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***Double-D-December with Mr. Sheep's Titty Tuesdays*** December LC/NC NSFW*** ***Double-D-December with Mr. Sheep's Titty Tuesdays*** December LC/NC NSFW***

12-24-2018 , 07:11 PM
Have you heard this one Morph? What do you think of Bradley Cooper's vocal skills? Sammy usually only likes real music.....but he must say that he enjoys this one.

12-24-2018 , 07:12 PM
I am out of Germany and back in Bavaria so you are allowed to read it Samuelson
12-24-2018 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by FWWM
I am out of Germany and back in Bavaria so you are allowed to read it Samuelson
Cool, Sammy will read it now
12-24-2018 , 08:26 PM
New page means no Miranda Kerr breaking my computer
12-24-2018 , 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by FWWM
I am out of Germany and back in Bavaria so you are allowed to read it Samuelson
C'mon, just don't give Germany away to the Prussians.
12-24-2018 , 09:59 PM
12-24-2018 , 10:19 PM
Samuel's soft side singing Bradley Cooper's solid hits
12-24-2018 , 11:52 PM
Originally Posted by AlwaysFolding
Merry Christmas AlwaysFolding! Grats on the years without the things. I have an idea of how tough that can be.
12-25-2018 , 02:19 AM
Merry Christmas BBV
12-25-2018 , 04:51 AM
Husqvarna 390xpg in da house. 28" sword
12-25-2018 , 06:32 AM
Merry Christmas!
12-25-2018 , 08:03 AM
12-25-2018 , 01:54 PM
Merry XMas everyone, even Sammy

12-25-2018 , 03:09 PM
The stomach hurts from all the food. Will eat again in a few hours.
12-25-2018 , 03:27 PM
Too late to eat
12-25-2018 , 03:29 PM
Only drinking from now on
12-25-2018 , 03:39 PM
Happy Boxing Day BBV. After two days of torrential rain the sun has finally come out! Enjoy the festivities
12-25-2018 , 03:40 PM
The stomach hurts from all the food. Will eat again in a few hours.
12-25-2018 , 03:42 PM
Too late to eat
12-25-2018 , 03:43 PM
Only drinking from now on
12-25-2018 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by Mr.mmmKay
Only drinking from now on

Plus one

Fiddle sticks pls pm me email again.
12-25-2018 , 03:53 PM
12-25-2018 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by suitedjustice
Merry Christmas AlwaysFolding! Grats on the years without the things. I have an idea of how tough that can be.
Thank you, good sir. Merry ******g Feckmas!
Originally Posted by robert_utk
Merry Christmas BBV
Merry Robert BBV
Originally Posted by Mr.mmmKay
Merry Christmas!
Originally Posted by fidstar-poker
Merry XMas everyone, even Sammy

hello cute minions
Originally Posted by Mr.mmmKay
Too late to eat
I see what you did there twice
Originally Posted by Mr.mmmKay
Only drinking from now on
I see what you did there twice
Originally Posted by Colin_Piddle
Happy Boxing Day BBV. After two days of torrential rain the sun has finally come out! Enjoy the festivities
Originally Posted by Mr.mmmKay
Yes I recognize this email
12-25-2018 , 04:08 PM
0. I am pleased to announce we have acquired a delightful Christmas gif-t from Santa-Fid
1. Hello, Tuesday, you beautiful son of a *****
2. Merry Christmas to my man Mr. tbh I hope you are in Nawlins or something recovering from the sick
3. Mr. WN happy holi-day-a-rita
4. To the future magistrate Mr. Colin_Piddle happy boxing and coxing day
5. It is that time again, a very BBV celebration!
6. Usually we don't use commas in the list but it's that kinda day
7. Mr. FWWM you're Germaning and thus Sammy came back to defend Denmark's beer I see
8. vrolijk kerstfeest Mr. owca, wauw!
9. We Morph you a merry morphmas
10. we Morph you a merry morphmas
11. we Morph you a merry morphmas
12. and a thank you morphyear
13. Nate you better be having a blast
14. Mr. Majik is passing the gas and ignoring his real friends even on Christmas wtf
15. Robert is probably having a good time firing online but I guess we won't know until later
16. My brother is making meatballs
17. Why the **** are we eating my brother's balls on Christmas
18. Sammy happy Christmas you kanelsnegle
19. FranFran is croating and goating, pig roasting and boasting
20. vrolijk kerstfeest to Mr.mmmKay as well, as he drinks and drinks and drinks
21. We have a family tradition of watching the Minions movie
22. It is meant to be, any grind today Mr. suitedjustice you beautiful angry catman?
23. To WH1, I hope miniwaffle is doing well this Christmas (2nd one?)
24. To KF, **** you stop having a life and come circlejerk with us (WD is in the middle of the circle just fyi)
25. 25 days, 25 point list, a list of all the sluts I've missed
12-25-2018 , 04:09 PM
26. To Butler Jeeves, enjoy your retirement and send Sammy a big bag of potatoes
27. Cause he's a potato
28. Henk, Henk from Potatoland.
