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The craptacular threads thread The craptacular threads thread

09-10-2009 , 03:17 PM

I love rakeback
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09-10-2009 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by Oopspoops
hmmm to get a rb account on full tilt all i did was make a new account and they closed my old non-rb one, they told me by email.
I thought they didn't let u do this as I woulda done this long ago if it was an option, but congratz on gettin it done that way
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09-10-2009 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by Texas_Oldham

I love rakeback
nice hot links
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09-10-2009 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by RedRocket7
lol better than any story of yours you punk...also Ive played very sparingly since I was 18 (Im barely 22 now) and managed to make about 4 k just playin low limits off and was only this summer that I started to put alot of time in it with only 50 bux in my account...SS me, not a bad profit for starting out with 50 bux in my account without winning any suk it douche
LOL what did he say wrong, he was giving you a compliment....
The craptacular threads thread Quote
09-10-2009 , 03:55 PM

that is until i get unwillingly resubscribed
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09-10-2009 , 03:56 PM
Quite a few times when I've been called for a seat at the V, I've noticed a few locals get all panicky and many times, start to rack up, when they see me strutting to the table.

Obviously, there's no way for the tourists to know what they're getting into, but I do find it amusing to see locals frantically throwing chips into a rack to sneak away from The Big Stack. Obviously, I wouldn't mind it if these locals were decent players, but they're donks. I've even called them out on their actions a few times.

I noticed a local who immediately called for a rack when I sat to his left.

"Where ya goin?" I asked him with a big Vegas grin.
"Uh...dinner" he stammered nervously, quickly filling his rack with redbirds.
"A little early, isn't it?" I asked, pointing to my bling watch, which read 3:15pm.
"Hungry, man" he responded quickly, tossed the dealer a white chip, and headed off to the cage.

Now, while I know all about game selection, but seeing the fear in the eyes of these guys is almost too much to take. Can any other grinders relate?

-The Big $tack

Last edited by Rapini; 09-10-2009 at 03:59 PM. Reason: Moved from B&M to BBV.
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09-10-2009 , 03:58 PM
My life story.

Two years ago I was playing poker as my only source of income while going to college. I was attending school full time and playing poker approx 20-25 hours a week. I was playing 1/2 NL live games and over a 6 month period had been earning an hourly of approx $40 an hour. (I understand this is extremely high for 1/2 and believe it was a combo of crushing the games at the time and having the better side of variance).

School let out in may and in my first month of summer I had earned $2500. Still only playing 20-25 hours a week as I spent a good amount of time getting wasted, going to the beach, and getting wasted. I also starting hanging around the wrong people. Long story short one of the kids I was playing poker with broke into my apartment and robbed me of $1900 the day before he left for Israel to go back to the army. (Im not jewish) This amount was substantial to me as I was still paying for college (tuition about $5-6 K per semester). My roll was only about 6K now and I would need to have that much to cover my tuition. Anyway this ****ed up my head and my game majorly as I began to try to recover the money quickly. I almost did as I cashed out for $1300 at a 1/2 game the next day, but after that I began to get crushed by some awful beats on top of my ill fortune prior. Anywho, my game was never the same.

I took a job figuring that it would help balance me mentally but I when working full time I never had the zest to play often enough. I am not one to be able to work 8 hours, then get off work and go grind. I want to do other things with my time, and still have a life.

I am currently 23 years old, I work in a cubicle in human resources in a casino. I make $13 dollars an hour, before taxes. I am back in school, going for a masters in education (night classes). My job is simply a paycheck ( and health insurance) and a very small pay check at that.

I can not help but think, How did it all go so wrong?
Right now I am thinking that I would be much better off getting fired, collecting unemployment and grinding again, while going to school for the next two years. However, I just dont know, should I?
The craptacular threads thread Quote
09-10-2009 , 03:58 PM
lol, in b4 trolling.
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09-10-2009 , 03:59 PM
Poker is a drug, and you injected it..
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09-10-2009 , 04:01 PM
they're probably scared of your arrogance...
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09-10-2009 , 04:03 PM
i love checking over the front page of bbv, seeing the thread is moved, and scrolling over the thread just to see if it ended up here
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09-10-2009 , 04:03 PM
it went wrong when that kid stole your money
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09-10-2009 , 04:03 PM
If you still have a BR after you paid for college, try grinding after work and see how that works out.
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09-10-2009 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by JHair
it went wrong when that jew stole your money
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09-10-2009 , 04:05 PM
I once shot a guy in an underground game

people don't like to play with me anymore

Last edited by tbhouston; 09-10-2009 at 04:07 PM. Reason:
The craptacular threads thread Quote
09-10-2009 , 04:06 PM
Hey Vegas Vic is back with a new SN.
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09-10-2009 , 04:08 PM
I'm not sure how much it matters if people "fear" if you if the game your playing in requires players tossing the dealers white chips to tip....
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09-10-2009 , 04:10 PM
Welcome to the real world I guess.. I think only very few are able to go pro in poker and maintain it. Working your ass off and going to school is the more common path. If $1900 was that substantial to you and you needed your roll for tuition fee than you weren't really properly rolled anyway. Plus the way I read it, quitting your job and attempting poker again just focusing on -having- to make a certain amount, doesn't seem like the best idea concidering your previous mental instability concerning poker.

Why not get a job somewhat relevant to your studies and build up a resume.. else you'll have a master but no jobs cause especially in these economic times.. not many companies will hire someone with an empty resume.

Just my 2 cents.
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09-10-2009 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by The Big Stack
I've even called them out on their actions a few times.
Your ego is costing you money. Why would you want to verbally belittle the other regulars in the games? If your edge is so huge against them, don't you want to make them more comfortable so that they'll play?

And yes, any NL200 grinder can play 1/2 or 2/5 live, and feel like Tom Dwan on the latest season of High Stakes Poker. Foreign concepts such as "barreling scare cards," "lite 3bets," and "thin value bets" will undoubtedly fill their eyes and hearts with fear. That doesn't make you cool though, or worthy of a name like "The Big Stack."

If you really want to see if you are a baller, go bring a rack of black chips to the bellagio 10/20 or 25/50 games, and see if people start racking up their chips when you sit down.
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09-10-2009 , 04:16 PM
Start wearing a disguise LDO.
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09-10-2009 , 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by JHair
it went wrong when that kid stole your money

dont get point of this thread. just makes me hate the existence of unemployment programs. i'm paying taxes to pay for you grinding poker? gtfo
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09-10-2009 , 04:17 PM
Soapafly, I agree with your comments. The problem is my job isnt relevant to my future career. I am getting a masters in education to be a science teacher. I will get a masters degree and a teacher certificate at the same time. The only relevant career path would be substitute teaching which I am working on.

Nuisance, I also agree, however playing after work hasnt worked out as I never feel like playing after putting in 8 hours in a mind draining office. Also sitting down all day I never feel like sitting down for 4 or 5 more hours. On paper it always seems great, however it hasnt panned out.

I am alot more mature now than I was then. I think I am a much different person. I also no longer party. I agree with everyone though.

vetiver, You arent currently paying for me to grind poker as I am still working and have not left my job. However, it is possible you may be. Also, I have payed into my own unemployment myself for the last 2 years. There is no major point of the thread, just pointing my intentions out there, getting feedback, and describing the BEAT that is working in a cubicle while downstairs on the casino floor the WPT is going on.
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09-10-2009 , 04:18 PM
Quit being a bitch.

I know plenty of people who come from real hardships in their youth, who had to work full time while going to school. They are willing to make the necessary sacrifices to be successful, and you are complaining that you don't have the ambition to play poker after working only 8 hours? Give me a break, you are 23, grow the **** up.

Where things went wrong was when you dad failed to teach you to be a man.
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09-10-2009 , 04:20 PM
Have you ever stabbed someone?
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09-10-2009 , 04:22 PM
chodezilla itt
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