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Do They Play Donkey Kong Poker in Your Room? Do They Play Donkey Kong Poker in Your Room?

09-01-2015 , 11:47 PM
Originally Posted by Queen of No
One night two guys were going at it then they tried to tell the rest of the table they weren't "allowed" to play unless they called blind -- I told them if they wanted to make the rules, they needed to get the house to open a private table for them.
This is a terrible attitude to take when a player or two want to turn the table into a gambooool fest. You know no matter what "rules" they announce that you're still allowed to look at your cards, right?
Do They Play Donkey Kong Poker in Your Room? Quote
09-01-2015 , 11:54 PM
Originally Posted by legend42
This is a terrible attitude to take when a player or two want to turn the table into a gambooool fest. You know no matter what "rules" they announce that you're still allowed to look at your cards, right?
No, they started to get nasty about it -- people were looking at their cards and then jumping in -- so before the table erupted into a huge fight I told them they couldn't enforce "their rules" on the table. They could look if they wanted, we could look if we wanted and if they wanted no one to look, they needed to get a private table.
Do They Play Donkey Kong Poker in Your Room? Quote
09-02-2015 , 12:16 AM
Originally Posted by Queen of No
No, they started to get nasty about it -- people were looking at their cards and then jumping in -- so before the table erupted into a huge fight I told them they couldn't enforce "their rules" on the table. They could look if they wanted, we could look if we wanted and if they wanted no one to look, they needed to get a private table.
Trust me, you're doing it wrong. Be happy when these guys show up at your table, and learn to play along without being adversarial towards them.
Do They Play Donkey Kong Poker in Your Room? Quote
09-02-2015 , 01:52 AM
Originally Posted by Queen of No
Of course bankroll considerations are a factor -- it's $1/2. Most players don't show up rolled to play $200 - $600 preflop every hand. We had two guys going at it for a full down one night -- other players rarely joined in (short stacks would jump in, double up, then opt out). If I've built my stack to $600 or more I'm not that interested in calling their blind preflop raise of $600 with K5 os.

I would be interested in hearing more about the math regarding how many of the all-ins you would have to call with that 44% range to reach a probability of coming out significantly +EV against two random all-in hands, keeping in mind that max buy-in is $200, so once you've lost you can, at most triple up to $600 less rake on the next win. Once you have that $600 the amount at risk depends upon of the stack of the current "winner" of the blind flippers.
The Kelly Criteron is a mathematical formula on how to grow your bankroll the fastest. It states you should risk the percentage of your bankroll which is your edge. So if you have a 1% edge, you should bet 1% of your bankroll.

I find it hard to believe that hands like K5o actually have an edge, but basically if it did, you wouldn't risk as much as if you had K5s or KQs (the latter of which is a snap shove).

And it depends on what your stack is relative to your bankroll.
Do They Play Donkey Kong Poker in Your Room? Quote
09-02-2015 , 06:59 AM
Thread title got my attention so I clicked.

Was OP in games where players were climbing ladders, possibly to save someone in distress? No. Were players dodging animated fireballs? No. Were barrels getting thrown around, sometimes chaotically? No. Heck, were players playing Donkey Kong on their smartphones/handhelds while at the table? Still no.

OP simply meant "donkey". Now I want those last 5 minutes back.
Do They Play Donkey Kong Poker in Your Room? Quote
09-02-2015 , 07:28 AM
Originally Posted by browni3141
The range you should be playing closing the action on the BB here and assuming a 4$ rake + 1$ BBJ is
33+,Ax+,K2s+,Q4s+,J7s+,T7s+,97s+,87s,K5o+,Q8o+,J8o +,T8o+
That's 44% of starting hands!
That would be a dream in SoFla. Every one of the 10+ rooms I've played in down here is $5 + $2.
Do They Play Donkey Kong Poker in Your Room? Quote
09-02-2015 , 07:54 AM
BINGO ... same stuff ...

These types of games are very common everywhere in the Midwest. I think there are quite a few who are there to gamble (good) or really want to play a higher stake (not open or available ... good).

Playing poker to get opponents into a mentality where they make marginal/-EV calls is what I enjoy about the game. There is a saying I use ...

Don't complain about the call, only the results.

You want the call ... EVERY TIME .. you just don't want them 'rewarded' for their call against you. Let them win against someone else so they keep coming back.

Perfect case in point while I was a little tilted yesterday ... I called a PF 3-bet (50% of his stack) with 9Ts (I opened in the BB, he limp/rr). Flop 9T4 .. winner v AA!!

Well 2 hands later I get KK OTB and raise .. His buddy is mad at me for busting the AA and shoves $110 with J2o (Thinking that I had junk again) ... J on Flop, 2 on River. Did I want the shove, for sure. Did I get 'my' result? Not quite.

But torquing over the table with the 9T call got me into another (supposedly) favorable spot that wouldn't have happened otherwise.

BINGO ... B2 on the River ... BINGO .. GL
Do They Play Donkey Kong Poker in Your Room? Quote
09-02-2015 , 08:28 AM
Originally Posted by DeuceKicker1

OP simply meant "donkey". Now I want those last 5 minutes back.
You should have spent another minute. The thread isn't about donkeys at the table (players who are inept at the game) -- it is a thread questioning the prevalence of people deliberately (as in people who know better), calling large pre-flop bets with knowingly inferior hands for the "thrill" of cracking better hands. Yes, they're acting like donkeys (but knowingly for higher stakes) just for the "rush".
Do They Play Donkey Kong Poker in Your Room? Quote
09-02-2015 , 09:10 AM
Originally Posted by Queen of No
You should have spent another minute. The thread isn't about donkeys at the table (players who are inept at the game) -- it is a thread questioning the prevalence of people deliberately (as in people who know better), calling large pre-flop bets with knowingly inferior hands for the "thrill" of cracking better hands. Yes, they're acting like donkeys (but knowingly for higher stakes) just for the "rush".
OK, I understand what you meant....but still don't see the video game connection. Actually Crazy Kong (DK's bootleg version) sounds a little better imo.

But a decent video-game reference to poker is Pacman, since you're trying to "eat" other player's stacks in whole.

Anyways back to the main discussion...
Do They Play Donkey Kong Poker in Your Room? Quote
09-02-2015 , 12:10 PM
End this level fest please......
Do They Play Donkey Kong Poker in Your Room? Quote
09-02-2015 , 03:02 PM
This type of poker exists at our casino here in Iowa. I agree that these players make it very profitable over the long run. In the short run, it can get very frustrating when there are three or four of these players at the table. Here's a typical scenario. EP raises to $10 with KQs. Two callers in MP with J10 and 67 (suited or not). Button raises to $42 with AA. Original raiser calls and the other two also call thinking they have pot odds. Or, more likely, the KQ jams $200 on an ill-timed 4-bet and the other two call with roughly $100 each cuz they have "live cards". The guy with AA now knows he's ahead but only 40% to win - which he doesn't.

I've seen these goofs run a $100 buy-in up over $1000 then back down to nothing many times.
Do They Play Donkey Kong Poker in Your Room? Quote
09-02-2015 , 03:18 PM
Didnt read a single letter of your OP, your topic line was enough
Do They Play Donkey Kong Poker in Your Room? Quote
09-02-2015 , 03:39 PM
Isn't this topic more suited for "Live Casino Poker"?
Do They Play Donkey Kong Poker in Your Room? Quote
09-02-2015 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by Morphismus
Isn't this topic more suited for "Live Casino Poker"?
It was there, a moderator must have moved it.
Do They Play Donkey Kong Poker in Your Room? Quote
09-02-2015 , 04:48 PM
Just at the airport now, been playing quite a bit 1/2 in vegas. It depends a bit on the table but usually the std raise is like 6-8bb which usually gets several callers. Also postflop many call huge bets with any pair. A bit boring to play correctly against but it you cant beat that you should quit.
Do They Play Donkey Kong Poker in Your Room? Quote
09-02-2015 , 05:21 PM
Why did this get moved here?

I'm going to start moving some to our **** threads to Live Casino Poker
Do They Play Donkey Kong Poker in Your Room? Quote
09-02-2015 , 05:22 PM
imo next ChanY thread --> LCP

Edit: That actually gave me an idea: Wouldn't it be fun to have a thread which gets moved around from forum to forum?
Do They Play Donkey Kong Poker in Your Room? Quote
09-02-2015 , 07:47 PM
I say give rapini a run for his money -- move something there he will really enjoy...
Do They Play Donkey Kong Poker in Your Room? Quote
09-02-2015 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by reezer63
This type of poker exists at our casino here in Iowa. I agree that these players make it very profitable over the long run. In the short run, it can get very frustrating when there are three or four of these players at the table. Here's a typical scenario. EP raises to $10 with KQs. Two callers in MP with J10 and 67 (suited or not). Button raises to $42 with AA. Original raiser calls and the other two also call thinking they have pot odds. Or, more likely, the KQ jams $200 on an ill-timed 4-bet and the other two call with roughly $100 each cuz they have "live cards". The guy with AA now knows he's ahead but only 40% to win - which he doesn't.

I've seen these goofs run a $100 buy-in up over $1000 then back down to nothing many times.
Here it's even more fun.. first guy bets $45. Second guy calls. Third guy looks down at pocket 5's and jams $150 all-in. 4th guy looks down at his "favorite hand" of 6, 3 os which he won a big pot with in 2004 and which he knows will crack a high pocket pair this time and he calls all-in for his remaining $84. First guy looks at his pocket kings, knows he's in trouble, jams his remaining $200 in. Second guy has A, 2 suited, and says "I have to call" and does. There's no money left to play for... another fun hand at the $1/$2/all-in table. lol
Do They Play Donkey Kong Poker in Your Room? Quote
09-02-2015 , 07:57 PM
I actually had a player confess that the larger I raise the wider he calls. It annoyed him that I would make it $25 pre at 1/2 so he called out of spite just hoping to bad beat me. Or he'd minraise preflop, I'd 3bet hard and he'd toss his arms in the air and say "wtf that was supposed to be a little juicer and here you come again".
Do They Play Donkey Kong Poker in Your Room? Quote
09-03-2015 , 01:52 AM
Some people like to gamble, and will play suboptimal poker in order to do so.

I was unaware that this was surprising news.
Do They Play Donkey Kong Poker in Your Room? Quote
09-06-2015 , 12:10 AM
Buddy I introduced Donkey Kong Poker.
Do They Play Donkey Kong Poker in Your Room? Quote
09-06-2015 , 02:48 AM
Originally Posted by DeuceKicker1
Thread title got my attention so I clicked.

Was OP in games where players were climbing ladders, possibly to save someone in distress? No. Were players dodging animated fireballs? No. Were barrels getting thrown around, sometimes chaotically? No. Heck, were players playing Donkey Kong on their smartphones/handhelds while at the table? Still no.

OP simply meant "donkey". Now I want those last 5 minutes back.
Have been in one of these games too. Worst floorman ever.
Do They Play Donkey Kong Poker in Your Room? Quote
09-06-2015 , 03:21 AM
Originally Posted by DK Barrel
Buddy I introduced Donkey Kong Poker.
Do They Play Donkey Kong Poker in Your Room? Quote
09-06-2015 , 03:22 AM
Lol @ serious responses itt
Do They Play Donkey Kong Poker in Your Room? Quote
