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Degen Stories.... Degen Stories....

05-14-2010 , 03:03 AM
[QUOTE=RelaxedPrecision;16219680]LOL. I lost a job, got another one, got let go, got another one, got my hours cut. I'm running bad at life. Ridiculous how many interviews and opportunities have slipped through my fingers.

2010 is my year tho. Doing real well at my job, getting a few extra hours, I just work, study, and apply for jobs all the time now. I log in here from time to time for entertainment. God is good to me. He has even helped me with my gambling addiction.[/QUOTE

now thats a ****ing D-gen imo
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05-14-2010 , 03:55 AM
I just played with a guy that dusted off 56 buyins in 6 max plo in one session
It was low stakes but its still degen imo
Degen Stories.... Quote
05-15-2010 , 05:16 PM
Got a pretty decent story about my friend.

One of my good friends whos name is kyle is one broke dude. I showed him how to gamble and the whole online poker thing and such. He is so broke that he owes his parents like 2k, his friends like 1k in total and the people he lives with like 3k in rent. One day, he is over my house and were bored thinking of ways we can play the poker online. He comes up with this plan to call his friend and ask for his credit card number telling him " That he has a parking ticket and needs to pay it now or they will tow his car" or something like that.

Anyways he obviously lied to his good friend that was just trying to do something nice for him. So he fires up absolute poker and im watching him. He says **** poker im just gonna play blackjack. He loses that 25 dollars in like 2 mintues, and than sits there doing nothing and finnaly says f it im gonna do another 25. He does this running up a debt till to 200 dollars and looks like hes about to cry cause he lost 200 dollars of his friends money when he was only gonna borrow 25. He finnaly tells me that hes gonna make one more 50 dollar deposit which he does and deletes the text message and the payment method on absolute poker so he cant make another deposit.

With the 50 dollars he starts doing really good, he starts off by betting 5-10 dollars a hand and than when he gets up to a couple hundo he's betting anywhere from 25-50 a hand. He runs really good and gets it up to 1k. Its late at the time and i say "kyle just cash it out, you can do good with that money." he tells me no maybe tomorrow. Before he goes to sleep he calls everyone he knows telling them he won 1k and that hes gonna pay the people at his house the rent money he owes them. We take a nap and sleep for like 15 hours.

The next day he fires up absolute poker again and im not lieing to you when i say this kid goes on the heater of a lifetime and turns that 1k into 5k in about 1 hour time. I tell him kyle cash out 4k and gambollll with the other 1k, and you can pay off almost all your bills. He says he will cash out 1k which he did, So i say whatever and watch him play. He than goes on the cooler of a lifetime betting 25-100 at first and is just getting crushed. At one point he bet 500 dollars and got 20 against a dealer's 6. Dealer hits to 21, obviously and he is just so pissed. He than finishes pissing away his other 4k instead of doing anything good with it such as paying back bills.

One week later, when the 1k check got here i come up with this idea saying lets take a trip to turning stone. All of his roomates at the time know about this check and are telling me to not let him go cause he owes them money. I ignore there phone calls and we take a 6 hour ride to turning stone to play some live pokerz. We spend about 50 on gas, and he lends me 200 dollars to play poker so he has 700 for himself and 50 for gas to get home. I start playing and am up 200 dollars fairly quickly flopping top set over middle set and am very satisfied with the way im playing. While im playing however, i see him get up from the table and rebuy like 3 times, sweating like a mother ****er obviously tilting hardcore. Finnaly when he pissed all his money away he came over to my table and told me to talk to him for a second. He asks me if he can buyin for the 50 dollar gas money and i say okay. He comes and sits at my table to try and change his luck. I watch him lose that 50 dollars and now i realize that if i lose we cant get home so i play scared for about 15 minutes and than just get up.

AFter cashing out about 400 we go somewhere to figure out what were gonna do and i tell him ill pay him back the 200 dollars he lent me and he says okay. So i have 200 to play with while he has 150 plus 50 for gas. He decides to go and playblackjack and we both lose all our money fairly quickly. So we have been to turning stone for about 10 hours (which we took 6 hours to drive to) and are both completly broke. We think about leaving and than kyle comes up with this idea to get 200 from his friend so we can give it one more chance and get some food cause were both starving at this time. His friend says okay and will do it later. We go and spend like 25 dollars on food and right when were done eating his friend says "sorry i cant i just checked my account and theres nothing in it" So were like ****, we cant get home on only 25 dollars so we go and put 25 dollars on one hand of blackjack which we obviously lose.

So now were 6 hours away, broke as **** with no gas. Luckily my friend had his laptop with him and we go on it at the casino and find a pawn shop. He pawns it for 125 dollars, and we decide to take 25 dollars to the black jack table and if we won we would both play in the mtt which was 50 dollars. We won and than an hour or so later we play in the mtt. We both dont cash so were pretty pissed and just said f this lets just go home with the 50 dollars in gas we need. We drive for about 20 mintues torwards home and than i say something like: "kyle your friends are gonna get pissed at you if you dont pay them their 1k lets try and turn this 50 dollars into 1k, if we lose it ill have my mom western union us some money" He says thats a good ****ing idea and he turns the car around.

We get back and lose the 25 dollars in less than 3 mintues at blackjack and are pissed off as hell. I try calling my mom and she doesnt answer so i leave her a voice mail. We try thinking of ideas on how we can get money and the we go to a bank and try and get a loan but we both have ****ty credit, however we did luck out with the bank we went to. We went to some sort of christian bank where they are all about helping us out. I am not joking either, this one lady there called everyone she knew and pulled together 100 dollars for us to get home. We felt really bad taking their money but were degens so what ya gonna do. Right when we leave there my mom calls telling us she will western union us the money so were like sweet we can gambol some more.

WE have 150 dollars after spending 20 dollars more on food so we decide to try another tournament. Kyle gets knocked out in less than 5 mintues, and i am doing very well, chip leader at my table. DOwn to 2 tables, with top 10 cashing i am playing tight with a slightly above average stack i finnaly pick up a hand: AA. Some guy raises from utg and utg1 calls. I reraise and the raiser folds while utg+1 calls. Flop comes K J 4 rainbow. This old idiot donk bets half his stack into me, so im putting him on kq or ak. I insta shove, he tanks for a while an than calls saying "i got outs." He flips over aq and what was the turn a 10 obviously. I get knocked out and am just pissed as hell.

We finnaly decide to go home and he drops me off at my house. When kyle gets home he calls me an tells me there is a tree in his room. His roomates were pissed at him for going to the casino and not paying them and they say if they dont give him their money there gonna kick his ass. Anyways, he ends up borrowing the money from his mom after begging and crying to her and solved that problem. Anyways after the long read thats my degen story... Hopefully making a trip back to turning stone that place...
Degen Stories.... Quote
05-15-2010 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by pokerfish52
Got a pretty decent story about my friend.

One of my good friends whos name is kyle is one broke dude. I showed him how to gamble and the whole online poker thing and such. He is so broke that he owes his parents like 2k, his friends like 1k in total and the people he lives with like 3k in rent. One day, he is over my house and were bored thinking of ways we can play the poker online. He comes up with this plan to call his friend and ask for his credit card number telling him " That he has a parking ticket and needs to pay it now or they will tow his car" or something like that.

Anyways he obviously lied to his good friend that was just trying to do something nice for him. So he fires up absolute poker and im watching him. He says **** poker im just gonna play blackjack. He loses that 25 dollars in like 2 mintues, and than sits there doing nothing and finnaly says f it im gonna do another 25. He does this running up a debt till to 200 dollars and looks like hes about to cry cause he lost 200 dollars of his friends money when he was only gonna borrow 25. He finnaly tells me that hes gonna make one more 50 dollar deposit which he does and deletes the text message and the payment method on absolute poker so he cant make another deposit.

With the 50 dollars he starts doing really good, he starts off by betting 5-10 dollars a hand and than when he gets up to a couple hundo he's betting anywhere from 25-50 a hand. He runs really good and gets it up to 1k. Its late at the time and i say "kyle just cash it out, you can do good with that money." he tells me no maybe tomorrow. Before he goes to sleep he calls everyone he knows telling them he won 1k and that hes gonna pay the people at his house the rent money he owes them. We take a nap and sleep for like 15 hours.

The next day he fires up absolute poker again and im not lieing to you when i say this kid goes on the heater of a lifetime and turns that 1k into 5k in about 1 hour time. I tell him kyle cash out 4k and gambollll with the other 1k, and you can pay off almost all your bills. He says he will cash out 1k which he did, So i say whatever and watch him play. He than goes on the cooler of a lifetime betting 25-100 at first and is just getting crushed. At one point he bet 500 dollars and got 20 against a dealer's 6. Dealer hits to 21, obviously and he is just so pissed. He than finishes pissing away his other 4k instead of doing anything good with it such as paying back bills.

One week later, when the 1k check got here i come up with this idea saying lets take a trip to turning stone. All of his roomates at the time know about this check and are telling me to not let him go cause he owes them money. I ignore there phone calls and we take a 6 hour ride to turning stone to play some live pokerz. We spend about 50 on gas, and he lends me 200 dollars to play poker so he has 700 for himself and 50 for gas to get home. I start playing and am up 200 dollars fairly quickly flopping top set over middle set and am very satisfied with the way im playing. While im playing however, i see him get up from the table and rebuy like 3 times, sweating like a mother ****er obviously tilting hardcore. Finnaly when he pissed all his money away he came over to my table and told me to talk to him for a second. He asks me if he can buyin for the 50 dollar gas money and i say okay. He comes and sits at my table to try and change his luck. I watch him lose that 50 dollars and now i realize that if i lose we cant get home so i play scared for about 15 minutes and than just get up.

AFter cashing out about 400 we go somewhere to figure out what were gonna do and i tell him ill pay him back the 200 dollars he lent me and he says okay. So i have 200 to play with while he has 150 plus 50 for gas. He decides to go and playblackjack and we both lose all our money fairly quickly. So we have been to turning stone for about 10 hours (which we took 6 hours to drive to) and are both completly broke. We think about leaving and than kyle comes up with this idea to get 200 from his friend so we can give it one more chance and get some food cause were both starving at this time. His friend says okay and will do it later. We go and spend like 25 dollars on food and right when were done eating his friend says "sorry i cant i just checked my account and theres nothing in it" So were like ****, we cant get home on only 25 dollars so we go and put 25 dollars on one hand of blackjack which we obviously lose.

So now were 6 hours away, broke as **** with no gas. Luckily my friend had his laptop with him and we go on it at the casino and find a pawn shop. He pawns it for 125 dollars, and we decide to take 25 dollars to the black jack table and if we won we would both play in the mtt which was 50 dollars. We won and than an hour or so later we play in the mtt. We both dont cash so were pretty pissed and just said f this lets just go home with the 50 dollars in gas we need. We drive for about 20 mintues torwards home and than i say something like: "kyle your friends are gonna get pissed at you if you dont pay them their 1k lets try and turn this 50 dollars into 1k, if we lose it ill have my mom western union us some money" He says thats a good ****ing idea and he turns the car around.

We get back and lose the 25 dollars in less than 3 mintues at blackjack and are pissed off as hell. I try calling my mom and she doesnt answer so i leave her a voice mail. We try thinking of ideas on how we can get money and the we go to a bank and try and get a loan but we both have ****ty credit, however we did luck out with the bank we went to. We went to some sort of christian bank where they are all about helping us out. I am not joking either, this one lady there called everyone she knew and pulled together 100 dollars for us to get home. We felt really bad taking their money but were degens so what ya gonna do. Right when we leave there my mom calls telling us she will western union us the money so were like sweet we can gambol some more.

WE have 150 dollars after spending 20 dollars more on food so we decide to try another tournament. Kyle gets knocked out in less than 5 mintues, and i am doing very well, chip leader at my table. DOwn to 2 tables, with top 10 cashing i am playing tight with a slightly above average stack i finnaly pick up a hand: AA. Some guy raises from utg and utg1 calls. I reraise and the raiser folds while utg+1 calls. Flop comes K J 4 rainbow. This old idiot donk bets half his stack into me, so im putting him on kq or ak. I insta shove, he tanks for a while an than calls saying "i got outs." He flips over aq and what was the turn a 10 obviously. I get knocked out and am just pissed as hell.

We finnaly decide to go home and he drops me off at my house. When kyle gets home he calls me an tells me there is a tree in his room. His roomates were pissed at him for going to the casino and not paying them and they say if they dont give him their money there gonna kick his ass. Anyways, he ends up borrowing the money from his mom after begging and crying to her and solved that problem. Anyways after the long read thats my degen story... Hopefully making a trip back to turning stone that place...
What a bunch of losers
Degen Stories.... Quote
05-15-2010 , 05:55 PM
Yeah that story wasn't about your friend. you're just as bad as he is, and i doubt he even exists.
Degen Stories.... Quote
05-15-2010 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by Extrix
Yeah that story wasn't about your friend. you're just as bad as he is, and i doubt he even exists.
100% true. Why would i waste my time writing that long ass story if it wasnt plus i know im a degen but thats the best story i got
Degen Stories.... Quote
05-15-2010 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by pokerfish52
100% true. Why would i waste my time writing that long ass story if it wasnt plus i know im a degen but thats the best story i got
Cool story bro (I mean it)
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05-15-2010 , 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by Username^^
Cool story bro (I mean it)
+1, i was quite amused, esp the tree was very funny.
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05-15-2010 , 06:11 PM
telling the story in alter ego mode makes it less painful
you = kyle
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05-15-2010 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by Windforce
telling the story in alter ego mode makes it less painful
you = kyle
ive posted another story about myself only on this thread...obviously im admitting im a degen...i dont have a problem with it....but on this occasion it was not mostly about me..
Degen Stories.... Quote
05-15-2010 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by pokerfish52
He runs really good and gets it up to 1k. Its late at the time and i say "kyle just cash it out, you can do good with that money."
I tell him kyle cash out 4k and gambollll with the other 1k, and you can pay off almost all your bills.
One week later, when the 1k check got here i come up with this idea saying lets take a trip to turning stone.
100% true. Why would i waste my time writing that long ass story if it wasnt plus i know im a degen but thats the best story i got
So in a week you became a degen?!?!?!?!
Degen Stories.... Quote
05-15-2010 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by Coff
Yo your screen name is tilting the hell out of me, you are prob one of those guys who wears the shirts on the boardwalk that say....

Federal. Booty. Inspector.

Or some corny crap like that when in actuality if a girl brushed up on your leg you would bust instantly. You sir really suck.
I think you might have mental health issues if a name on a forum tilts you.
Degen Stories.... Quote
05-15-2010 , 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by newk
So in a week you became a degen?!?!?!?!
what the **** are you talking about you ******
Degen Stories.... Quote
05-15-2010 , 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by HarleyPoker
what the **** are you talking about you ******
I'll break down really simple for the people that can put 2 and 2 together.

In his story he starts off telling his friend to cash out to pay people back. (not degen) Later in the story (a week later) he tells his friend that they should go to the casino with his winning from online poker, instead of using that money to pay back family and friends (degen)

he then puts in later posts about that he is so degen.

I'm just simply pointing out that he wasn't degen in the beginning of his story, and became degen later in the story.

are you following me. Did I make it simple enough for you to understand.
Degen Stories.... Quote
05-15-2010 , 08:34 PM
yea well heres mine i read this read starting feeling sorry for myself that why cant i run good ive never ran good for more than 20$ so i deposit all my savings 5k$ and start playing 1/2 on full tilt then think **** this i can play miles higher and play 50/100 and lose it in 20 minutes good eh? now im flat broke got no money nothing to my name cant even afford rent/food and when people say broke they mean like they havnt got enough to gamble with but no i mean broke broke not 1$ in my whole apartment pockets bank no friends i live away from them no family but anyway yea im gonna go smoke some pot and dream of being a poker player like everyday
Degen Stories.... Quote
05-15-2010 , 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by newk
I'll break down really simple for the people that can put 2 and 2 together.

In his story he starts off telling his friend to cash out to pay people back. (not degen) Later in the story (a week later) he tells his friend that they should go to the casino with his winning from online poker, instead of using that money to pay back family and friends (degen)

he then puts in later posts about that he is so degen.

I'm just simply pointing out that he wasn't degen in the beginning of his story, and became degen later in the story.

are you following me. Did I make it simple enough for you to understand.
well obvoisly you didnt graduate eh? nobody is a degen there whole life you have degen moments some more than others i still dont understand why you posted so your only a degen for a week when you only know what he has posted on 2+2 you dont know him
Degen Stories.... Quote
05-15-2010 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by HarleyPoker
well obvoisly you didnt graduate eh? nobody is a degen there whole life you have degen moments some more than others i still dont understand why you posted so your only a degen for a week when you only know what he has posted on 2+2 you dont know him
I actually posted that it took him a week to become a degen.

Please educate me how you go from voice of reason on the first to extreme degen on the 7th.
Degen Stories.... Quote
05-22-2010 , 02:37 PM
[QUOTE=rose22;19084573]first of all..maybe you should get a job if your trying to play poker on a 1,000.00 dollar bankroll! Secondly, if you are a serious poker player, what the hell are you doing at the craps and blackjack table? and last but not least, Im pretty sure this bad player your refering to, Bruce, took third place in a tourney of 400 plus people just two weeks prior to Wendover for 9g, placed in two other tounaments and cashed out aroud 6 g from the Wendover tournaments during the week you are speaking of???? buck up buddy and get a grip on your gambling problem!

Last edited by rose22; 05-22-2010 at 02:38 PM. Reason: entered twice
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05-22-2010 , 06:27 PM
Degen Stories.... Quote
05-22-2010 , 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by King Niche
i actually prayed to mary magdagascar..
Degen Stories.... Quote
05-23-2010 , 07:21 PM
What is wrong with you people? Its a degen thread, not a "how to help me" thread.
Degen Stories.... Quote
05-23-2010 , 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by johnnyballgame
I help a guy run a game and one of the regs. (that's been unemployed for 6 mos.) sits at the table and says he can't stay long. When i ask why, he says he is going to a gambler anomynous meeting in a couple hours. He explains that his wife is making him go because they are about ready to lose their house because he gambles away his unemployment check every week at our game; and he's been cashing out his 401K and what funds he had to live on. He busts out in time to go to his meeting and we don't see him for 2 weeks. When he makes it back, 2 weeks later, he goes on a heater for about 3 hours and has 3K in front of him. He is sooo happy.. laughing and joking at the table. We laugh with him, telling him how much GA helped his game. I pull him off to the side and tell him he should cash out, that he could make good use of that money. He says he is going to play for another hour or so. He proceeds to spew away all of his chips for the next hour and we all feel so sick for him. He goes busto and stands up from the table, looks at me and says f*** you and your game and leaves. Pretty sick to watch him laughing and talking about how much he needed to post a good win and how much the money meant to him to absolute zero in a little over an hour. Haven't seen him since and confirmed that he moved and lost his house.
so awesome
Degen Stories.... Quote
05-23-2010 , 09:11 PM
Originally Posted by Mr.Happy
take a monster dump and pass out in bed without wiping.
Lady luck, don't let me down. Grind on the mind. Let it ride... ship it this way, stack 'em high.
Degen Stories.... Quote
05-24-2010 , 02:00 AM
Won $1050 for 6th place in a $26 stars tourny coupla months ago then lost my roll ($1189) to a guy heads up in $1/2 later that morning around 6am and I had class at 830am. FML.
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