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Degen Stories.... Degen Stories....

11-16-2012 , 09:18 PM
fascinating stuff ^^
Degen Stories.... Quote
11-17-2012 , 04:35 AM
yeah I just played bad and got there after blowing 1.5k at 1/2nl

up 5k playing 500 a hand bj on partycasino

(actually 5.5k lmao)

Last edited by grando1.0; 11-17-2012 at 04:36 AM. Reason: the 1.5k was at casino regina - i know at least 3 of you know what i'm talking about...
Degen Stories.... Quote
11-19-2012 , 04:25 PM
One time I put 2/3 of my bankroll on a fantasy football team.

I know nothing about fantasy football.

I had the second pick and drafted mike Vick.

My team started off the season 0-11.

My roll at the time was $45.
Degen Stories.... Quote
11-19-2012 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by EagleEYE19
One time I put 2/3 of my bankroll on a fantasy football team.

I know nothing about fantasy football.

I had the second pick and drafted mike Vick.

My team started off the season 0-11.

My roll at the time was $45.
Story was going well until that last line
Degen Stories.... Quote
11-19-2012 , 07:10 PM
30 dollar fantasy football is serious business.
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11-19-2012 , 07:14 PM
Degen Stories.... Quote
11-20-2012 , 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by dgiharris
Not an idiot, a degen. Back at the height of my degening in 1999, I would go days without eating because I gambled all my money away and didn't even have enough to buy Raman noodles.

one thing I used to do was hook up on yahoo personals and and date a fat girl just so I could eat. I'd use them for a while until I had a good run...

In fact, fat girls are a great degen resource that is often under utilized. Yes, you have to have occassional chubby sex, but its not to bad. Fat girls try harder and usually give top notch BJs that will makes your penis scream for mercy.
I'm crying, here LOOOL
Degen Stories.... Quote
11-27-2012 , 01:21 PM
Not really a degen story just felt like this thread needed to be bumped from page 4

2 months ago me and my friend in college started playing poker at the casino after playing multiple home games. After about two months of playing what i consider to be questionable poker at best he has sold his headphones for 50$ and after being broke last weekend gave me his 7th generation ipod in exchange for 60$ to get a taxi home because he wanted to sleep at the casino to play the 5k free roll in the morning. He now will not respond to me most likley because he lost the free roll and was stranded at the casino for days because 60$ is not enough to get home with. As far as I can tell the 2k that used to be in his bank account is gone and he is completely broke sunday he went with a friend just to watch him play poker. When he did win originally he would spew it all over roulette and blackjack.
Ultimate degen = going to casino to just watch poker cuz you have no monies

If you read this give me my 60$ or im gonna sell your ipod its worth more than that...
Degen Stories.... Quote
11-27-2012 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by ruo42
lol, just saw this.

They are doing really well within their division this year. Just if they could pick it up against other teams.

Go Rams!
Degen Stories.... Quote
11-27-2012 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by stepierc
2 months ago me and my friend in college started playing poker...

If you read this give me my 60$ or im gonna sell your ipod its worth more than that...
[ ] Good friends
Degen Stories.... Quote
11-27-2012 , 04:48 PM
im sure other BBV'ers have relationships like this where your friend takes advantage of your generosity and you have to be harsh to get them to pay up. sorry for derailing
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11-27-2012 , 05:33 PM
This is pretty sick.
Degen Stories.... Quote
11-27-2012 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by wWizardG
This is genius.
How to make a fat girl happy: eat her food.

Fat girls feel bad about eating. It makes them depressed. When you eat their food, they feel better, because you've just made yourself a little bit fatter.

My two cents...
Big girls were built for ****ing. A real man goes for girls with curves.
Skinny girls are for magazines and television. Only a brainwashed little penis goes for skinny girls.
There's curvy girls and then there's flabby girls. Flabby girls are disgusting and their low self esteem is the worst part, unless you're just using them for free meals lol.
Degen Stories.... Quote
11-27-2012 , 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by Username^^
I lost over 6K in half year. 6K of my hard earned money ... Now i am unemployed for over a year, and i dont even have shoes but i dont care, i dont need anything i just keep hoping that we all gona die at 2012 so this bst could end .
Just under a month for everyone to degen, so throw it in the air
Degen Stories.... Quote
11-28-2012 , 12:38 AM
Originally Posted by absolutefish
I may gamble a lot. But I always leave enough for food.


Pffttt. I guess I should post a couple stories in this thread.. One day.

FWIW: Not leaving enough money for food is super-standard degen. I dunno where you're from, but in Australia you're NEVER going to starve (unless you deliberately do it). But here you can always be sure you can spend all your food money and still be able to eat some where / somehow. One really simple way is just to walk through food courts and eat all the left overs on the plates, or if you're more criminally inclined you can always order food somewhere and just run away from the bill.
Degen Stories.... Quote
11-28-2012 , 01:00 AM
Originally Posted by Carnivore
didnt someone post the exact same story itt
Degen Stories.... Quote
11-28-2012 , 01:20 AM
Degen Stories.... Quote
11-28-2012 , 07:54 AM
Originally Posted by OMGLillianLee
Got a friend who bought the french "poker for dummies" and decided to deposit 400 online. Of course he started out at 10/20 minbet and somewhat ran good and won like 10k. So he decided he was killing the game and lost everything he had at 200/400 NL. Funny part, he tells the story to a little group of friends, and everyone was like, "wow nice, from 400 to 10k in one day", and he was like, "yeah that book helped me a lot, good stuff in here".
LMFAO Can't stop laughing!!!
Degen Stories.... Quote
11-28-2012 , 10:15 AM
Deposited and donked off around $2500 this past month, mostly dumb shot taking and roulette play-- drunk and stoned for roughly 99% of all hands/bets.

Found myself surprisingly self-aware at not only the sketchiness of depositing on a site I may never be able to withdraw from, but the acceptance of my own degening and the fact that I simply wanted to play outside any semblance of reasonable BRM and shot-take the days away on any table, tourney, or roulette run.

My younger brother died in a car accident earlier this year at the age of 19 (wow, it's still insanely f*cked up to write that), and I've been in a bit of an altered state since then. I've found it incredibly hard to grasp my old value systems; things like money seem to be of least importance. Don't get me wrong, I'm not flushing away large amounts of cash (not that anyone would volunteer to donk $2500), but I'm beginning to see it simply as the tool it is; a means to an end.

Losing the $2500 doesn't make me feel better, but it certainly doesn't make me feel worse. I topped out at about $4k, and I wasn't really feeling better at the top, either. It's strange to admit the strikingly obvious, as if it is some form of defeat, that I likely won't find fulfillment by clicking around the virtual felt. Live play at least has human interaction, and the increased edge over online these days (The States), but I doubt I will find any reason there either.

Perhaps that is the innate beauty we find in the Degenerate. It is brutal honesty: the ability to gamble stakes so high, it may be reaching to a state of nirvana. The ability to let that which does not matter, truly slide. At times we open our eyes wide enough to realize this truth-- that in 100 years, despite every achievement you have or haven't accomplished, you will be right alongside every human that has ever existed. Innumerable specks of stardust.

I may use poker as a supplement for a few more "tools" along my life's journey, but every tool will be aimed toward tangible fulfillment in this painfully short existence of ours. Because honestly, what else are we to do? Certainly not fret about bad beats, or conversely, just pile up massive stacks of money. I am not attempting an enlightened Bodhisattva, I'm simply done with the bullsh*t.

Cliffs: Why give a f*ck?
Degen Stories.... Quote
11-28-2012 , 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by whatthejish
Deposited and donked off around $2500 this past month, mostly dumb shot taking and roulette play-- drunk and stoned for roughly 99% of all hands/bets.

Found myself surprisingly self-aware at not only the sketchiness of depositing on a site I may never be able to withdraw from, but the acceptance of my own degening and the fact that I simply wanted to play outside any semblance of reasonable BRM and shot-take the days away on any table, tourney, or roulette run.

My younger brother died in a car accident earlier this year at the age of 19 (wow, it's still insanely f*cked up to write that), and I've been in a bit of an altered state since then. I've found it incredibly hard to grasp my old value systems; things like money seem to be of least importance. Don't get me wrong, I'm not flushing away large amounts of cash (not that anyone would volunteer to donk $2500), but I'm beginning to see it simply as the tool it is; a means to an end.

Losing the $2500 doesn't make me feel better, but it certainly doesn't make me feel worse. I topped out at about $4k, and I wasn't really feeling better at the top, either. It's strange to admit the strikingly obvious, as if it is some form of defeat, that I likely won't find fulfillment by clicking around the virtual felt. Live play at least has human interaction, and the increased edge over online these days (The States), but I doubt I will find any reason there either.

Perhaps that is the innate beauty we find in the Degenerate. It is brutal honesty: the ability to gamble stakes so high, it may be reaching to a state of nirvana. The ability to let that which does not matter, truly slide. At times we open our eyes wide enough to realize this truth-- that in 100 years, despite every achievement you have or haven't accomplished, you will be right alongside every human that has ever existed. Innumerable specks of stardust.

I may use poker as a supplement for a few more "tools" along my life's journey, but every tool will be aimed toward tangible fulfillment in this painfully short existence of ours. Because honestly, what else are we to do? Certainly not fret about bad beats, or conversely, just pile up massive stacks of money. I am not attempting an enlightened Bodhisattva, I'm simply done with the bullsh*t.

Cliffs: Why give a f*ck?
**** man.... that's way too much thought for this thread. Consider cross posting this in a more serious forum.
Degen Stories.... Quote
11-28-2012 , 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by ludacris
**** man.... that's way too much thought for this thread. Consider cross posting this in a more serious forum.
Yeah, kinda spat a bit more than I meant to initially. Apologies for the heavy.
Degen Stories.... Quote
11-28-2012 , 10:32 AM
Being stoned or drunken seems to be some sort of cool habbit these days for degens.. Why blame it on drugs and booze if you just epic fail being an average pokerplayer?
Degen Stories.... Quote
11-28-2012 , 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by runlikegump
Being stoned or drunken seems to be some sort of cool habbit these days for degens.. Why blame it on drugs and booze if you just epic fail being an average pokerplayer?
I don't blame drugs and booze at all, actually. I've been stoned for a majority of my poker playing years, I simply didn't degen before this instance. We can get into credentials and crap, but I'm only up a minor amount lifetime (~8k, mostly live) and stopped giving a f*ck about being an "average poker player" when my brother died. This was actually my first month back on the tables since March, and I honestly don't see myself playing much at all, beyond this point. Because as I've realized, I honestly wouldnt mind setting all my money on fire.
Degen Stories.... Quote
11-28-2012 , 11:30 AM
And to make up for the small derail, I do have a story about a buddy of mine. Back when Pokerstars was still playable in the states, I had a poker friend who I would occasionally send a small amount of PS $$ after some long live sessions or whatnot.

Quick background, this is the type of guy who would ring me once in a blue moon from a different unknown number and offer something ridiculous, like a bar of xanax or DMT, just for a ride to some oddball location-- I typically declined these offers.

Fast forward to my aiding his discovery of Pstars, and he asked for a few more buy ins with increasing frequency. After the cutting off point, he became the beacon for any and all local live games. As he would proudly state, he wanted to bank easy money off of locals and use it to crush the endless opponents worldwide. Foolproof, right?

After a few weeks, no one has seen the guy or knows where to find him (no cell phone, naturally). He doesn't turn up until about 2 months later, when I see him bussing tables at a restaurant I'm eating at. He explains the entire ordeal to me over an offered beer.

In the short weeks I had introduced him to online poker, he had managed to overdraft both his checking and credit to the tune of $15,000 dollars. That, however, was only the first week. He then went on to using sets of BOTH his parents cards (different households) for an additional $30,000. He loaded up on multiple sites playing both poker and table games like craps and roulette.

His idea (naturally) was that he would be able to win enough to put all the money back without his parents knowing. Miraculously, he had actually pulled off some insane plays and was sitting at something like $50k. That is, until he found out that it was literally impossible to withdraw the money fast enough in order to hit his parents' accounts before overdrafting. Cue monkey tilt.

You know the score, ends up losing every single cent and is apparently still paying his parents back to this day, three years later. Last year when I visited town, he was still bussing tables at the same restaurant.
Degen Stories.... Quote
11-28-2012 , 03:06 PM
Hey, diff account to conceal identity. I just lost 38k playing max $250/ hand blackjack. 3 spots, betting max every time. Was never really up, just hovering and losing and hovering and losing. I have 60 bucks in my checking account and 60 bucks cash to my name. This is about double the most I've ever lost in one day before. Pretty ****ty feeling atm....Why must wire cashouts take more than 2 days to be processed? FML
Degen Stories.... Quote
