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Degen Stories.... Degen Stories....

07-13-2015 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by legionrainfall
Usually, it works like this:
"Keep it on red until I lose."

You have a sickness. You are a literal drug addict
You need to research about gambling addiction.
This monster will destroy every aspect of your life.. friends, family, career, health.
No money means no life. Good luck my friend. Get help.

What is funny is that you mentioned your wealthy parents.
You know they will bail you out.
You might as well cash out everything now, and run it up to $2,000,000
and then let it ride on red until it's gone. It's your destiny.
Keep what on red? I don't get the analogy. Like bet it all on roulette?
Degen Stories.... Quote
07-13-2015 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by Jazzy31133
Keep what on red? I don't get the analogy. Like bet it all on roulette?


I am only posting this to illustrate a point. This is how ALL degens operate.
They are DESTINED to lose. I apologize for any insults.
I really feel like I wish I can cure the degen, it makes me so angry.
I felt "tough love" might help, that's all.
It is hard to read this stuff.

First, it is very easy to be ahead. In the short run, EVERYONE is ahead at some point.
That is the entire basis of a casino game, to suck people in. In the LONG RUN, is when everyone loses. Short run, anything can happen.
You can be up $1000 from a starting bankroll of $50.

Then the reaction. Jolt of energy?
When a non-addict wins $20k, he is just calm and satisfied.
This is why degens are better off killing themselves instead of gambling.
Same outcome. I could literally give a degen $10,000,000 of free cash,
and the degen would lose it ALL before 24 hours is up.
A true sickness. A degen can go to $120k and NOT pay off his 4k debt.

As for "keep it on red", I'm talking about Martingale.
But, Degen will KEEP on double down until he loses.
Just moves to bigger stakes. Like you.

Fired up a $300 SNG and won. Ok so now I $2400 on Stars, ready for trip to AC next month. What do I do? Complete degen monkey tilt mode playing $300 and $500 SNG's.
Another fascinating look into the mind of people who are such addicted zombies that they will implode their lives. I can literally give a degen $1,000,000 and they will turn it into $50,000,000,000 and then put it all on black until they lose it.

The degen can never win any money at gambling.
He will just keep playing until he loses everything.

He can hit blackjack ONE THOUSAND TIMES IN A ROW.
He now has the entire world's money supply.
What does he do? Plays another hand with his entire stack!
If he wins? He now has TWICE the world's money supply at the table !!!
What does he do? Plays another hand with his entire stack!
Ohhh, back to zero, AND he forgot to pay the rent while he had the entire world's money supply.
It is actually safer to be married to a serial killer.

This is the degen bankroll.

Here's how it works.

Degen will have a nice win at a casino.
Normal people will go on with their lives.
Degen brings that $750 back next weekend,
along with his rent check and uncashed paycheck....

He will then put the entire $5,000 on Red.
He will win. He now has $10,000.

He will then put the entire $10,000 on Red.
He will win. He now has $20,000.

He will then put the entire $20,000 on Red.
He will win. He now has $40,000.

Now, degen starts using his advanced math skillz....
The odds of 4 reds in a row are 1/16 or 6%
But, red is

He will then put the entire $40,000 on Red.
He will win. He now has $80,000.

The odds of 5 reds in a row are 1/32 or 3%
But, red is

He will then put the entire $80,000 on Red.
He will win. He now has $160,000.

Now, degen is smart.
He's been gambling for years!
This is his PROFESSION.
He knows when to not push his luck, where others get sucked.
The odds of 6 reds in a row are 1/64 or 1.5%

But, degen is in that rare 1.5% of genuis psychic gamblers!!
Where mere pussies would walk away, degen is going to RULE THE WORLD
He will then put the entire $160,000 on Red.
He will win. He now has $320,000.

The odds of 7 reds in a row are 1/128 or under 1%
Now, degen is smart.
He's been gambling for years!
This is his PROFESSION.
Time to roll to black, like the genius James Bond he truly is!

He will then put the entire $320,000 on Red.
It comes red. He now has $0.
Stupid table does't understand math!!
The odds of 7 reds is like under 1%.

Always BAD LUCK!

Degen calls his mom so he can borrow $3 for a pizza for lunch.

TL;DR: Don't ever go to a casino ever again, and your life will be better in every way.

Last edited by legionrainfall; 07-13-2015 at 03:19 PM.
Degen Stories.... Quote
07-13-2015 , 03:02 PM
^ Jesus Christ are you insane or something?
Degen Stories.... Quote
07-13-2015 , 04:14 PM
permaban this idiot
Degen Stories.... Quote
07-13-2015 , 04:15 PM
did you like my poem legionfall?
Degen Stories.... Quote
07-13-2015 , 04:16 PM
you cut and paste that **** from a prior post ghey!
Degen Stories.... Quote
07-13-2015 , 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by straightflucked12
permaban this idiot
Seriously.. He keeps spewing the same crap all of us know. Yes we know we're degens and destined to lose it all. At least let us find some comfort and entertainment out of each others stories.
Degen Stories.... Quote
07-13-2015 , 04:18 PM
Fired up a $300 SNG and won. Ok so now I $2400 on Stars, ready for trip to AC next month. What do I do? Complete degen monkey tilt mode playing $300 and $500 SNG's.

How is this so "degen"? You are playing $300 sng to begin with. You keep playing. Its poker, thats what 99.9% of the forum is doing right now anyways. We dont "quit while ahead" at poker.
Degen Stories.... Quote
07-13-2015 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by straightflucked12
permaban this idiot
You had to flush him out... he was quiet for some time, so deal with it.
Degen Stories.... Quote
07-13-2015 , 06:49 PM
All it takes is one huge session for a degen to finally win large and get all the years of losses back.

That's the appeal, and that's also the fallacy. That's how they got the years of headache and hardship.
Degen Stories.... Quote
07-13-2015 , 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by legionrainfall
When a non-addict wins $20k, he is just calm and satisfied.
This might be one of the dumbest things I have heard.... So a casual gambler wins 20k and they are going to remain calm and feel satisfied. Lol ok sure buds maybe if it's Bill Gates? Lol ******
Degen Stories.... Quote
07-13-2015 , 07:53 PM
LOL, watch any pro gambler win big.. No emotions. Just, " nice hand".. Fist pumping Degen morons never make it that far....they're all broke.. ALL.
Degen Stories.... Quote
07-13-2015 , 09:29 PM
Originally Posted by bubonicplay
All it takes is one huge session for a degen to finally win large and get all the years of losses back.

That's the appeal, and that's also the fallacy. That's how they got the years of headache and hardship.
Yes, and then he will take EVERYTHING and start playing $60,000 hands of BJ.
The degen ALWAYS Martingale's himself back to $0. ALWAYS.
Degen Stories.... Quote
07-13-2015 , 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by Morphismus
You had to flush him out... he was quiet for some time, so deal with it.
I'm sorry, I will lay off.
I really am shocked no one appreciates my insight.
I think it's pretty dead accurate.
Degen Stories.... Quote
07-13-2015 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by legionrainfall
LOL, watch any pro gambler win big.. No emotions. Just, " nice hand".. Fist pumping Degen morons never make it that far....they're all broke.. ALL.
For some reason I can just tell you are absolutely miserable in real life. You have no desire to actually "help" any of us degens. Spitting off martingale facts about how degens are destined to lose it all. If some of us ask for help and admit we have lost all control then maybe contribute something meaningful instead of your normal garbage or just keep to yourself. Were you a former degen? Any stories to tell? If not the please and kindly gtfo out of this thread. Ive added you to my block you so I don't have to see anymore to your bs.
Degen Stories.... Quote
07-13-2015 , 09:37 PM
I have a solid story from the 4th of July weekend I spent in AC. On my phone so I'll most try and type something up tomorrow. Was one hell of a degen weekend as friend accidentally purchased a tranny for the night and then me going from down over 2 grand to booking a solid win with less then 100 bucks cash left for the trip.
Degen Stories.... Quote
07-13-2015 , 11:26 PM
^looking forward to it
Degen Stories.... Quote
07-14-2015 , 07:07 PM
Another beat- my cat chewed thru my MacBook charger so I'm having to write something up on my phone but should be able to get a decent write up of the events that happened last weekend.

My wife was going away on a bachelorette party for the entire weekend so I had I just planned to go down for the weekend and crush some touristy 2/5 at the borgata. Rooms were hard to come by as it's the busiest weekend of the year for Atlantic City but I managed to score a room for Friday and Saturday at the Taj. I had set aside 2k for the trip and left all my cards except the one with only a few hundred left in credit for the room fees. I was off on Friday so I went down nice and early... Decided to make a FB post letting friends know I would be down there with a room if people wanted to meet up. Turns out that was a big mistake. I check in around 2 and make my way over to the Borgata. I wait about 20 mins and sit down and buy in for the full 500. I managed to win some decent pots here and there and was catching solid hands.. I started to drink and it got later in the day and realized I prob should move down to 1/2 as I was pretty drunk by 7ish.

I did not move tables and managed to get crushed in a set over set situation for an 1800 pot.. I immediately got up and went to the roulette table with the remaining 500 I had on me. Got all nickels and placed about 250 over my spread of numbers. They did not hit. I did it again next spit. No luck.

Now im out of cash as I left the remaining 1k in the room and it's not even 8pm yet. I make my way back to the taxi stand and realize I don't have enough for a taxi... I check my FB post and turns out some friends were at the borgata going out that night. I met up with them and bummed 20 bucks after I explained the situation to one of my buddies. He just shook his head in disgust and couldn't fathom why I left all my cash in the room and cards at home. It's sad realizing what normal people think of us degens when we have to show our true colors. I get back to the Taj and decide I'm just gonna go out with them for the night and take 200 bucks and head back to the borgata after showering and getting changed. Keep in mind I haven't eaten all day and I've been crushing vodka drinks at 2 per hour. I meet up with all of them and it's even more than before stuffed into one room. There has to be 14 people in a basic king bed room doing various drugs, smoking endless cigs, and drinking heavily. I held back at first but then got the favor itch and started to dabble. We party all night at Mixx and it my state of openness offer to let some people stay in my room since I was by myself. As soon as I get back to the room I take the 800 or so I had left and hit the blackjack table. I was sitting at a 25$ table for over 4 hours never down or up more than a few hundo... I was pressing big too but loosing my splits and double downs. The favors started to wear off and I head back to the room.

I walk in to see an escort on my bed with a friend of a friend... First thing I notice is the Adam's apple and her slim 6'1 frame. I just walked out crying from laughter.... We all laid into him the next day but he swears all she did was blow him. Either way he argues that it was a female... Confirmed ladyboy tho.

I had no where to sleep in my own room so I made my way back down to the casino and donked around on some slots. Well I lost and I lost fast. Next thing I know I look at my wallet and I'm down to like 90 bucks. Depression started to hit me as I had the room booked for another night and I barely played any poker for the trip. So what's the logical thing to do?? I found a nickel slot and max bet for like 10$ a spin.. I hit a bonus with less than 30$ left for over 900. I then went on one of the best slot runs I've ever had. I would put a 100$ bill in and anytime I doubled it I would cash out. It was around 3pm on Saturday at this point and I had like 3 loosing machines in a row so I was calling it quits as I needed to eat and get some rest. As I fed the machine my tickets the total came out to around 2800. I felt good, like really good. I went back to the room and everyone was finally gone. I find out later they were calling/texting me but my phone was dead for hours now at this point.

I ended up popping two 1mg xanex and had a shot of jack and passed out until Sunday morning. I woke up, drove home and had dinner with my wife like it was a walk in the park. Work on Monday was a bitch bit def easier to swallow since I came out ahead.
Degen Stories.... Quote
07-14-2015 , 09:35 PM
Good story pockets. I'm glad you won. Slots are such a bad bet but nothing like
Them for a last ditch effort to
Get even. I had a decent win at Mohegan once
Like that for $1150. I'm banned for life So $50 more and the Bells go off. What would I do then? I feel I got much more under control lately but that's nuts playing $5 a spin and if you win big you can't keep the money plus maybe get arrested. 9 months to unbanned everywhere except Mohegan. Can't wait. I'm pretty sure ballys will comp me right Away again. Last time I played there I lost $7000 in one night then banned after my comped pancakes lol
Degen Stories.... Quote
07-14-2015 , 09:38 PM
I self banned and I regret it. But it made me chill a little on the high limit slots
Now I just crush card games and am living the dream.
Degen Stories.... Quote
07-15-2015 , 02:23 AM
nice story rockets, glad to see you come out on top on that one haha
Degen Stories.... Quote
07-15-2015 , 10:43 AM
Excellent story of borgata/tranny/etc
Degen Stories.... Quote
07-15-2015 , 12:29 PM
I always think about how much money I've lost gambling , and all the things I could have done with that money. It makes me try to win it all back, which makes me lose even more money
Degen Stories.... Quote
07-15-2015 , 02:28 PM
Pockets good story
Degen Stories.... Quote
07-16-2015 , 11:53 AM
5 years ago I lost 100 playing blackjack then another 100. So put $200 on black on roulette to win me cash back. Lost. $400 on black lost

$800 on black lost. $1600 on black. Lost I am now down $3200. I drive 2 hours home from the casino and decide to get $3200 and go back on black lost again.

Days later I got a small loan for $6400 . Put it on black again. Finally I broke even.

I then put $100 on black and it started again lol. and $100 on black and then i convinced myself to leave. Then learned pokers
Degen Stories.... Quote
