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Finally reached 500k hands of HU Finally reached 500k hands of HU

03-25-2012 , 06:13 AM
^^It shows in HM: NL50-NL400. Most volume NL200 and NL100. Only like 50k hands @NL50, haven't played it long time.

Finally reached 500k hands of HU Quote
03-25-2012 , 06:26 AM
Originally Posted by Sheep86
Originally Posted by PureDiesel
You misunderstand me. i meant degening it up, because of style of play, super-lose, high 3bet, WTSD, AF - crazy maniac red line.

Sick graph though. And more trolling and bitching please!

and, ty

Last edited by PureDiesel; 03-25-2012 at 06:42 AM.
Finally reached 500k hands of HU Quote
03-25-2012 , 06:28 AM
Okay so now that everyone has shown off their dicks and their measuring skills are you just going to let the sexual tension hang in the air or are you all going to have that orgy we can tell you want?
Finally reached 500k hands of HU Quote
03-25-2012 , 07:09 AM
Originally Posted by PureDiesel

and, ty
Finally reached 500k hands of HU Quote
03-25-2012 , 08:10 AM
Finally reached 500k hands of HU Quote
03-25-2012 , 08:35 AM
[] american
[] bumhunter
Finally reached 500k hands of HU Quote
03-25-2012 , 08:56 AM
Finally reached 500k hands of HU Quote
03-25-2012 , 08:59 AM
Originally Posted by PureDiesel
[] american
[] bumhunter
[ ] i made this picture
[ ] []
[x] bumhunter
Finally reached 500k hands of HU Quote
03-25-2012 , 09:19 AM
Must be pretty wealthy bums nowadays - with $300K+ earnings. FML
Finally reached 500k hands of HU Quote
03-25-2012 , 09:20 AM
Originally Posted by Back off Kiddo
Originally Posted by PureDiesel

Ok, I'll try:

My Blue Line:

[?] degen
Finally reached 500k hands of HU Quote
03-25-2012 , 09:22 AM
Lol at posting TC's quotes which were obviously levels. PD why not just prove the haters wrong and play for the 200nl crown since you don't mind playing all these regs.
Finally reached 500k hands of HU Quote
03-25-2012 , 09:41 AM
I wouldn't trade in my poker success for your poker success, OP, if it meant I'd be as much of an insecure dick as you. I mean how low must your self-esteem be to squeeze every last bit of praise you can about winning some money? I kind of just feel sorry for you and other ppl itt. If you reread the thread you'll maybe realise how embarrassing it is.
Finally reached 500k hands of HU Quote
03-25-2012 , 11:15 AM
you're that bumhunter d0ntbluffmeplease on merge right? have fun table blocking and fake posting your blinds to keep tables
Finally reached 500k hands of HU Quote
03-25-2012 , 11:41 AM
Welcome to the game
Starting Game #50935183-15
Game was cancelled - any blinds have been refunded.
D0ntBluffMePlease> chester gtf o
me> why, i'm willing to play you quit table b****ing
me> how much would i have to pay you to play me for an hour?
D0ntBluffMePlease> i told you GTF O
Starting Game #50935183-16
Game was cancelled - any blinds have been refunded.
me> who are you? you should go back to play money imo if you can't beat 100nl without bumhunting
me> people like you are bad for the games
D0ntBluffMePlease> dont **** me off dude
D0ntBluffMePlease> pi ss
me> dude i'm going to have to report you to merge this is rediculous
me> i'm willing to play you and even pay you for action
D0ntBluffMePlease> dude stop annoying hell out of me im busy 2tabling atm
D0ntBluffMePlease> get lost NOW
me> you never play anyone with a pulse do you
Starting Game #50935183-17
Game was cancelled - any blinds have been refunded.
me> ok dude your reported now, hopefully they ban your account or something
D0ntBluffMePlease> they will ban YOUr account for annoying, table b****ing and offering rakeback to every1 on these tables
D0ntBluffMePlease> better leave NOW
D0ntBluffMePlease> you are DONE on our forum
me> well for starters you just made that up
D0ntBluffMePlease> and on this site
D0ntBluffMePlease> DONE talking
me> your not pure deisel are you?
D0ntBluffMePlease> no, Im Chester
Starting Game #50935183-18
D0ntBluffMePlease> no need to behave like 15years old
Game was cancelled - any blinds have been refunded.
me> ironic
D0ntBluffMePlease> you have nothing to do with your life besides b****ing and annoying players?
D0ntBluffMePlease> go find a hobby
me> i don't get it. i'm here looking for a game and you just go and sit out at my table and stop me having fun
D0ntBluffMePlease> you have problems with LOGIC. I am sitting on EMPTY TABLE that belongs to MERGE. and waiting for players i like to play. You are not the one
D0ntBluffMePlease> in the list.
D0ntBluffMePlease> and you tell me I AM NOT MAKING YOU HAPPY???????
D0ntBluffMePlease> you make NO SENSE
D0ntBluffMePlease> i am not chasing you around tables on daily basis and b****ing
D0ntBluffMePlease> forcing you to play or leave
D0ntBluffMePlease> you are pathetic human beeing and you are DONE
so not only are you a hardcore bumhunter, you fake post the blinds 4 times to keep the table and somehow know who I am probably through ptr since you haven't played a single hand against me. I even offer to pay you to play me and you refuse, and at no point have I ever seen you playing anyone with half a brain online. Your use of caps suggests to me that you may have some anger management issues. Don't be mad, chill. Lets do 10k hands of 100nl on merge or first to lose $2k whichever comes first, gogogogo

Last edited by chessterfish; 03-25-2012 at 11:44 AM. Reason: .
Finally reached 500k hands of HU Quote
03-25-2012 , 11:45 AM
hu graphs shouldnt exist. Only hourly screenshots.
Finally reached 500k hands of HU Quote
03-25-2012 , 11:46 AM
holy balls why so much hate, nice graph, keep it up mate
Finally reached 500k hands of HU Quote
03-25-2012 , 11:53 AM

Chester, I've just started playing on Merge and have like 3 buyins. I'm playing regs on Stars, since i am used to software and way more regs. I'm not depositing into Merge just to battle some random idiot. Get over yourself, please.

Pontylad, lol at you thinking I'm that dumb and not realising level. I've quoted TC for drama, doh.

Edge, i dunno, if i have to reply, somehow feel awkward. Are you ok, bud? Such a great deep analysis of me, amazing. Be my doc? If you won't cure me, at least you'll make me laugh
Finally reached 500k hands of HU Quote
03-25-2012 , 12:01 PM
bumhunting is funfunfun
Finally reached 500k hands of HU Quote
03-25-2012 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by chessterfish
so not only are you a hardcore bumhunter, you fake post the blinds 4 times to keep the table and somehow know who I am probably through ptr since you haven't played a single hand against me. I even offer to pay you to play me and you refuse, and at no point have I ever seen you playing anyone with half a brain online. Your use of caps suggests to me that you may have some anger management issues. Don't be mad, chill. Lets do 10k hands of 100nl on merge or first to lose $2k whichever comes first, gogogogo


gtfo bumhunting piece of ****
Finally reached 500k hands of HU Quote
03-25-2012 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by PureDiesel

Chester, I've just started playing on Merge and have like 3 buyins. I'm playing regs on Stars, since i am used to software and way more regs. I'm not depositing into Merge just to battle some random idiot. Get over yourself, please.

Pontylad, lol at you thinking I'm that dumb and not realising level. I've quoted TC for drama, doh.

Edge, i dunno, if i have to reply, somehow feel awkward. Are you ok, bud? Such a great deep analysis of me, amazing. Be my doc? If you won't cure me, at least you'll make me laugh
Finally reached 500k hands of HU Quote
03-25-2012 , 01:26 PM
What kind of table system is at merge? New tables after others have player(s)?

If he doesn't want to play, why go dickish and try to steal every table?

I started playing at stars recently, managed to deposit only 500$. I wouldn't be interested to 2-table good regs at nl200 with that bankroll lol.

I'm just saying that there's nothing wrong at table selecting.

Different scenario if it's KoT-system at merge.

Also +1, just chill PD, it helps.
Finally reached 500k hands of HU Quote
03-25-2012 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by Tryst_
Finally reached 500k hands of HU Quote
03-25-2012 , 01:46 PM

Finally reached 500k hands of HU Quote
03-25-2012 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by PureDiesel
Not in god damn big blinds you fool
Finally reached 500k hands of HU Quote
03-25-2012 , 02:47 PM
Finally reached 500k hands of HU Quote
