vids put me in tears. I hope he keeps em coming.
The funniest video you will see today (if you havent already seen it..) Quote
07-24-2008 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by Wolitzer
Everyone knows who makes the gder vids, right?
Ok, I'll bite. Who makes the gder vids?
The funniest video you will see today (if you havent already seen it..) Quote
07-24-2008 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by Wolitzer
Everyone knows who makes the gder vids, right?

Absolutely love the comments on youtube though.
No.. who is it?
The funniest video you will see today (if you havent already seen it..) Quote
07-24-2008 , 05:09 PM
ROFL this is a joke..........right..............guys............. .any one.............seriously. why do you bet 30 into a pot that is 760+ watch out for this DOUCHE BAG on the WSOP
The funniest video you will see today (if you havent already seen it..) Quote
07-24-2008 , 05:30 PM
I was actually impressed. He knows what M means, and he also knows how to slowplay Q high for all his stack. Thumbs up!
The funniest video you will see today (if you havent already seen it..) Quote
07-24-2008 , 06:09 PM
Can't be real....there is no way.
The funniest video you will see today (if you havent already seen it..) Quote
07-24-2008 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by boohaa12
short for Dubs... tweenties... rims. aka what every bla, rapper, wants
[ ] is right
[x] dayton rims
The funniest video you will see today (if you havent already seen it..) Quote
07-24-2008 , 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by tomofo
ROFL this is a joke..........right..............guys............. .any one.............seriously. why do you bet 30 into a pot that is 760+ watch out for this DOUCHE BAG on the WSOP [IMG]]

This is just unbelievable.
The funniest video you will see today (if you havent already seen it..) Quote
07-24-2008 , 08:44 PM
has to be a joke
The funniest video you will see today (if you havent already seen it..) Quote
07-24-2008 , 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by thrasher789
appearantly he's been making too many of these vids though...
I always lol when this comes up where someone fails pretty hard at linking to an account in SS, and it comes up so regularly.

I mean, it doesnt even look right, lol.

A real link for those who want to not fail so much in the future looks like:

Its easy to find on the site, its not even remotely hidden away or anything.
The funniest video you will see today (if you havent already seen it..) Quote
07-24-2008 , 11:29 PM
Holy crap! Thanks for the hours of laughter you have supplied me. Opposite poker is the nutz! I love how he folds J7, but then thinks Q7 is the nutz and "tarps" the guy with it. He luckboxed a few different times.

Bucklox is awesome too! I imagine he posts at NWP or P5s
The funniest video you will see today (if you havent already seen it..) Quote
07-24-2008 , 11:32 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
I always lol when this comes up where someone fails pretty hard at linking to an account in SS, and it comes up so regularly.

I mean, it doesnt even look right, lol.

A real link for those who want to not fail so much in the future looks like:

Its easy to find on the site, its not even remotely hidden away or anything.

Please school me....How is that player link related to this thread?
The funniest video you will see today (if you havent already seen it..) Quote
07-24-2008 , 11:33 PM
the fact that people think these vids could be real is why poker is profitable
The funniest video you will see today (if you havent already seen it..) Quote
